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freedom.... we step out from, the old to the new...., we end, today a period of ill fortune and India, discovers herself again. The achievement we, celebrate today is but a step, an opening of, opportunity ...”,, , -Jawaharlal Nehru Spell out the agenda of nation, building that flows from these two statements., Which one appeals more to you and why?, , Answer: These two statements focus on the agenda of, secularism, democracy, sovereignty and freedom. It focuses, on the path which will lead to the real development and, prosperity of our country. The first statement appeals to me, more than the second one because it invokes the countrymen, to remain awake, alert and conscious as it is not the end of, our struggle. The time to build the nation initiates now., , 6. What are the reasons being used by Nehru for, keeping India secular? Do-you think these reasons, were only ethical and sentimental? Or were there, some prudential reasons as well?, , Answer: Reasons for keeping India secular:, , 1. All the Muslims did not leave India during participation,, some muslims stayed in India as a minority and Jawaharlal, Nehru wanted to deal with them in a very civilised and, dignified manner., , 2. He advocated security and democratic rights of Muslims, as a citizen of India., , No, these reasons were not only ethical and sentimental, but, there were some prudential reasons also as:, , 1. India’s secular nature cherished its long term goals and, principles