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Motor Fitness test, 1. 50 m standing start, Measure the acceleration, speed Measuring tape, stop watch,, speed of the athete, cone, flat and clear surface, 2. 600 m Run/walk, Measure the aerobic fitness, Running track, marking coenes, recording, of the athlete, sheets, stop watch, 3. SIT and Reach, Measure the flexibility of the, Sit and Reach Box, measuring tape, athlete, 4. Partial Cur/up, Measure the abdominal strength Stop watch, recording sheet, non sliping, of the athlete, surface, 5. Push up (Boys), Measure the upper body, Stop watch, non sliping surface, recording, muscles strength, sheet, 6. Modified push up (Girls), Measure the upper body muscles, Stop watch, non sliping surface, recording, strength, sheet, 7. Standing Broad Jump, Measure the explosive power of Measuring tape, landing area, legs., 8. 4 × 10 m shuttle Run, Measure agility and speed, Wooden Blooks, stop watch, cones, non, while running between two line, sliping suface