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Test, Total Score, A2 vocab verbs, 60, Questions, 1. aufpassen: to look after, I must look after my daughter, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 2. ausmachen: to turn off, Please turn off the light, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 3. berichten: to report, The Journalist is reporting the incident, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 4. denken ueber: think about, I still think about the accident, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 5. sich fuehlen: to feel, I feel bad today after i heard the news, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 6. haengen: to hang, Please hang the clock on the wall, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 7. hassen: to hate, I hate to travel to cold countries, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 8. heiraten to marry, i want to marry kareena, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 9. hoffen to hope, I hope you will improve your performance, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 10. sich kuemmern um: to take care, i must take care of my parents, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 1, Lalita classes /
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11. langweiligen: to bore, this story bores me, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 12. putzen: to clean, You must clean your teeth every day, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 13. rauchen: to smoke, You must stop smoking, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 14. schimpfen to scold, My parents always scold me about my studies, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 15. schlagen: to hit, He hits me when i make mistake, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 16. schwimmen to swim, I like to swim in cold weather, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 17. sparen: to save, I must save money for my future, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 18. sterben: to die, He died for a cause, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 19. sich streiten; to fight, we fought for no reason, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, 20. wecken to wake, Please wake me at 5 o clock, Correct: +3 Inorrect: -1, alita classes/