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Camlin Page, QA/28 (Science), Lesson 5., 2nd Term 21, Date, Can, live withoutt water ?, you, An,'s, No, we cannol lésre ui'thout water,, 2. What is the main source of water ?, Ans: Rain is the main source of water., What is uadergreund water ?, Water that soaks down the soil is ealled, 3., 10, underground wwater, of water., bathing, waoling., 4. Write some Uses, sthasi- Srinking, leking,, 5., Write some sorurces t water, Ans-, Wells, pumps, river, lake, pend., 6.- which water és safe for driking, 20, She!, Tap water is safe for, diaking, Answer in one, or fwo words : (P- 35, I, The main, source of waler., Rain., 25, 2., Water that soaks down the soil. Underground water, Water bad to health. Ianpure water, ., Spring wwals., 3., 4.We, drink this wvater., can, 30, 20/10/2021 09:27