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MODULE-5, , Implications of the Holistic, Understanding a, , Look, , at Professional Ethics
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Natural Acceptance of, Human Values, RECAP, implications of the Holistic, Before going, the core, we would like to recapitulate, Understanding,, and co-existence, course, i.e. Harmony, this, of, theme, from Module-2, we have studied, which, levels', at all, 'self and going up to, the, from, to Module-4 startin9, retrace this path, existence. Now, we will, whole, the, and co-existence, looking at the harmony, into the, , by again, from, , ExistenceNature-Society->family, , the Human Being., studens, , by the, This c o m m o n thread has to be clearly grasped, become, has to continue and, self-exploration, and the process of, work., as well as our professional, to, part of our day day iving, , a, , change, what transformation,, Let us also recapitulate, this is to be, one of usin, initiated, each, it, in our world view has, the students and the, what, , brought, , out, , necessary, , by listening to the feedback from, clarity, , discussion to facilitate suficient, , leads to a, , observe that the right understanding, Then we also, leads to, Universal Human Values. It also, natural acceptance of, be called the ethical, , definiteness of human, , conduct, , or, , what, , may
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90 Human Values and Professional Ethics, , human conduct which is again universal and, eternal. This, will be, elaborated in the next lecture., , 23.1 Values, Values are to be understood as participation in mutual, , We studied about values in earlier lectures., In relationship with human, beings,, values such as trust, respect, love etc., ..., , with material, , things,, , we, , relationshihip., , studied the nine, , Similarly, when working, , there are two kinds of values:, , Utility-value: The participation, , of, , a, , physical facility, , ensuring nutrition and protection of the body., , in, , Artistic-value: The participation of a physical facility in, ensuring right utilization of the body., , 23.2 Natural Acceptance of Human Values, Actually the Human Values are,, not to, , be enforced through fear, , not to, , be enforced through enticement, , not to be enforced through blind faith/belief, The values, , are to, , be, , naturally acceptable, as a, , right understanding gained through, , result of the, , self-exploration., , This provides the real basis, , for inculcation of Human Valus, 1n society Any attempt to ensure value based, Jear, enticement or blind belief will not be tenable.behaviourthethroug", Only proces, oF, the, , seif-exploration will lead to harmony in the society, , or, , organ12at0
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Implications of the Holistic Understanding, , 91, , 93.3Sypatva-Swatantrat-Swarájya, i n lecture 1, the transition to a value based living in, As, discussed, , follows from the understanding of Swatva in each, , societyfol, , hee of us. Th Swatva is the natural acceptance which is innate,, , the, , oneand universal. Each one of us becomes authentic about, invariant., , htness ofthought, behavior and work by being in dialogue, , This processof dialogue leads to realization of, harmonyat, all levels of living. Realization of harmony in oneself, Nony t all, , the, T, ith this, , Suwatva., , haroccordingly (which follows naturally) is Swatantrat., , and, , ensuringharmony, rking for, , in the larger order (i.e. the society), , isSuarátya., , of Value Based Living, Implications, 23.4, , Happiness, peace,, the level of the individual, in the selt, perseverance, bravery and, contentment and bliss, in living of the individual., -, , At, , generosity, , At the level of the, , family, , -, , Mutual fulfillment in, , of joint, , relationships, prosperity in the tamily,, societal order in, families, family as the building block of, for all without, place of law enforcing bodies, respect, sustenance, , d1tterentiation on the basis ofage, gender, caste, race, money,, , post, creed, etc., , At te level of the Sociery Fearlessness in the society, , nolistic systems for education, health, justice, production,, and storage,, , nge, growing as a family., , harmony between, , nations, world, , At the level of natur - Co-existence of all units in nature,, earth, 5 n g more and more suited for sustenance of all, , entities on the globe, balance of seasons, proper development
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Professional, , 92, , Human, , Values, , Ethics, , and, , availabit, , and pranic units through right, material, of, and other natural, resources,, air, water, soil, temperature,, , is to say, a, , Universal, , Human, , Order., , of, , that, , TAKE-AWAY, , are naturally acceptable. Their, Human Values, der., way for Universal Human Ordler, , understanding paves, , dpin, , ee
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LECTURE24, , Definitiveness of (Ethical), Human Conduct, , RECAP, remember that in this, to, It is important, , course, , we are, , from Suwatva, i.e. my, systematically, trying to proceed, i.e. being selfSwatantrat ,, to, natural acceptance, further bs, in harmony with oneself,, being, organised,, Swatva we can move towards, , understanding, , self-expression, self-extension, i.e., in harmony at various levels of existence., , i.e., , Swarojya, participating, , This is what paves the way for undivided society, This is, (Akhand Samá) and universal human order., what can lead to sustainable happiness and, , prosperity of all human beings., , 24.1 Ethical Human Conduct, In accordance with the above understanding, the ethical human, Conduct can be characterized in terms of., , Mulya-Neeti-Charitra, Values (Mulya): Competence of living in accordance with, , universal human values mutually fulfilling relationship Competence of Nyya.
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Ell, P r o t e s s i o n a l, , 94, , Values and, Human, , ot, (Neeti): Acceptance, , ui, , the policy for right, , ization,, , Policy, protection, and enrichment of all the assets including the, and the Physical Resources,, Self(), the Body, , Character (Charitra):, , (a), , Chastity in conjugal, , (b), , Access, , to, , relationship.(Sua-purush/Swa-nar3, , rightfully acquired, , behavior, (c) Compassionate, yawahar)., , wealth (Suwa-dhan), , and work (Daypurna, , notion about, , Karva, irya, , ethical human, , Discussion on the prevailing, Is it universal? Also start evaluating vour, conduct-Is it definitive?, own, , lines., conduct on these, , selftor bridging the gap, with perseverance is the process, exploration, the ethical human conduct., between our present conduct and, It, , may, , be repeatedly pointed, , out, , that continuous, , and profession cannot, Profession is only a subset ofthe, , Finally, it may be appreciated that life, , segregated manner., activities needed for our living, therefore, a subset of life., , be seen in a, , A human, , being with ethical, , human conduct and with, , requisite professional skills can only be a good professional,, , namely,, , a, , good engineer,, , a, , good, , manager,, , a, , good, , teacher,, , researcher, a good technocrat, etc., , TAKE-AWA, The ethical Human conduct is definite and universal., , tis characterized by universal human values ano, hence, we can talk about it uwith definitiveness. t, manifests in terms of, Mulyo, Neeti and Charitro
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ABasis for Humanistic, , Education, Humanistic, Constitution and Universal, Human Order, RECAP, , In the last lecture, we have realized that the right, understanding finally leads to definitiveness of, Human Conduct, i.e. the ethical conduct which is also, the foundation of professional ethics., , to, To facilitate the process of right understanding in the society,, and to ensure a continuity of, create a favorable ambience for this, , this process among human beings from generation to generation,, the following key, it is crucial to visualize and to work towards, , elements of Manviya Vyavasth., , 25.1, , Vision for Mänviya Vyavastha, (Universal Human Order), , which will need to be, of'Vyavastha, elements, These are the key, about, to gain some clarity, is, important, it, and, therefore,, actualized,, , the following:, , 1., , Humanistic education (Mänviya Shikshá
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96, , 2., 2., 3., , Professional Ethics, Human Values and, , Humanistic constitution (Mänviya Samvidhän), hän), , Universal Human order (Mänviya Vyavastha), So, let us have a discussion on the basis of the, so far as to what could be the model for the abong, , gained, , understane, bove., , (This lecture should be devoted to collectively visualize, salient features of the above in contrast to what is, presently)., , prevailin-, , TAKE-AUAY, The right understanding aboutthe human reality and, the realization of co-existenceinherent at all levels, , of existence provides us the bosis to formulate the, vision and the structure for humanistic education,, , humanistic constitution etc. which are conducive to, move touwards universal human order.
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LECT URE 2 6, , Competence in, Professional Ethics, RECAP, , It is important to understand that the only effective, way to ensure professional ethics is through corect, , appraisal and systematic development of ethical, competence in the professional (the human being)., As the right understanding sUCCessively comes into our, living through self-exploration and practice, it manifestss, , in terms of the following competencies in the individual., , 26.1 Competence in Professional Ethics, Clarity, , 1., , about, , comprehensive, , human, , goal:, , Samdhân-, , Samriddhi- Abhay- Sah-astitva, and its fulfillment through, universal human order, , Confidence in oneself based on the right understanding of, , 2., , oneself and the rest of existence, , 3., , in ethical, Mutuallyfulfilling behavior: clarity and confidence, , human conduct and its correlation with sustainable personal, , as well as collective happiness and prosperity., , ., , Mutually enriching interaction with Nature: self-sufficiency, , in fulfillment of physical needs; ability to assess the needs
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Ethics, P r o f e s s i o n a l, , and, Values, , 98, , Human, , family and their fulfillment, for physical, systems ensuring harmony the, production, nature., ure, facilities, , for the, , through, the abilirv to, above, one acquires, In the light of the, appropriate, , (people-friendly, , identify, and eco-friendly, , develop production systems etc. This will, and, technologies,, in the next, , be elaborated, , lecture., , (An interactive session to clarity the above mentioned points, , adequately is required), Fach one of us may explore and analyze one's own presene, status in terms of the above mentioned competencies and, , accordingly proceed with self-evolution through continuous self, exploration and practice., , 26.2 Salient Unethical Practices in the, Profession at Present, In the present system, there is no tangible mechanism to develop, , the ethical competence of the individual and the, , dominating, , worldview is primarily profit-oriented. Let us have a critical look, at the contradictions and dilemmas because of the, prevailing, world view in protession today., a., , Corruption at various levels and in different forms, , b., , Tax-evasion and misappropriation of funds, , C., , Unethical nature of advertisements and sales, , d., , Cut-throat competition, , e., , Adulteration and spurious, , f., , production, , Exploitation at various levels, B Negligence and, disregard for environment, h., Promotion of unsustainable, technologies, , promotion
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Implications of the Holistic Understanding 99, , Discuss the above problems/ issues through real ife examples, and fucilitate the students to find out the root eause of ihese problems., Some more issues. may also be included on the, the, , suggestion of, , students., , Contradiction and Dilemmas, Using the above examples, bring out the salient, contradictions, and dilemmas existing today., To understand the above, situation, , correctly, it is necessary, , appreciate, present ethos guiding all our activities is, primarily profit-max1mization; wealth maximization, comfort, maximization and all the systems and efforts are, to, , that the, , By now it should have been clear that such, conducive to continuous human, and, , over-arching environment, , happiness, , influencedby it., , an, , ethos is, , prosperity. In an, , of profit, maximization,, ethical conduct by individuals is a, contradiction in, , it gets thwarted time and, , not, , to, , expect, , terms., , Hence,, , again. Without rectifying our world, view, we are trying to ensure ethical, conduct through checks and, controls, through oaths,, through punishments and rewards etc., But such a, remedy proves untenable, frustrating, full of, dilemmas., Hence, a change of ethos, a, of perception is the, change, prime, requisite, which is core message of this course. The, to, prime need is, develop the ethical competence through, right understanding., , TAKE-AWA, The real, , method to promote, develop adequate ethicalprofessional ethics is to, competence among9, numan beings, , prevailing, contradiction and (professionals)., dilemmas, can only be resolved with, the right understanding., The
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LECTURE 27, , Holistic Technologies,, Production Systems and, , Management Models-Typical, Case Studies, RECAP, In this course,, , far,, , have tried to understand the, methodology to develop ethical competence among, human beings and to evolve sustems which will, help, promotion of ethical competence in the society. One, so, , we, , significant aspect of the competence in Professional, Ethics is the ability to visualize and develop, , appropriate, (holistic) technologies, production systems, and, , management models. Let us now look at these., , 27.1 Ability to Develop Holistic Systems, By now it must have become clear that understanding of harmony, , various levels along with the appreciation of, comprehensive, Human goal enables us to characterize the criteria of, , at, , appropriateness (people-triendliness and eco-friendliness) of, technologies, production systems and management models., For example, the, , Renewability, , following criteria will acquire importance
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the Holistic, Implications of, , Preservation, , of natural, , Urilizing local, , Understanding 101, , balance, , resources, , and, , Decentralized and conducive, , expertise, , to, , meaningful mass employment, , Catering to real needs, , Matching of production, distribution and consumption, , 27.2, , etc., , Case studies of Typical Holistic, Technologies, Management Models, and Production Systems, , .Biomass based, , Energy Technologies, , Animal Driven Gadgets, Micro-hydel and Wind power Prime-movers, , Solar Energy Devices, , Eco-sanitation Technologies, Green Building Materials and Techniques, , Water shed Management, , Eco-friendly Agriculture, Case studies of Management models-e.g. Gramin Bank, Lizzat, Cooperatives, Auroville, Ralegaon sidhi, Brahma Kumaris etc., , TAKE-AUUAY, The right understanding provides a holistic vision for, and management, technologies, production systems, models. There area number of inspiring experiments, which can, , provide, , 9oing on in this direction the alternative., in, learning and confidence, , us aood
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Strategies for Transition towards, Value-based Life and Profession, RECAP, In this course we have so far tried to explore various, , elements of the right understanding and its implications, in life and profession. In this concluding lecture it is, pertinent to visualize how a transition in this direction, , can be actually initiated starting from the present stote., , A t the level of individual and, At the level of society and organisations, , 28.1 Strategies for Transition, We will try, , identify some tangible steps in the light of, understanding gained to initiate transition from the present, to, , situation to the desired situation., , What can be done at the individual level?, What can be done at the level of, , What can be taken up, , What can be taken, , up, , society and organisations, , immediately?, as a, , long term strategy
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Implications of the Holistic Understanding 103, , The answers to the above questions are to be, sought through, brainstorming with active participation of the students, while, the teacher acts as a facilitator., , TAKE-AWAY, The, , journeu, , for transition, , begins by adequate, , appreciotion of the need and the framework for, , gaining right understanding. Naturally, the first, intervention has to be made is, through education., The present course is a, preliminary but necessary step, in this direction!