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DO NOT OPEN THE BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO., , , , , , POLYTECHNIC ADMISSION TEST - 2013, SET -A, , , , Booklet Serial No. Time : Two Hours, Full Marks : 100, , , , Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions., , , , INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE, , 1. IMMEDIATELY AFTER RECEIVING THE TEST BOOKLET YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT, THIS BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR, ITEMS ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET., , 2. This booklet contains 100 questions to be answered in a separate Answer Sheet using, Black Ball Pen in circles only as shown @, , 3. Read the questions carefully before marking your answer. Cand are strongly advised not to, change or erase once the answer is marked. ej, , 4. All questions are compulsory and carry 1 mark each., , 5. You will be supplied the Answers Sheet separately by the invigilator. You must complete the details, of particulars asked for, all are mandatory. & ), , 6. Answers must be shown by completely b!, against the relevant question number, , , , , , corresponding circles in the Answer Sheet, Il Pen., , Example : e, Supposing the following questi \, The Capital of Meghala‘ A. Guwahati ohima, C. Shillong thi, You will have four a! es in the Answer Sheet for your response corresponding to each question, of the Question t as below :, , ®@@®OO, , In the above illustration, if your chosen response is alternative C i.e. Shillong, then the same should, be marked on the Answer Sheet by blackening the relevant circle with a Black Ball Point Pen only, , aneey ©@e@®, , WHICH IS THE ONLY CORRECT METHOD OF ANSWERING., , de Answer the questions as quickly and as carefully as you can. Some questions may be difficult and, others easy. Do not spend too much time on any one question., , There will NOT be any negative marking for wrong answers., , 9. The OMR Answer Sheet must be handed over to the invigilator before you leave the Examination, Hail., , 10. No rough-work is to be done on the OMR Answer Sheet. Space for rough work has been provided, in the question booklet., , 1J. | Examination will be cancelled if a candidate is found to adopt unfair means, in any form., , bd, , , , , , , , Scanned by CamScanner
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3. The sum of two numbers is 40 and their product is 375. The sum of their sense is:, Wor Aor cates 40 are yar 375 2 AT yor eI Crete OA, , 15, ® aw © F, , 5 8, ©F @, , 4. A two-digit number has 3 in its unit’s place and the number is seven times the sum, of the digits. The number is :, , We Usa A AU aes BTA Ge 3 GE ACHE TH Be AOI TS we S41, FRG CACY &, , @ 8 ® 33, , ° : | ae, 5: If 4)" = 0008 then the a of, a>, , f= 01 “<5, , @ 6 ®1, © "® @ 0015, , 6. If x=3+2V2. the value of vx, s\, 00, , 1, x=3+2V2 2A Vk-Fe 4 aM Za, , @®! ® 2, © 22 @ 33, PAT-2013/SET-A (2), , ————, , Scanned by CamScanner