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Small blind sac, No absorption,It hosts some symbiotic microorganisms., , Bears Vermiform Appendix (A small finger like projection from caecum with unknown, function ), , 2. Colon with 3 parts, , Ascending, , Transverse, , Descending, , 3 Rectum -Temporary storage of faeces, Rectum opens out by Anus., , Wall of Alimentary canal, , 4 layers, , ¢ 1.Serosa (Thin mesothelium, , Serosa, , ¢ 2.Muscularis (Smooth muscles), Inver eels, usa, , juter-longitudinal |, , ¢@ 3.Sub-mucosa (Loose connective tissue, , Sub-mucosa, , Mucosa,, , with nerves, blood and lymph vessels), , ¢ 4.Mucosa (includes Villi in intestine Lumen, , , , and Rugae in stomach), Mucosal layer forms small finger like folding- Intestinal villiLacteal- Lymph vessel in the center of the villus, Each villus has numerous microvilli., Crypts of lieberkuhn-Glandular cells present at the base of the villi, , Function of the villi-Increases the surface area for digestion and absorption of food, , Digestive glands and enzymes, , 1.Salivary glands