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AMBUJA VIDYA PEETH, TERM 1 PRACTICAL – IP -CLASS 12, Note: Total Practical Time: 1:30 Mins, , MM:15, , The following practical is to be done within 45 mins, (A) Write a menu driven program in python to carry out the following task, (1) To create two series name mark1 and mark2. Add the marks of both series and, display the total, (2) Create a csv file of the total marks, (3) Plot a bar graph of the total marks with a proper title and label, , (B) Write a menu driven program in python to carry out the following task, (1) To create a data frame name Student with 4 columns (name, class, fee, marks) and, 5 rows. Replace all the negative values in marks with zero., (2) Create a csv file of students, (3) Plot a pie chart of the fees with a proper title and label, , (C) Write a menu driven program in python to carry out the following task, (1) To create a data frame name Sales with 3 columns (name, sale_Aug, sale_Sept,, sale_Oct) and 5 rows. Locate 3 largest values in data frame, (2) Create a csv file of sales, (3) Plot two lines in two different views of the same window of sale_Aug and, sale_Sept with a proper title and label, , (D) Write a menu driven program in python to carry out the following task, (1) To create a data frame name Employee with 4 columns (name, depart, salary,, bonus) and 5 rows. Replace all the missing values in bonus with 500., (2) Create a csv file of students, (3) Plot a pie chart of the fees with a proper title and label, , (E) Write a menu driven program in python to carry out the following task, (1) To plot a horizontal bar chart of favourite bank of different sets of people., (Bank – ‘SBI, ‘Axis’, ‘Cananra’, ‘HDFC’, ‘ICICI’), (People – 65, 12, 08, 11, 04), (2) Create a csv file of the above data, (3) Print all the elements having values more than 10