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11, Position words, Let's link it, Let's play a game., Take a sheet of paper and crush it into a ball. Tell your friend to do these actions., 1. Hold the ball in your hand., 2. Put the ball on your desk., 3. Put the ball under your desk., 4. Hold the ball above your head., So what happened? Your friend changed the place of the ball each time you told, him/her to do an actlon., he words in, on, under, and above tell us about the position of the ball. These words, are called position words., 49
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A. Here is a bear. It finds a box. Complete the sentences to tell where it is, the position words given in the box. One has been done for you., behind, under, in, over, on, between, the box., 1. The bear is, 2. The bear jumps, over, the box., behind, 3. The bear is, the box., 4. The bear is, betweeen, the boxes., 5. The bear is, under, the table., 6. The bear is, on, the table., B, Mother Bear is telling a story to Little Bear. Fill in the blanks to complete, the story., It was Little Bear's birthday. Mother Bear baked a cake. There were four candie, on, the cake. Little Bear's friends came to the party., 50
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They played hide-and-seek. The kitten hid, under, the table., The pup hid, in, the cupboard. The chicks hid, above, the cupboard. The little rabbit did not know where to, behind, hide. It just stood, Little Bear. Can you guess who, Little Bear found first?, Let's perfect it, A. Look around the class and fill in the blanks., windes, 1., I am sitting near the, box, is on my desk., bork, head, 2. A, 3. Under my desk I can see a, 4. The ceiling is above my, 5. There is a, bottle, in my bag., 6. My, friend, is sitting behind me., B. Read the sentences. Draw a picture for each sentence in your drawing book., 1. A boat is sailing on water., 2. A fish is swimming under the boat., 3. A bird is flying above the boat.
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Comprehension, leok et the picture of Little Bear. Write about what you see in the picture, Use the words given in the box. You may have to use some words twice, blue, in, yellow, five, green, pink, red, on, 1 Litle Bear is holding ive, five., in, balloons, his hands., blue, hed, Pink, 2. The balloons are, yellow, green,and., in colour., 3. He is wearing a purple hat, on, his head., 4. Around his neck he has a, hed, frill., 5. Little Bear is standing, on, the green grass.