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xi fi cf 1:- MI filx;-Ml, Mean deviatio, about the median, MD CM), class, 0-10, 23, 138, り, r E filx;-M/, 10- 20, 15, 7, 13, 13, 91, 20 - 30, 25, 15, 28, 3, 45, whele median M = 1+%-)h, 30 - 40 35, 40 -50 45, 16, 44, 7, 112, り, 4, 48, 50, 17, 2才, 68, 50 - 60, 55, 2, median class ý the class interual whase Cumu-, labie Prequency i just greater thas or, equal to N, 54, N = 50, Efil Xi-M| = 508, 55.8, N= 50, even, th, class, median class -> Ne, %3D, 2, ノ, sum of frequencigs, low er linnit of the median elass, frequency of the median class, Cumul ative frequency of the class, just preceding the median class, width of the medi an elass, 5% = 25, → 20-30, 人=20, N= 50, f-15 C'=13 h=10, %3D, Median M= l+(^%-c) h, ト-, C, - 20 +(5% -13)10, 15, = 20 +(25 -13)10, 15, 5 Çaleulate the mean deviation about mediag, for the following date, class, 4, - 20 + 12X100/, 15, 0mê R xt02, 0081, 10-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60, ムX2=8, = 20 +8, 28, %3D, faequeney: 6, 16, 4 2, 15, zfil-M|, Al 0, MO C), oix (L X 508, 10.16, 50