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Tap root modifications, Modification Name, , Conical root, , , , Napiform root Beet root, turnip, Tumip, , Adventitious root modification:, , Carrot ‘, , , , , , Modification Name Example Function Features, Tuberous root Sweet potato torage From each node roots are arised., They store food., , Prop root Banyan tree Mechanical support | From the branches hanging roots are, arised., It Support the branches, , Stilt root Maize, sugar cane | Mechanical support | From the lower nodes roots arise., They support the plant, , Respiratory root Rhizophora respiration, [pneumatophore], , Negatively geotropic roots arise from, some marshy plants with many pores ., These pores help in gaseous exchange, , , , , , THE STEM, , The stem is developed from plumule of the embrye. The stem posses nodes and internodes., , Nodes are regions from where the leaves are arised. While internodes are the region between two adjacent, nodes., , The stem can be classified into underground stem, sub aerial stem and aerial stem, , , , ¢ an underground stem grow uncer the soil. Eg. Ginger, , sub aerial stems grow like creepers. They are week stems. Eg. Oxalis, aerial stems are upright stems., , a, , Underground stem modifications, , Eg. Ginegr , turmeric, colacassia, zaminkand in all these root store food., Because of this storage they are swollen, , Subaerial stem modifications, , , , ame face SSCS, Pistia, Eichornia Thick and stout internode., , group of leaves arise from each node, Mint, jasmine Lower branch grow vertically for some time then it bends to soil, , and again grow vertically., , Pine apple, banana, Chrysanthemum | Lateral branch arise from the underground part of main stem and, (2a00) nd it grow horizontally. Then come out and produce leaves.