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vae to tne vVvest vvind, Explanation | Stanza by Stanza, , (\ Posted by Anwaar Ahmed, , One of the major characteristics of romantic, poetry is the description of nature. It is the, most important clement ef romantic poetry., Although John Keats made his name in, creating natural imagery, Shelley's, contribution was also remarkable in this, regard as evident from line by line, explanation of Ode to the West Wind. |n his, poem, Shelly with his imaginative powers, creat Omantic sensation. He creates, , “Héautiful natural paintings in the form of, words that his readers can easily imagine., No doubt, Shelly's powerful imagination like, , other romantic poets helps him to express, , an idea in the form of poetry., , Scanned with CamScanner, , Scanned with CamScanner
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It is necessary for an ode writer to create, lyrical stanzas as odes are usu ica, , an ode, a poet always expresses his joy for, an event or he glorifies natural objects., Shelly's odes are also lyrical. In fact, he is, known just for writing poetry with a strong, lyric structure. Ode to the West Windis a, strong example in which his imaginative, explanation of nature proves that he writes, , structural poetry with lyrics., , Ode to the West Wind, Explanation and Analysis, , The poet in this ode glorifies nature. He, , —, , personifies the wind and assigns it human, —_eerr—rnr, powers. It destroys everything in the, , ————, eed, , autumn season. In literature, poets and, , —————, , writers use the autumn season to express, , themes of despair. Shelly also does the, , Same. In this poem, he creates a melancholic, , _—_—_—_—, , atmosphere for which he uses the natural, —_—_— ee, , obiect west wind. The poem contains five, , Scanned with CamScanner, , Scanned with CamScanner
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Ode to the West Wind, Explanation and Analysis, , The poet in this ode glorifies nature. He, personifies the wind and assigns it human, powers. It destroys everything in the, autumn season. In literature, poets and, writers use the autumn season to express, themes of despair. Shelly also does the, Same. In this poem, he creates a melancholic, , oa _”_s, eimbspnere to) for which he uses the natural, , Object west wi west wind. [he poem contains five, , stanzas but the subject matter of the poem, , remains the same in all the stanzas., , Scanned with CamScanner, , Scanned with CamScanner
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Stanza-l, , The poet directly addresses the West Wind, and shows his readers the power of the, wind. In the first stanza of the poem the, poet describes a natural phenomena;, journey of life from birth to death. In, apparent meanings, the poet talks about the, capabilities of the wind; the wind is invisible, yet it can scatter the a, , colors of leaves as yellow, black, weffte and, , , , zed. The wind moves them like sick people., He uses this example in his ode for the, purpose of explanation of the role of the, west wind; leaves cannot move, spontaneously; therefore, it is the wind, which helps them to move from one point to, , another., , Almost every person in the earth has felt the, west wind but no one has ever felt in sucha, way as the poet shows explanation in his, , ode. It is the wind that spreads the seeds in, , Sca , anner, , Scanned with CamScanner
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Almost every person in the earth has felt the, west wind but no one has ever felt in sucha, way as the poet shows explanation in his, , ode. It is the wind that spreads the seeds in, , autumn and buries them. Subsequently, the, , EE CL ———e, seeds start growing in the spring season. If, , The West Wind is melancholic then at the, , Same it causes the growth of new plants on, , the earth. Apart from this, Wind Wind also, , , , spreads the fragrance of flowers while, , scattering them here and there., Se, , In this stanza, readers do not only realize, Shelly's treatment of nature as an object of, prime inspiration but also as a source of, , natural phenomena. We see wind as an alive, , ——"""’, , object of nature, which performs an action, gen eee eee, , for the welfare of society and humanity. He, ener pee eto, , imagines the power of wind and shows to, his readers that wind is definitely a source of, , Scanned with CamScanner, , Scanned with CamScanner