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File No.CCE-AC/GEN/35/2021-ACADEMIC CELL, , COMMISSIONERATE OF COLLEGIATE EDUCATION, GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA, , CIRCULAR MEMO, , Sub: Collegiate Education-Academic-Government Degree CollegesConducting of Regular Physical Classes -Instructions - Issued Reg., Ref: 1. Lr.No.63/Acad. Audit/KU/2022, Dean Academic Audit, Kakatiya, University, Warangal; Dt.29.03.2022., 2. Lr.No.SU/KNR/Academic-4/2021-22, _ Registrar, Satavahana, University, Karimnagar, Dt.07.04.2022, , Vide Ref. 1* cited above, the Dean, Academic Audit, Kakatiya, University, Warangal, has declared summer holidays and conduct online, classes during summer vacation from 06.05.2022 to 31.05.2022 and Vide, Ref 2” cited, Registrar, Satavahana University, Karimnagar requested the, faculty in their jurisdiction to take online classes in the month of May,, 2022., , In the above circumstances the Principals are informed that, since, last two years, due to Covid Pandemic situation the academic year has, been delayed in all the Universities across the State. Keeping in view of, the interest of the students’, the Commissioner of Collegiate Education, has decided to continue the Academic Year in all the Government Degree, Colleges, even though the affiliating universities have declared summer, vacation during May/June 2022., , In view of the above, the Principals of all Government Degree, Colleges in the State are hereby informed that all the teaching and nonteaching staff shall attend daily regular duties/timings as usual until, further instructions., , Hence, all the Principals are also directed to ensure that the Physical, classes are conducted to the Students without any loss of instructions to, the Students., , The receipt of the proceedings shall be acknowledged, (Orders of CCE have been obtained in Note File), Signed by D Thiruvengala, Chary, Date: 27-04-2022 17:45:49, , Reason: Approved, , For Commissioner of Collegiate Education