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fruit, , - leaf, , , , , , , , , , , , , i Mringstke birth, grow oldand finally, , : 5. They usually grow from seeds and Kow with, live for a few months to a few years. Then, , they die. Trees live for many years. Some, , banyan trees are more than a thousand aoe the tee tr, , years old. Plants like mint and coriander —~,, live for a few months only. B®;, , Write one function of each of the following parts of a plant., 1. roots Sul poet ke 0. loot., 2. stem Consuls aural omnd. (lecd, che ol. oa Sede,, . leaf Moke. oad) Qe 0 pLost:, . flower Prsprduno (lest eos Seog,, fruit — Crouse, Gear Mousse amd. frie asin,, , . seed 1 “oy, , , , Qauaw, , * We see various types of plants around us., ¢ Trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers and creepers are some different, , types of plants., * A plant has many parts—roots, stem, branches, leaves, flowers,, , seeds and fruit., Leaves of green plants make food for the plant with the help of, air, water and sunlight., , * Plants have different lifespan. eo