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SHOT ON REDMI Y3, AI DUAL CAMERA, 1478/I, (4), (b) What do you, mean by compiler and, interpreter ?, 8. (a) Write a program to print the sum of digits of, given number., (b) What do you mean by structure ? How is it, different from arrays ? List out some key, features of structures., 9. Write notes on any two of the following :, (a) Functions in C, (b) Pointers in C, (c) File handling in C
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SHOT ON REDMI Y3, AI DUAL CAMERA, (3), 1478/, 4. Write a program to input 50 integers from the user, and to display them in ascending order., 5. What do you mean by string in C ? Explain, following C string function with giving syntax and, examples :, (i) strlen( )., (ii) strcmp(), (iii) strcat( ), (iv) strcpy(), SECTION - B, 6. (a) What do you understand by dynamic memory, allocation ? Explain various methods used for, it in C., (b) Explain various storage classes in C., 7. (a) Write a program to print the Fibonacci series, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ... n.
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SHOT ON REDMI Y3, AI DUAL CAMERA, 1478/, (2), 1. Answer all part of the following:, (a) What are C variables ? Give the rules for, constructing variable names in C., (b) Why we use conditional operator in C ? Give, example to support your answer., (c) What are the different data type used in C ?, (d) Briefly explain various types of operator used, in C., SECTION - A, 2. Explain the working of 'while' 'do-while' and 'for', loop with, proper syntax. Differentiate also, between break and continue statements with, examples., 3. Differentiate between cail by value and call by, reference. write a function that receives marks, obtained by a student in three subjects. Call this, function from main () and also print the result in
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SHOT ON REDMI Y3, AI DUAL CAMERA, 1478/I, B. C. A. (Part - I) Examination, 2019-20, [ First Semester ], Paper : IV, BCA-104, INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER, PROGRAMMING IN 'C', Time : Three Hours ], [ Maximum Marks : 70, Note : (i) Answer five questions in all., (ii) Question No. 1 is compulsory., (iii) Answer remaining four questions, from, Section A and B but not more than two, questions from each Section., (iv) All questions carry equal marks., (v). Symbols have their usual meaning.
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HOT ON REDI, GAI DUAL CAMERA, (7), 9. Read the following passage carefully and answer, 1477/I, che questions given below :, legend is a popular type of folk tale. In some, ways legends resemble myths, another type of, folk tale. But myths describe events from antiquity, and usually deal with religious subjects such as, the birth of a god. Legends tell the stories of, known people, places and events and often take, place in comparatively recent times. All societies, have their own legends., (a) Give a suitable title to the passage., (b) How is myth different from legend ?, (c) Which of the two, myth and legend narrates, the stories of the earliest times ?, (d) Briefly comment on the ideas contained in the, passage.