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Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), Member countries, Observer countries, Observers countries, 24. Chile, 55. X Jamaica, 87. Phipines, 115. Vanuatu, 25., Colombia, 56., Jordan, 88. 1Qatar, 116. Venezuela, 26., Comoros, 57., Kenya, 89.Rwanda, 117. * Vietnam, 27. 7 Congo, 58. E Kuwait, 90. Saint Kits and, 118. Yemen, 28.E Cuba, 59. O Laos, Nevis, 119. Zambia, 29., Democratic Republic 60. I Lebanon, 91. Saint Lucia, 120.E Zimbabwe, of the Congo, 61., Lesotho, 92. Saint Vincent and, the Grenadines
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30., Djibouti, 62., Liberia, 93., São Tomé and, 1. O Afghanistan, | Algeria, | Angola, 4. Antigua and, 31., Dominica, 63. O Libya, Príncipe, 3., 32., Dominican Republic, 64., | Madagascar, 94. E Saudi Arabia, 33., Ecuador, 65., Malawi, 95. | Senegal, Barbuda, 34., Egypt, 66., Malaysia, 96. Z Seychelles, 5. Azerbaijan, 35., Equatorial Guinea, 67. Maldives, 97., Sierra Leone, 6., Bahamas, 36., Eritrea, 68., Mali, 98., Singapore, 37. Eswatini, |Somalia, South Africa, 7., Bahrain, 69. U Mauritania, 99., | Bangladesh, 38. E Ethiopia, 70., Mauritius, 100., 8., 9., |Barbados, 39. Fiji, 71., | Mongolia, 101. IE Sri Lanka, 10., Belarus, 40., Gabon, 72., Morocco, 102., Sudan, eBelize, 41., Gambia, 73., Mozambique, 103., Suriname, 11., 12., Benin, 42., Ghana, 74. Myanmar, 104., Syria, 13., Bhutan, 43., Grenada, 75., Namibia, 105., Tanzania, 14., Bolivia, 44., Guatemala, 76., Nepal, 106., Thailand, 15., Botswana, 45., Guinea, 77., Nicaragua, 107. Timor-Leste, 16., Brunei Darussalam, 46., Guinea-Bissau, 78., Niger, 108., Togo, 17., Burkina Faso, 47., Guyana, 79. II Nigeria, 109., |Trinidad and, 18., |Burundi, 48., Haiti, 80. O North Korea, Tobago, 19., Cape Verde, 49., Honduras, 81., Oman, 110. O Tunisia, 20. Cambodia, 50., India, 82., Pakistan, 111., |Turkmenistan, 21., Cameroon, 51., Indonesia, 83., Palestine, 112., Uganda, 22. T Central African, 52., Iran, 84., Panama, 113. EUnited Arab, Emirates, Republic, 53., Iraq, 85., Papua New Guinea, 114., Uzbekistan, 23. | Chad, 54., | Ivory Coast, 86., Peru, 24. Chile, 55., | Jamaica, 87. Philippines, 115., |Vanuatu, 25., Colombia, 56., Jordan, 88., | Qatar, 116. a Venezuela, 57. Kenya, Rwanda, 117. * Vietnam, 26., Comoros, 89., 27. Congo, 58. E Kuwait, 90., Saint Kits and, 118., Yemen, 28. E Cuba, 59., Laos, Nevis, 119., |Zambia, 29. Democratic Republic, 60. I Lebanon, 91. A Saint Lucia, 120., Zimbabwe, of the Congo, 61., Lesotho, 92. V| Saint Vincent and, 2.