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NITROGEN, Which of the following is normally used for drying ammonia gas?, Concentrated tetraoxosulphate(VI) acid, Calcium(II) oxide, Anhydrous calcium chloride, Phosphorus(V) oxide, Anhydrous copper(II) tetraoxosulphate(VI), When the trioxonitrate (V) salt of an alkali metal Y is heated, the formular of the residue is, Y2 O, YNO2, Y3 O3, Y(NO2)2, YO2, the gaseous product formed when ammonia is passed over heated copper (II) oxide to, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, nitrogen(I) oxide, A positive brown ring test indicates the presence of, NO3-, Fe3+, SO2-3, Cu+, NO2, Nitrogen is prepared on a large scale by the, Fractional distillation of liquefied air, Decomposition of ammonium dioxonitrate(III), Electrolysis of brine, Haber process, Contact process, Ammona gas is suitable for performing the fountain experiment because the gas is, Colourless, A cooling agent, Alkaline to litmus, A reducing agent, Very soluble in water, Which of the following, when heated strongly in the air, will leave a metal as residue?, Sodium trioxonitrate (V), Potassium trioxonitrate (V), Silver trioxonitrate (V), Lead (II) trioxonitrate (V), Aluminium trioxonitrate (V), A substance L reacts with NH4NO3(aq) to generate ammonia gas L is likely to be, HCI, NaOH, CH3COOH, CaSO4, Which of the following is not a property of trioxonitrate (V) salts?, Positive reaction to the brown ring test, Ability to dissolve in cold water, Decomposition on being strongly heated, Production of effervescence with saturated Na2CO3 solution, Evolution of gas with concentrated H2SO4and copper turnings, The gas given off when NH4CI is heated with an alkali is, H2, CI2, N2, NH3, Which of the following compounds will leave a metal residue when heated?, Cu(NO3)2, AgNO3, K2CO3, CaCO3, THEORY, (b) Name two gases that can be used to perform the fountain experiment in the laboratory. State the physical property which makes them suitable for the experiment., (i) List two reactants for the laboratory preparation of ammonia., (ii) State three physical properties of ammonia., (iii)Describe in outline, the manufacture of ammonia by Haber process., b. Write an equation in each case to show the:, (i) ammonia gas and heated copper(ii) oxide, (ii) action of heat on ammonium trioxocarbonate(IV), c. (i) Which industrial process is used for converting ammonia to trioxonitrate(V) acid?, d. Give one example in each case, to show how trioxonitrate(V) acid reacts generally with:, (i) bases (ii) non-metals