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INDEX, Page, SI. No., Topics, Date, No., INVERTEBRATES, Hydra, Liver fluke, 1., 2, Ascaris, 4, Earthworm, Leech, Honeybee, Silkworm, 7,, Prawn, Pila, 10, Starfish, VERTEBRATES, 11, Rohu, Frog, Garden lizard, 12, 13, 14, Pigeon, 15, Rabbit, MORPHOLOGY G ANATOMY, Mouth parts of cockroach, Digestive system of cockroach, 16, 17
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INDEX, INDEX, Page, Page, SI. No., Topics, Date, SI. No., Topics, Date, No., No., PHYSIOLOGY, SLIDE PREPARATION, 18, Heart, 34, Human cheek epithelium, 19, Lungs, 35, Human blood smear, Kidney, EMBRYOLOGY, T.S of ovary, 20, 21, Brain, 36, Eye, T.S of testis, 22, 37, 23, Ear, 38, T.S of blastula, HISTOLOGY, GENETICS, Striated, Study of Mendelian inheritance, Pedigree analysis, 24, 39, 25, Smooth muscle, 40, 26, Cardiac muscle, EVOLUTION, OSTEOLOGY, Analogous & homologous organs, 41, Types of joints, Ball & Socket, Hinge joint, Gliding joint & Pivot joint, 27, COMMON HUMAN DISEASES, 28, 42, Ascaris, 29, 43, Entamoeba, BIOCHEMICAL EXPERIMENTS, 44, Plasmodium, 30, Starch digestion by Sali. amylase, 45, Ringworm, 31, Test for starch, Test for glucose/ sugar in urine, Test for protein albumin, 32, 33