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List of Experiments, , , , Course Code: BTM 222, C: edit Units: 0!, , Expt Experiment/Apparatus, No., | To verify the Polygon Law Forces with the help of Force Polygon, Apparatus., , 2, , 2. ‘To verify the reactions of a Simply Supported Beam at its supports, with the help of Parallel Forces Apparatus., , Ud, , To determine the Coefficient of Friction between given pair of, surfaces with the help of Inclined Plane Apparatus., , 4. To find out forces in Jib and Tie with the help of Jib Crane, , Apparatus., Si To determine the efficiency of a Simple Screw Jack Apparatus, 6. To determine the efficiency of a Simple Wheel and Axle Apparatus, if To determine the efficiency of a Worm and Worm Wheel, Apparatus., 8. To calculate the forces in the members of Member Truss, Apparatus., , 9. To verify the Principle of Moments with the help of Bell Crank, Lever Apparatus., , LO., , To determine the efficiency of a Differential! Wheel and Axie, Apparatus, , , , Page, no (s), , 3-5, 6-8, 9-T1, , 12-13, 14-16 !, , 17-19 !
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introduction, , », , ‘Engineering Mechanics’ involves study of constructional details, working, theoretical, calculations and applications of machines that are used by engineers in field operations., Laboratory work is aimed at providing practical know how to supplement the theoretical, leaming thereby making visualization and understanding of machines much easier., , in all the experiments, theoretical results are worked out and compared with readings, , obtained through the apparatus (machine) to find out error or efficiency of the apparatus., , The manual should be intelligently interpreted and used as a guideline only while, sidered are:, writing the experiment book, Some of the points to be con, 1. “Suggested Experimental work” and “Sample Data Sheet” should be mentioned as, , “Experimental work” and “Data Sheet” only., 2 Result should be mentioned as ‘Mean % error’ or ‘Mean % efficiency’ as the case may, , be except for expt. No.3 where mean coeff of friction is to be worked out. ;, 3. Calculations should be done below the ‘Data Sheet’ and both should be drawn on LHS, , only. Result should also be worked out below calculations., 4. Figure (s) should be drawn on the LHS of first page of experiment., 5. Simple proportionate diagrams (need not be isometric views) should be drawn after, , viewing the apparatus properly. Figure given in this manual should also be used., , 6. Tables should be drawn horizontally., 7. Take minimum 3 readings under varying conditions for each experiment/stage. ©, , 8. Layout of experiment book should be as given in the sheet overleaf., , 9. Index should be made as per sheet overleaf., 10. Improvise and add where ever necessary. Seek guidance, if needed from Faculty or Lab, , assistant., 11. Read the ‘Safety’ and ‘General Instructions’ displayed on the notice board carefully, , before starting experiments., , Edited by:, Li Col DK Sharma, , 05 Jan 2013
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Layout of experiment book ., (Refer to paragraph 8 of Introductions), , , , , , , , |}, , 2.0 Apparatus, , , , 3.0 Theory, , 4.0 Experimental Work, , 5.0 Data Sheet i, , , , , , , , , , | 6.0 Result, | ;, 7.0 Precautions, Index sheet, , (Refer to paragraph 9 of Introductions), , , , Sri Page Date of - Date of |, / No. t Name of reer | no (s) | experit ta submission Remarks of ey