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24 JEE Main Physics, , ckness of a block is, em and 1,00 em. The, rement of volume is, , , , , , 88, The ler, measured to be, percentage error in the m, , , , 5%, , 89. Given x = 3.14, The value of n° with due regard for, significant figures is, , {b) 9.859, i 9.8596 ) 9.85960,, , 90. One side of a cubical block is measured with the help, of a vernier calipers of vernier constant 0.01 cm., This side comes out to be 1.23 cm. What is the, percentage error in the measurement of area?, , 9.86, , , , , , , , , , , , 123 100 (b) 2" 100, 00 1.23, 1 01, 2x 221 100 (3x 22! x100, 123 1.23, , 91. A physical quantity P is related to four observables, a, 6, cand dare as follows P = a°b?/Ved, , ‘The percentage errors of measurement ina, b, candd, are 1%, 3%, 4% and 2% respectively. What is the, percentage error in the quantity P, if the value of P, calculated using the above relation turns out to be, 3.763, to what value should you round-off the result ?, INCERT], (2) 13% and 3.8 (b) 1.3% and 0.38, {c) 1.3% and 3.8 (d) 3.8% and 13, , 92. Length is measured in metre and time in second as, usual. But a new unit of mass is so chosen that G = 1., This new unit of mass is equal to, fa) 1.5 x 107 kg {b) 1.5 x 10! kg, {¢) 6.67 x10-"" kg (d) 6.67 x 10% kg, 93. The length, breadth and thickness of a metal block is, given by != 90 cm, b = 8 cm, t = 2.45 cm. The volume of, the block is, fa) 2 x 10? cm?, (o) 1.77 x 10? cm?, , (b) 1.8 x 10? cm?, (d) 1.764 x 10? cm?, , , , The focal length of a mirror is given by 7 =-+, u, , where u and v represent object and image distances, , respectively., , The maximum relative error in fis, , BA cd, v, , 95., , 96., , 97., , 98., , 99., , , , , af _ au, dv, , 7 v, , Af yee, ) y - Au/u Aviv, , ar du, dv , Au +v), et aay, , fa Ve i, , f_ Au dv, Au oe, , (a+ tty, , fou ’v uty, , ‘The measured mass and volume of a body are 23.42 ¢, and 4.9 cm? respectively with possible error 0.01 g, and 0.1 cm3. The maximum error in density is nearly, (b) 2%, , (a) 0.2%., (d) 10%, , (c) 5%, , = f=, The velocity of transverse wave in a string isv = /——, , where Tis the tension in the string and M is mass per, unit length. If T = 3.0 kef, mass of string is 2.5 g and, length of string is 1.00m, then the percentage error in, the measurement of velocity is, (a)0.5 (b) 0.7, (0) 2.3 (d) 3.6, The unit of length convenient on the atomic scale is, known as an angstrom and is denoted by A. 1 A =, 10°'°m. The size of the hydrogen atom is about 0.5 A., The total atomic volume in m® of a mole of hydrogen, atoms would be INCERT], (a)3.15 x 1077 nf, (c)3.85 x 1077 nf, , (b) 3.0 x 10°? mr, (d) 2.85 x 1077 nt, , The relative density of the material of a body is the, ratio of its weight in air and the loss of its weight in, water. By using a spring balance, the weight of the, body in air is measured to be 5.00 + 005N. The weight, of the body in water is measured to be 4.00+0.05N., , Then, the maximum possible percentage error in, relative density is, , (a) 11%, (6) 9%, , (b) 10%, , (d) 7%, , The length i, breadth 6 and thickness t of @ block are, , measured with the help of a metre scale. Give,, , 1=16.12+0.01 cm, b= 10.15 + 0.01 em, ¢ = 5.28 + 0.01, , The percentage error in volume is ., (a) 0.64%, (c) 0.379%, , (b) 0.28%, (a) 0.48%