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ae N | ris, (1) Describe what the nurse expects to do, for accomplishing client goal., eg: to teach the client how to do deep, breathing exercise., , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Gives direction/pathway to select, , nursing activities., , (3) Usually developed mentally may or may, not be documented. :, , ’, , (4) May include urse’s Own personal, objective for ee, , ULES FOR FORMULATING THE OUTCOMES, , The rules that guide the formulation of the outcomes are based on the premise, that outcomes should be easily understandable. The following rules serves as, guidelin r writing the understandable outcomes., , ins should be related to the Problem — Statement, , uJ Outcome should reflect the first half of the diagnostic statement by, identifying alternative healthful responses whiich are desirable for client, :, , For example : The nursing diagnosis : Altered nutrition less than body requiremens related to decreased appetite. Outcome (connected) will be “weightloss, does not exceed 1kg. during hospitalization.”, , jii) Outcome should be client centred. The outcomes are written to focus on, the behaviour of client. It should address*what the client will do, when and to, what extent it will be accomplished but the nursing goal should not be the focus of, the outcome. For example : Nursing Diagnosis : Potential impaired skin Integrity, , related to altered nutritional status. Outcome will be throughout hospitalization, no evidence of skin break down over bony prominence., , __fivY Outcome should be clear and concise,/Use simple and standard terminology rather than ambigious or abstract words. The outcome should have as few, words as possible but clear. Example : Nursing Diagnosis — Knowledge deficit, related to surgical experience., , Outcome will be prior to surgery, discusses expectations of hospitalization, and surgery., Try to eliminate the words like “client will’ ‘at the beginning. It should be, obvious from the outcome statement that it refers to the client’s behaviour., we utcome should be observable and measurable. Observable and, measurable outcome must include. “what” and “to what exteit’ the client will do, or accomplish. Example : Nursing Diagnosis : Fluid volume deficit related to 7, and vomiting., _ Outcome “drinks 1000 ml in 24 hrs”. Here the outcome is meas, , observations can be made to see whether the outcome has been ach, ) Outcome should be time limited. |The tinte for the ou, , Gives direction to client activities., , , , , , , (3) Clearly documented on nursing care plan., , , , , , (4) Includes only client oriented objectives.