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10 x 1=10 Typical Configuration of Computer, 1. Mother board? Main circuit board of the computer. 2. Microprocessor? Integrated circuit chip that is CPU., 3. Purpose of Registers? To store the intermediate results generated during the processing., 4. How computer communicates? With the help of buses (Data bus, Control bus, address bus) 5. What is system bus?, , Communication pathway between different components of the system., 6. What is the function of control bus? Carry the control signals. MIDI? Musical Instrument Digital Interface, 7. What is function of data bus? Carry the digital data. 8. What is port? Connecting point at the back of the system., 9. Interface? Hardware to connect the external devices. 10. PCI? Peripheral Component Interface., 11. How many data sent in a serial bus? One bit at a time. 12. USB? Universal Serial Bus. 3a.Define clock speed? Speed at which, processor executes the instruction. Measured in terms of Hertz. 13. Features of USB? USB is a plug and play device., 14. Meaning of plug and play? Connect and use without run setup. 15. Name any one USB device? Pen-drive, mobile, digital camera, 16. is device controller a hardware? Yes. 17. Cache memory? High speed memory placed between CPU and RAM 18. Types of cache?, L1-CPU resident, L2-Motherboard resident 19. SDRAM full form? Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory. 20. DDRRAM?, Double Data Rate Random Access Memory. 21. SMPS? Switch Mode Power Supply., 22. Use of SMPS? It supplies 5 to 12DC volts of power to motherboard. 22A. Define ISA? Industrial Standard Architecture., 23. Approximate power consumption of PC? 300 to 450Watts 24. UPS? Uninterruptable Power Supply., 25. Use of UPS? Continues supply of power to the system. 26. List the types of UPS? On-line UPS and stand by UPS, Logic Gates, 1. Logic Gate? Electronic circuit that operates on one or more input and produces an output signal., 2. Basic gates? AND, OR and NOT gate 3. Which gate is named as invertor? NOT gate, 4. Three logical operations? Logical addition, logical product and logical inversion., 5. Logical symbol and truth table of AND, OR and NOT gate?, 6. Define Truth table? Diagram in rows and columns with all possible combinations of Truth and false., 7. Universal gates? A type of gate through which we can construct all basic gates., 8. What are universal gates? NAND and NOR gates 9. What is the output of NAND gate when A=0, B=1? Output = 1, 10. What are the values of 3 input to NAND gate to get 1 as output? Out of three inputs any one is true and others are zero., 11. In a 3 input NAND gate when we get 0 output? When all the inputs are 1., 12. When OR gate produces 0 and 1 output? When all the inputs are 0 the output is 0.When any of the input is 1 the output is 1., 13. State the principle of duality? From one Boolean relation another relation can be derived by changing all AND to OR and OR to, , AND. All 0 to 1 and 1 to 0. Eg. X+0=X X’.1=X’, Data structure, 1. What are data structure? Logical or mathematical model of particular organization of data. Or representation of data in a, , memory., 2. Differentiate one and two dimensional array? One dimensional array elements are accessed with the help of an index number., , Two dimensional array elements are accessed with the help of two indices., 3. Define primitive data structure? Operates on machine level instructions. Eg. int, float, char, double., 4. Eg. for non-primitive data structure or linear data structure? Array, stack, queue and linked list. Non-primitives are derived from, primitive data structure., 5. Which is LIFO list? Stack. Which is FIFO list? Queue, 6. Define Array? Collection of similar types of data elements. Define structure? Collection of dissimilar data elements., 7. What is Lists or linked list? Collection of nodes, each node has data and link part., 8. What is linear data structure? Data arranged in continues memory locations., 9. What is non-linear data structure? Data arranged in the form trees and graph., 10. What is stack? Collection of data elements where insertion and deletions are made at one end called ‘top’., 11. What is queue? Collection of data elements, where insertion made at ‘rear’ end and deletion made at ‘front’ end., 12. Where data items relationship in the form of links? In Linked list, 13. What is linked list? Group of elements data elements are called nodes, each node has data and link part., 14. Application of stack? Back operation on web site, Undo operation, reversing a word., 15. What is traversal? Visiting each and every location of the element in an array., 16. Define searching? Finding the location of the element in an array. Types- Linear search, binary search., 17. Define Sorting? Arrangement of data according to some order. Types- Selection sort, insertion sort, bubble sort., 18. Where binary search applicable? When array sorted. Where binary search not applicable? When array not sorted., 19. Define binary tree? In a tree each node has at most two child nodes., 20. Define depth of a tree? Maximum level of node in the tree. Define degree of tree? Number of sub trees of a node., 21. what are possible operation on stack? Push and Pop 22. Operation on queue? Enqueue and dequeue., 23. Define push? Insertion of an element to stack. Pop? Deletion of an element from stack., 24. Define enqueue? Insertion of an element into a queue. Dequeue? Deletion of an element from queue.
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25. Different types of queue? Simple queue, circular queue, priority queue., , Classes and Objects, 1. Define class? Class is the blue print of an object., 2. Define object? Programming element that includes member data and function., 3. Two types of member referenced in a class? Member data member function., 4. What is member data? Variables declared inside a class., 5. What is member function? Methods or procedures defined inside a class, they are accessed with the help of an object., 6. Name the access specifiers? Private, Public and protected., 7. Is it possible to access data outside a class? Yes, public data with help of an object., 8. Which access specifier used implicitly? Private., 9. What is public access? Public data and member functions are accessed outside the class with the help of an object., 10. Name the operator used to access members? ‘.’ (dot) operator., 11. What is the significance of :: operator? A) To access global variables, b) To define member function outside the class., 12. How objects are declared? Give example. Syntax: main() { class_name Object_name; Eg: main() { student S;, 13. Define array of objects? An array having class type elements., 14. Give Example to object as function argument? Main() { student S; fun(S); …..}, , Pointers, 1. What is pointer? Or Pointer variable? Variable to hold the memory address of another variable., 2. Advantages of pointer? Utilization of memory. Name the Pointer and address operator? Pointer operator -* Address operator ‘&’, 3. Operations on pointer? ++, --, + and .(dot) operator or -> operator., 4.Write the syntax of pointer declaration? Data type *variable name. Eg int *p;, 5. Write the pointer initialization? Syntax: data-type variable=value, *pointer variable=&variable; Eg: Int a=5, *p=&a;, 6. Define static memory? Space is allotted during the compilation and it is fixed., 7. Dynamic memory? Space is allotted during the execution, created through new operator., 8. define Free store? Pool of memory available to allocate and de-allocate storage for an object during run., 9. Declare a pointer to float? Main() { float a=4.5, *p=&a;, 10. Explain new and delete operator? New operator is used allocate memory at execution. Delete is used free the allocated memory., Database Concepts, 1. What is data? Raw facts and figures about a person or a thing. 2. Information? Processed data is known as information., 3. Define database? Collection of related data on a suitable storage media., 4. What is Field(Attribute)? Individual data stored in a column of a table., 5. Define Record(Tuple)? Each row of a table. 6. Define entity? Real world object for which the data is collected., 7. Define instance? Set of data values that are given to an entity. 8.Attiribute? Characteristic which represents the entity., 9. What is Domain? Pool of values from which the actual value present in a given column is taken., 10. Define Relation? A two dimensional table, it contains number of rows(tuple) and columns(attributes)., 11. What is Table? It is a way of organizing the information in rows and columns., 12. Define Normalization? Process of organizing data in a database by removing duplicates., 13. What is Key? Key is a field name, that establishes relation between tables., 14. Write the symbol notation for project? Notation A1, A2, A3(R) Where A1,A2,A3 are attributes of relation (R), 15 What is data mining? Analyzing and picking out relevant information from database., 16 Generalization and specialization? Bottom-up approach and Top-down approach., 17. Define Relational algebra? Formal description of how relational database operates., Network Concepts, 1. Define Networking? Connection between autonomous computers through cable, Wifi or radio signals., 2. What is server? A main system in the computer network. That controls and manages the access of network resources., 3. What is client? A computer on network. It obtains the information from the server., 4. Define topology? Geographical arrangement of the system in a network., 5. Expand 2G? Second generation. 5a. Expand CDMA? Code Division Multiple Access. 5B. GSM? Global System for Mobile., 6. Define Virus? Destructive computer programs are called ‘Virus’. 6a. Antivirus? Software to detect and remove the virus, 7. What is chatting? Text based conversation through net., 8. What do you mean by Cyber law? Legal terms described for the use of e-communication media., 9. Cookies? A type of text files stored in user’s computer. It stores the information about list of websites visited by the user, 10. Hackers? Programmer who gains unauthorized access to someone’s computer., Internet and Open Source, 1. What is Open Source Software(OSS)? A type of software its source code made available to all with a license for study, make, changes and redistribute.
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1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., , Define Free Software? Software freely available to use, modify, improve without fees., FLOSS? Free Libre and Open Source Software, Software source code freely available for use., Proprietary Software? Closed source software, licensed under exclusive legal right to use only under certain condition., Freeware? Distributed in binary form without any fees., Browser? A type of software to view the web pages. Eg. Internet Explorer, UC, Chrome etc., URL? Uniform Resource Locator, it is an internet address with network protocol., 7. Define telnet(Remote Login)? It is an internet service used to access information of remote computer from user’s computer., 8. Domain? Unique name to identify the internet resources, such as website., 9. Domain affiliation? Taking space in server to upload the webpage., 10. Ecommerce? Trade of goods and services by using e-media., 11. Expand IPR? Intellectual Property Rights., , Web Designing, 1. HTML? Hyper Text Markup Language, to create webpages., 2. What is the extension name of the hyper text files? .HTML, 3. Use of webpages? Display information in online, informations are globally available., 4. What is web hosting? Uploading and updating of web information in one or more websites., 5. What is XML? Extended Markup Language to share data in web pages., 6. What is web scripting? Establishing communication between browser and the web server with small programs (web scripts), 7. DHTML? Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language. This allows to make changes in web pages when it is loaded to browser, 2 x 5 = 10 Boolean Algebra, 1. Prove algebraically a) (X+Y)(X+Z)=X+YZ b) X+X’Y = X+Y, , XX+XZ+XY+YZ, X+XZ+XY+YZ, X(1+Z)+XY+YZ, X+XY+YZ, X(1+Y)+YZ = X+YZ(RHS), , X.1+X’Y X.1=X, X(1+Y)+X’Y, X+XY+X’Y, X+Y(X+X’) X+X’ = 1, X+Y (RHS), 2. Use the duality theorem A+A’B = A+B = A’.(A+B’)=A’.B’ AA’+A’B’ = A’.B’ (rhs), 3. Complement the following a) A’(BC’+B’C) = (A+B’+C).(B+C’) B) AB’+C’D’ = (A’+B) . (C+D), C) XY+Y’Z+ZZ’ = (X’+Y’).(Y+Z’).(Z’+Z) D) X+X’Y+X’Z’ = X’(X+Y’).(X+Z), 4. What are the fundamental product for each of input ABCD=0010, 1100, 1110? SOP=(A’B’CD’)+(ABC’D’)+(ABCD’), 5. Construct the Boolean function of three variables that has an output of 1 when any two inputs are 0 and an output of 0 in all cases., X, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, , Y, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, , Z, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, , F, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, , MINTERM, , FUNCTION, , X’Y’Z, X’YZ’, , F(X,Y,Z)=(X’Y’Z)+, (X’YZ’)+(XY’Z’), , XY’Z’, , 5a. Define minterm and maxterm? Minterm: logical product of several variables with or without complemented. Maxterm: Logical, , sum of several variables, may or may not be complemented., 6. Construct the truth table for three variables A,B and C that will have the output 1 when ABC=100, 101, 110 and 111., A, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, , B, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, , C, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, , F, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, , MINTERM, , FUNCTION, F(A,B,C)=( AB’C’)+ (AB’C)+(, ABC’)+( ABC), , AB’C’, AB’C, ABC’, ABC, , 7. Convert the following expression canonical form, (A+C) (C+D), (A+C+DD’) (C+D+AA’), (A+C+D)(A+C+D’)(C+D+A)(C+D+A’), , (X+Y)(X+Z), (X+Y+ZZ’)(X+Z+YY’), (X+Y+Z)(X+Y+Z’)(X+Z+Y)(X+Z+Y’), , X’Y+X’Z’, X’Y(Z+Z’)+X’Z’(Y+Y’), (X’YZ)+(X’YZ’)+(X’Z’Y)+(X’Z’Y’), , YZ+X’Y, YZ(X+X’)+X’Y(Z+Z’), (YZX)+(YZX’)+(X’YZ)+(X’YZ’)
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8.Draw the empty kmap, , X, X’, , Y’, , Y, , M0, , M1, , X, , M2, , M3, , X, X’, , YZ Y’Z’, , Y’Z, , YZ, , X’Y’Z’, , X’YZ, , X’Y’Z, , XY’Z’, , XY’Z, , X, , YZ’, X’YZ’, , XYZ’, , Y’Z, , YZ, , YZ’, , W’X’Y’Z’ W’X’Y’Z W’X’YZ, , W’X’YZ’, , W’XY’Z’ W’XY’Z, , W’XYZ, , W’XYZ’, , WX, , WXY’Z’, , WXY’Z, , WXYZ, , WXYZ’, , WX’, , WX’Y’Z’ WX’Y’Z, , WX’YZ, , WX’YZ’, , W’X’, W’X, , XYZ, , Y’Z’, , WX, , 9. Draw the sub cube of WXY’, WX, XYZ’ and Y., Octet Y, , 1, 1, , 1, , 1, , 1, , 1, , 1, , 1, , 1, , 1, , 1, , Pair xy’z, Quad WX, , Pair WXY’, , 10. Draw the 3 variable K-map for the functions M0+M2+M4+M6+M7 and 4 variable K-map for the functions, M2+M3+M5+M7+M9+M11+M13, , X, X’, X, , YZ Y’Z’, 1, 1, , Y’Z, , YZ, , 0, , 1, , 4, , 5, , YZ’, 3, , 1, 1, , 1, 7, , 1, , 2, , 1, 6, , 1, , 1, , 1, 1, , 1, , OOP Concepts, 1. Significance of classes in OOP? Class is the blueprint of an object. Classes are user defined data type. Data is encapsuled in a, , class. Class defines the member data and member function., 2. What is the difference between program module and an object?, , Module, Object, 1. Consists of series of instructions to da a task, 1. Object consists of member data and member function, 2. For each task separate module needed, 2. Many number of functions included in the same object, 3. Types of inheritance? Single, Multi-level, multiple, hybrid and Hierarchical inheritance., 4. Two advantages of OOP? Simplicity, Flexibility, Extensibility, Reusability, maintainability., Constructors and Destructors, 1. What is constructor? Give an example? Constructor is a special member function with the same name as that of class., Eg. Class Num, {private : int s;, Public : num() // num is the constructor to initialize the private variable s., {s=25;, }, }, 2. What is the use of constructor? Used to initialize the private member data or an object., 3. Write the syntax and example for default constructor? Constructor without argument is known as default constructor., Syntax: class class_name, Eg: class num, { private : data members;, { private : int x;, Public :, Public :, Class_name(), num(), 7, { initialization;, { x=0;, }, }, Member function();, Void display();, };, };
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4. Name any two features of parameterized constructor? a) C++ permits the passing of arguments to constructor. b) It is possible to, , initialize different objects with different values c) constructors are automatically invoked and this can be overloaded, 5. Write the different methods through constructors are invoked? a) Implicit – class_name object.class_name(arguments);, b) explicit – class_name object(arguments); c) initialization with assignment operator- class_name object=value;, 6. Write an example to show the use of parameterized constructor through explicit call?, , Eg: class num, void main(), { private: int a, b;, { clrscr();, public :, num obj1=num(100,200);, num(int p,int q), num obj2=num(10,20);, {a=p; b=q; }, cout<<”\nFirst object :”<<obj1.display();, void display(), cout<<”\nSecond object :”<<obj2.display();, {cout<<”\nA = “<<a<<”\nB =”<<b; }, getch();, }, }, 7. When copy constructor is used? a) To copy the object with some other object b) when an object is sent as argument c) when, an object returned from the function, 8. Write the syntax and example for copy constructor?, , Syntax: main() {class_name object1;, Class_name object2=object1;, }, Eg: class num, { int a,b;, Public :, num(), { a=10; b=20; }, };, , Void main(), {num obj1;, num obj2=obj1;, }, , Data file Handling, 1. What is stream? Name the streams generally used for file I/o? Stream is sequence of bytes. ifstream – Used to input the data, to a file. ofstream – used to output the data from file to RAM. fstream – used for both input and output of the data., 2.What are input and output streams? Input stream means supply of sequence of bytes from file to the memory(RAM). Output, stream means taking the data from memory and placing it to a file., 3.What are the methods of opening the file with C++? Using constructor function and using member function open()., 4. Write the member function belonging to the fstream class? fopen() – used to open a file for write, read or append data. fclose – To, close the opened file., 5. Differentiate b/w ifstream and ofstream class?, , ifstream, Provides input operations, Contains member functions like get(), getline(), read() seekg(), tellg(), , ofstream, Provides output operations., Contains functions like put(), write(), seekg(), tellg(), , 6. Differentiate b/w read() and write() function, , Read() – Reads a data from file & loads it to RAM, , write() – Takes the data from RAM and place it to a file., , 7. Differentiate get() and getline()?, , get() – Used to fetch a character from file and load it to RAM until ‘eof’ is encountered., Getline() – Used to read a line of text from input stream., 8. Write the member functions of ofstream? put(), write(), seekp(), tellp()., 9. Write the member functions of ifstream? get(), read(), getline(), tellg(), seekg();, 10. Name the stream classes supported by C++? Ifstream–for file input, ofstream -for file output, fstream-for both file input and output., 11. What are the two types of file supported by C++? Text file, Binary file., 12. Write Advantages of binary file? File takes minimum size, No need of translation., , Database concepts, 1. How database help us? Database is a way of organizing the data with specific format on suitable storage media for quicker access., 2. How do we get data? The basic facts and figures about the task makes the data. It is in the form of bytes. Data is formed by, , letters, numbers, symbols, sounds or video etc., 3. Name the data types supported by the DBMS? Integer, single, double, logical, characters, string, memo, currency, date etc., 4. What is generalization? Process of forming a standard entity by combining number of entity together, those who are having, similar characters., 5. What is specialization? One higher level entity broken down into lower level entity to form an standard entity. This is the, bottom up approach.
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6. Differentiate serial and sequential file access?, Serial, Records are arranged one after the other, but not in an order, Records are created in the occurrence of an event., Fast access, easy to make backup, expensive, 7. Advantages and disadvantages of ISAM?, , Sequential, Records are stored in sequential order, To read the nth record we must go through the previous records., Economical storage media is used, , Advantages: It permits efficient and economical use of sequential processing technique. It permits direct processing of records, in a relatively efficient manner., Disadvantages: It needs expensive hardware and software because file must be stored in direct storage device. Slow in accessing, records. Less efficient in the usage of storage space., 8. Name the different types of keys used in database? Primary key, Candidate key, alternate key/secondary key, super key, Foreign, key., 9. What is relational algebra? A procedural query language that consists of operation to extract information from two or more, relations. It is an interface to data in database. It uses mathematics in SQL operations., 10. Explain selection with example? Select command is used to extract information from database by giving conditions. Syntax:, select field1, field2, ….fieldn from table_name where condition; Eg: select name, Tot_marks from student where, average>=60.0;, 11. What is Cartesian product? An operator works with two sets. It is sometime called CROSS Product or Cross join. It combines, records of one relation with records of another relation., 12. What is join operation? Getting the combined related tuples from two relations. They are two types’ natural join or equi-join, to eliminate duplicates. Outer joins to retain the data lost during joining of two relations., 13. What is data warehousing? Data warehouse is centralized repository of an organization’s electrically stored data. They are, used to support data analysis and to meet the growing demands of management informational needs., 14. What is data mining? It is concerned with analysis and picking out of relevant information from large amount of data. The, best methods are developed to extract required information by giving a small command., SQL(Structured Query Language), 1. Classify numeric and character string data types in SQL?, , Numeric: Int - -214,74,83,648 to 214,74,83,647, Numeric - -1038+1 to 1038-1, Character: char – Maximum length of 8000characters., Varchar/varchar2 – variable length character 8000maximum characters., 2. SQL Operators? Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, **exponent Relational operators: <, <=, >, >=, !=, <> Logical operator: AND,, OR, NOT, 3. How do you modify the column name and width for existing table? SQL> Alter table <table_name> modify(column1 data, type(size));, 4. Write the syntax of Distinct command? To eliminate the duplicates distinct command is used. Synatax: SQL> select DISTINCT, *from <table_name> where condition; or SQL>select DISTINCT col1, col2, from <table_name> where condition;, 5. What is the use of NULL value? SQL places a NULL value in the column in the absence of user defined values., 6. What is creative view command? A view is a collection of data from more than one table. It includes all rows of a table or, selected rows of a table., 7. What is dual table? The dual table is a special table with one row and one column, present in oracle or other database., Networking Concepts, 1. List the goals of networking? File and resource sharing, reduced cost, high reliability, mail and communication., 2. What do you mean by transmission modes? This defines type of media used and the way in which the data can flow in network., They are one-way, or two-way, or two-way simultaneous. They are called simplex, half-duplex and full-duplex respectively., 3. What are switching technology used? Circuit switching-for phone calls, Message switching- for messages (pager) Pocket, switching – for internet protocol., 4. What is SIM card? Subscriber Identity Module is a portable memory chip that operates on GSM network. That can hold, personal information of user along with number, address, contacts, messages etc., 5. Define network security? It is the process of taking physical and software preventive measures to protect the underlying, network infrastructure from unauthorized access, misuse, destruction and improper discloser of digital resources. Security, provides secured platform for users and programmers to perform their task., 6. What are the advantages of EDGE? It allows maximum bit speed of 48KB/time slot. Effective use of bandwidth. Supports for data saving., , 3x 5= 15 Typical configuration of computer, 1. Name the components of motherboard? Bus, I/o ports, expansion slots(ISA,PCI,AGP), memory slots, IDE controller.
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2. Characteristics of motherboard? Form factor, Chipset, Processor socket., 3. General structure of CPU? PC(program counter), MAR(Memory address register), MDR(Memory data register), IR(Instruction, , register), ID(Instruction Decoder), ALU(Arithmetic and Logical Unit), TCU(Timing and control Unit), ACC(accumulator),, GPR(General Purpose Register), 4. Name the types I/o ports? Serial port, Parallel port, USB, IDE, PS2, AGP, SCSI, VGA, DVI, MIDI, 5. Write the features of USB port? Plug and play interface. Devices can be attached without installation. Data transfer rate 12MBPS, 6. Define cache memory? High speed memory provided to increase the processing speed of the system. They are two types L1-, , Level1 –CPU resident. L2-Level2- Motherboard resident., 7. Write the two types of power supply? SMPS-Switch Mode Power Supply, which converts 230 volts of AC power to 5 to 12 DC, volts. UPS- Uninterruptable Power Supply – Maintains power in the event of power failure., 8. What is purpose of buses, ports and controllers in I/o system? Ports are connecting point, used to connect I/o devices. Buses are, pair of electric lines to connect different components of the system, they carry the digital signals. Controllers are circuits, which, are used to connect external storage devices like hard disk, floppy disk or compact disk., Logical Gates, 1. What do you mean by perfect induction? Give example? Proof by perfect induction also known as brute force method. It is a method of, mathematical proof by substituting all possible values of Boolean variables (i.e. 0 and 1) in an expression. Eg: X.Y=Y.X, X, 0, 0, 1, 1, , Y X.Y Y.X, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, =, =, , 2. Write the truth table and standard symbol of AND gate? OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR gates., 3. Draw the logic gate of AND and OR by using NAND gate.? By using NOR gate, 4. State De Morgan’s theorems? (X+Y)’ = X’ . Y’ Complement of logical addition of two variables are equal to AND product of, , individual compliments. (X .Y)’ = X’+Y’ Complement of logical product of two variables are equal to OR sum of individual, complements., 5. What is principle of duality give one example? Starting from one Boolean expression another expression can be derived by, changing all * to + and all + to *, all 0 to 1 and 1 to 0. Eg: X+X’ = 1 X’.X=0, 6. Give the dual form a) 0.X+X.Y+1.X (1+X’).(X’+Y’).(0+X’) b) X.(Y+Z) = X.Y+Y.Z X’+(Y’.Z’) = (X’+Y’).(Y’+Z’), 7. Simplify the expression by using De Morgan’s theorems. a) (A+B).C b) (A+BC).(D+EF), , ((A+B).C)’ = (A+B)’ + C’ = A’.B’ + C’, 8. Simplify? AB’C’+A’B’C’+A’BC’+A’B’C, , B’C’(A+A’)+A’(BC’+B’C), B’C’+A’(BC’+B’C), , b) ((A+BC).(D+EF))’ = (A+BC)’ + (D+EF)’, A’.(BC)’ + D’.(EF)’ = A’.B’+C’ + D’. E’+F’, b) AB+AB’+A’C+A’C’, , A(B+B’)+A’(C+C’), A(1)+A’(1) = A+A’ = 1, , 9. Compliment and simplify a) X’Y’+XY’ b) XY’Z+X’Y, , (X’Y’+XY’)’ = (X+Y) . (X’+Y) = XX’+ XY+ X’Y+ YY, 0+XY+X’Y+Y = Y(X+X’+1) = 1, , (XY’Z+X’Y)’ = (X’+Y+Z’).(X+Y’) = XX’+XY+XZ’+X’Y’+YY’+Y’Z’, 0+XY+XZ’+X’Y’+0+Y’Z’ = X(Y+Z’)+Y’(X’+Z’), Data structure, 1. Name the various operations on primitive data structure? Create, destroy, select, update., 2. Explain the memory representation of one dimensional array?, , A, Location, Address, , 25, 6, 7, 8 19, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 100 102 104 106 108, , To find the ith location the following formula used, LOC A[i] = base address + W*i, A[4] = 100+(2*4) = A[4]= 100+8 = 108, 3. Explain the memory representation of Stack? Stack is linear data structure, the elements are inserted and removed from the, same end called ‘Top’. The stack can be represented using array. A is an array of stack, ‘top’ is the position to insert and remove, the element. Here A[top] = 6. Top=-1 = empty stack. Top=n-1 = Stack is full., Location, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, A, 25 55, 6, Top, 4. Explain the memory representation of queue using array? Queue is a linear collection of data. The elements are inserted and, removed from two different ends. Insertion end is known as ‘rear’ end. Deletion end is known as ‘front’ end. Here A is an array, of queue ‘front’ and ‘rear’ are two are two different ends., Location, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, A, 25 55, 6 12, front, rear
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5. Explain the memory representation of single linked list? A linked list is linear collection of data elements called ‘nodes. Each node, , has two parts, the data part and link to the next element. The pointer START contains the memory address of first node. The, last node holds NULL at link part., START, 25, , 35, , 55 NULL, , 45, , 6. Define root, sub-tree, depth and degree? Root: Top most node in a tree. Sub-Tree: Set of nodes and edges, which has one parent node, and child node. Depth: Depth of node is length from path to its root. Degree: Maximum number of child nodes exists for a node., 7. Write an algorithm to traversal in a linear array? A is an array of N elements. PROCESS is operation to visit each and every, , elements of the array step 1. For(index=0 to N-1) do step 2. PROCESS A[index] step3. End for Step4. Exit, 8. Give the memory representation of two dimensional array? A is an array of order mxn. The elements are stored in contiguous, memory locations. They are two types a) row major order and b) column major order, Row Major order, Column major order, A[0], a[1], a[0][0] = 1, a[0][1] = 2, a[1][0] = 3, a[1][1] = 4, , 0, 1, 3, , 1, 2, 4, Address, 100, 102, 104, 106, , A[0], a[1], a[0][0] = 1, a[1][0] =3, a[0][1] = 2, a[1][1] = 4, , 0, 1, 3, , 1, 2, 4, Address, 100, 102, 104, 106, , Pointers, 1. Write the advantages of pointer? It saves the memory space, Faster execution, supports dynamic allocation of memory, it allows, , to pass variable, arrays, strings, objects as function arguments., 2. Differentiate static and dynamic memory allocation?, , Static, Memory allocated at compilation, Space is permanently allotted, Implemented through stack and queue, Execution is fast, more memory needed, , Dynamic, Memory allocated during execution, Space is allotted as and when required, Implemented through linked list, Slower I execution, less memory needed, 3. Illustrate the use of ‘self-referential structures’? A structure that includes that is a pointer to structure of the same type., Eg: struct node, { int data; Node *link; } ;, 4. What is new operator in C++? The new operator allocates memory space for a variable during execution. Syntax: pointer = new, data type; Eg: int *p; p = new int ;, 5. What is delete operator in C++? The delete operator is used to delete the space allotted to a variable. Syntax: delete pointer; eg: delete p;, 6. What is array of pointers? Give Eg? Array of pointer is a collection of memory address, each address is accessed with the help of, , an index. Syntax: data type *pointer[size]; Eg: int *p[10];, 7. What is the relationship between array and pointer? Array itself is a pointer. Name of the array is the memory address of first, element in an array. For Eg: int a[10] here a = &a[0]. Memory address of first element is known as base address., 8. What is the relationship between string and the pointer? String is a character array terminated with ‘\0’(NULL). String name holds, base address, i.e. memory address of first character in the string. Char s[50]=”Vidyanidhi”; s=&s[0]; *s= ‘v’;, 9. What is the relationship between structure and pointer? Structure is linear collection of dissimilar data elements. A pointer can, hold memory address of first member. While sending the structure to function only one address is passed., 10. What is the relationship b/w objet and pointer? A pointer can point to an object., Eg: class student, void main(), {private: int rn, char nm[20]; float fee;, {student S, *sp;, public : void getdata(); void display();, P=&S //p is pointer to hold the address of object S, }, }, Data file handling, 1. Mention the method of opening the file in C++? a) By using constructor b) By using function open(), a) Syntax: ofstream obj_name;, b) Syntax: ofstream object_name;, ofstream obj_name(“file_name”);,“file_name”);, Eg: ofstream fobj;, Eg: ofstream obj;, Ofstream fobj(“book.txt”);,“book.txt”);, 2. Write the advantages of Text and binary files? Text file: Stores the data in text format. The data is in the form of ASCII characters., Text is terminated with common character EOL(End of line) Binary File: File holds the information in the form of binary digits. It, saves the memory space. There is no need of translation.
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Database concepts, 1. Mention the application of database? Banking, Electricity & water billing, Transportation system, Schools and colleges,, , telecommunication, business, HR Dept., 2. Differentiate b/w manual and electronic data processing?, , Manual, Electronic, Limited volume of data, Large volume of data can be processed, Use of paper, bored of repetitive task, Stores the data in electronic media Never bored for repetitive task, Limited speed, accuracy, storage, less cost, Speed and accurate, uses limited space, cost is very less, 3. Explain the BCNF form? It is one of the form of database normalization. Only we can convert 3NF database to Boyce Code, Normal Form. The conversion involves finding and removing the overlapping candidate key, placing an attribute functionally, dependent on candidate key. Group the remaining items into a table., 4. Explain different notations of E-R Diagram? E.R diagram is a visual representation of data that describes how data is related to, each other. The main components of E-R diagram is entity, attribute and relationship., 5. What are the components of E-R diagram? Entity: Any object place, person or class. In E-R diagram entity represented by using, rectangle. Eg:, Student, Books, Attribute: Property or characteristics of an entity. Attributes are represented by means of eclipses., Student, , Id, Name, , Age, , Book_Id, , Books, , Fees, Title, , Price, , Author, , Relationship: It explains connection between different entities. There are 3 types of relationship exists. They are one-to one,, one-to-many, and many-to-many. Relationship written in diamond box., 1, 1, Only one instance of an entity associated with the relationship, Entity, Entity, R, Entity, Entity, , 1, N, , R, R, , N, N, , Entity, , More than one instance of an entity associated with the relationship, , Entity, , More than one instance of an entity associated more than one instance of another entity, , 6. Explain physical data independence? The database architecture proposed by ANSI/SPARC(Standard Planning and Requirement, Committee) in 3 levels. They are Internal level(Physical data), Conceptual level(logical level or virtual) and external level(view, , level). The 2 and 3 levels are organized the data without affecting the original data organized in physical layer by means of, storage media. The physical data is stored in bits format on the disk. The application and all users accessed the data, view the, data, make changes according to their needs without affecting the physical layer, this is known as physical data independence., 7. Explain ISAM with example? The ISAM is the way of organizing and accessing the data from database. It includes the features of, direct access and sequential access method. The records with in the file are stored sequentially but direct access to individual, record is possible through an index. Indexing permits to access selected records without searching the entire file. Eg: 50,000, records are organized about 10,000/sector. The index table reduced to 5000 entries., 7.Explain database users? The people who work with database are user of database. They includes system analysts, application, programmers and database administrator. All of them interacted with database in order to create tables, make query and, update the database to generate the reports according to their requirements., 8. Explain hierarchical database? In this model data is organized in tree structure, data represented by collection of records., Relationships are represented by links. Each record is a collection of a fields(attribute) each of which contains only one data, value. Records are organized as inverted tree, this is a hierarchy of parent and child data segments., 8. Explain relational data model? The relational data model was developed by E F Codd in 1970. The most commonly used model, for designing the database in the form of tables. Some of the modern database systems are MySQL server, MS-Access, and, oracle. In a relational database, a database made up of tables. A common field exists in two tables, that creates relationship, between tables. This makes querying much easier in a relational database system., 9. Explain outer join with example? Join is used to combine related tuples from two relations. Join operator is the cross product of, the two relations. When join becomes more complex tuples are removed within the cross product. In outer join lost data, retains in the tale replacing the lost data with nulls. There are three forms of join. Left outer join –keep the data in left table., Right outer join- Keep the data in right table. Full outer join – keep the data in both tables., 10. List the components of data warehouse? Data warehouse is a structured repository of organization’s data. The major, components are data source, data transformation, reporting, metadata, Access tools, data marks, data warehouse, administration and mgmt., information delivery system.
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Internet and Open Source, 1. What is an Open Source? The term open source refers to a software that can be modified, because its source code is publicly, , accessible. The source code is available for modification and enhancement. Open source code benefits programmers and nonprogrammers. Most of the internet applications developed on open source technologies like Linux O/s and Apache web server, application etc., 2. Write the advantages of WWW? Availability of many free information, low initial investment, reduced maintenance cost, rapid, exchange of information, establishes professional contact, accessible from anywhere and global media., 3. Define Telnet or Remote login? Telnet is service in an O/s. It is the process of accessing or logging into a system which is at a, remote location by using network protocol. Telnet program provides a character based terminal window on some once system,, in that system they will get login prompt. If they permitted, we can work with that system from our computer., 4. Write a note on web servers? It is the main system of the network, so it referred as hardware. Sometime server referred as, software (computer application) which helps access web contents through www, with the help of internet. The serer helps, share the information., 5. Define free software? Here free means freedom, to change a program, or to control with the help of source code. It has, freedom to run program for any purpose, freedom to study, make changes, freedom to redistribute the codes., 6. Define URL? Abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator. It is the global address of documents and other resources on the, World Wide Web. The first part of URL is protocol identifier, it indicates what protocol to use. Second part is called resource, name. It specifies the IP address or domain name, where resource is located. Eg: HTTP://, 7. Explain terms e-commerce? Customer: Key entity in online business. Website: e-commerce transaction happen through a, website. The visitors are continuously sending & receiving information over the internet from visitors computer to web server., An e-commerce transaction send credit card data to perform transaction. Web-Security: SSL-Secure Socket Layer for safer, transfer of card data. Online-gateway: A middleman that allows a website to send data to a merchant., 8. Types of E-Commerce? B2B- Business to Business commerce companies doing business each other. B2C-Business to Consumer,, Business b/w company and general public. C2B- Consumer to Business, Business b/w consumer and companies. C2C- Consumer, to Consumer, Business between consumers with free classifieds or auctions., 9. Explain IPR in India? Intellectual Property Rights established at all levels of statutory, administrative and judicial law. The, agreement on trade related aspects of IPR came into existence from 1st Jan 1995. It lays down minimum standards for, protection and enforcement of IPR in member countries, to promote effective protection of patents, trademarks, copyrights,, geographical indications, and industrial design. This law is helpful in reducing distortions and implements international trade., WE Designing, 1. Explain the program to include the table in a webpage?, , <HTML> <HEAD>, <Style> td, th table {border: 1px solid black; }, </Style> </HEAD> <Body> <Table style=”width:300px”>, <TR> <TH> First Name</TH> <TH> Last Name</TH> <TH> Marks</TH> </TR>, <TR> <TD> Ramesh</TD> <TD> Bhat</TD> <TD> 78</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> Raju</TD> <TD> Rao</TD> <TD> 88</TD> </TR>, </Table> </Body> </HTML>, 2. Write the steps involved in web hosting? Web hosting means placing, serving and maintaining file for one or more web sites. The, hosting steps are first register your domain name, lease a block of server space and upload the pages, anybody who is having the, internet can access the pages globally. The web hosting can be classified as free hosting, virtual or shared hosting, dedicated, hosting and co-location hosting., 3. Define web scripting? Web scripting is process of writing code for web pages. The communication b/w web browser and web, server happens through small programs called web-scripts. The scripting is done in two ways – 1. Client side scripting: Used to, run scripts in browsers, processing is on user’s computer. 2. Server side scripting: Scripting runs on web server. Client’s request, is fulfilled by running directly on the web server., 4. Write the advantages of web designing? It grabs the attention of the users. It provides the best services to the customer. It is an, interactive tool for the marketing. It establishes direct contact b/w customers and the company. It is the best way to face the, competition. Easy to earn huge profit, market share and to eliminate the middlemen profit., 5. Write the advantages and disadvantages of WWW? Advantages: It is cool place to find the lots of information. It helps to, purchase things on online. Here we can watch or listen the things. It is a place to play games. Here we can make online, payment. Here we can preserve the files and access anywhere. It is a place to contact the friends and relatives through social, network. Disadvantages: Web site may get hacked. Users may get infection. They are not secured. People on net may steel, the information. Here fake product also disclosed as good.
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Five Marks questions, 1. Simplification of four variables K-Map., 2. Write an algorithm to insert an element in an array, , A is an array of N elements ITEM is the element to be inserted in the position P., For I = N-1 down to P, A[I +1] = A[i], End for, A[P] = ITEM, N=N+1, Exit, 3. Write an algorithm to delete an element in an array., , A is an array of N elements. ITEM is the element to be deleted in the position P., 1) ITEM = A[P], 2) For I = P to N-1, 3) A[i] = A[i+1], 4) End of for loop, 5) N = N -1, 6) Print removed no is ITEM, 7) Exit., 4. Write an algorithm to search an element in an array using linear and binary search., Algorithm: A is an array of N elements ele is the searching element. LOC is the location., , 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., , LB = 0, UB = N-1, LOC = -1, While(LB<=UB), mid = (LB + UB)/2, If(ele == A[mid]), LOC = mid goto step 15, Else, If(ele<A[md]), UB = mid – 1, Else, LB = mid +1, End if, End if, End while, If(LOC>=0), Print ‘ele’ found in location LOC., Else, Print ‘ele’ not found., Exit., , Algorithm: A is an array of N elements ele, is the searching element. LOC is the, location., 1. LOC= -1, 2. For(index = 0 to N-1) Do, 3. If(A[index] == ele), 4. {LOC=index, 5. Goto step 8 }, 6. End if, 7. End of For, 8. If(LOC>=0), 9., Print ‘ele’ found in location, ‘LOC’, 10. Else, 11., Print ‘ele’ not found., 12. Exit., , 5. Write an algorithm sort the elements using insertion sort., 9. Write an algorithm to push and pop operation using array., 10. Write an algorithm to insert an element at the rear end of the queue., 11. Write an algorithm to delete an element from the front end of the queue.
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13. Apply the binary search for the followings 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 search for 30., , Array, 10 20, 0L 1, 10 20, 0L 1M, 10 20, 0 1, , Variables, 30, 40 50 60 70 L=0, H=6 M=3 so LOC=-1, 2, 3M 4 5 6H, 30, 40 50 60 70 L=0, H=2 M=1 so LOC=-1, 2H, 3, 4 5 6, 30, 40 50 60 70 L=2, H=2 M=2 so LOC=2, 2LHM 3, 4 5 6, , Comparison, A[M] == ele (40==30), A[M]==ele (20==30), A[M]==ele (30==30), , 30(ele) is found in location 2 (LOC), 14. Write the difference between procedural and Object Oriented Programming., 15. Write the advantages, disadvantages and application of OOP., 17. Explain the class definition and declaration with example., 18. Describe the access specifiers in a class., 19. Explain the member function inside a class and outside a class., 20. How an array of objects can be defined?, 21. How objects are used as function arguments?, 22. Explain the need of function overloading?, 23. Write the overloaded function syntax and example., 24. Write the syntax of inline function with example., 25. Explain friend function and their characteristics?, 26. Write the rules for writing constructor function., 27. Write the default constructor with syntax and example., 28. Write the parameterized constructor with example., 29. Show how constructors are used with = operator., 30. Write the features of copy constructor? 31. Explain destructor with syntax and example?, 32. Write the advantages of inheritance? 33. Write the types of inheritance? Explain any one?, 34. Explain single inheritance with suitable example., 35. What is visibility mode? What is its role?, 36. Explain the data processing cycle?, 37. Explain normalization with classification and example?, 38. Explain data independence in detail., 39. Discuss the file organization with respect to physical data independence., 40. Explain the feature of database system., 41. Explain the database architecture., 42. Explain the Codd’s rule for DBMS., 43. Explain SQL constraints with example., 44. Explain creation details of employee database., 45. Explain the different types of select command., 46. What are networking devises?, 47. Explain topology in detail. 48. Define networking security?, 49. Write the measures for preventing the virus.