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AW Hot the tuo given cells using a potentiometer,, Pntioneter, a plug hey, a theestat, two cells, jockey, four way key, battery, Monreter, connecting Wires ele, , , , , , tal cell method or Separate cell method —, , an, Ry t 3, ec balancing length when cell Bis in the circuit and L . ts the balaneing length whe, he circuit, ‘ sO, and difference method — r, Rte l . BAL, , . “ ey “, Boe Be Lad,, 1, is the balancing length when both cells assist cach oth “, , P ; er Le, Bee BL (sum netted) aint, » W the balancing length when both cells oppose cach other i ©., , B= BL (ditterence method), Procedure: :, , Part — 1 (Individual cell Method or Separate cell method), 1. Care has to be taken that BD BY, , 2 Connect the circuit as shown it Had). Close the key K to bring the cireuit in workings ®, 4) the eiremit it y, current will start Howing. Adjust the theastat at Mintmun resistance tie maine cunt ", sis ‘, the cnet, , % Take the coll BL in the ciemit by closing key &, ake Ko,, , Then tone i of, wel the jockey at zero cml &, potentiometer wire and note the diction of ., , detection in the, at the other end of the potentionieter wite, I the, , the first case, the camnections are correct (HE the d, , + jpckd, Gulvanometer, Touch the & ,, Minwetion of detlection is opposite © thel, election is it the same direction the &, , aS, i, , , , “~~ canned witn vams¢ann
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r, , , , Mean, , , , Calculations:, , , , \ Seste art po Jr, HT eE, /E, using separate or individual cell method =. v1.6, , <2 Etiising-sunranPdifferencemethod-s....... oe a no, Precautions: \3, 1. All the connections and plug keys should be tight., 2. In part—I, see that Es > Z, and E's > E,. (|, 3. In part—TII, see that Es > E+E, Es>E, -E, and E, >£,,, 4. For a given set, the setting of the _— should be the same while determining the balance, point P, and P,., S., , The balancing lengths should be measured from the point A,, , ~~, , ocanned with Gamscann