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Peter Bell English School, Sub-Social Science, Chapter-18, Early Human Beings, , Cxercises, B. Answer these questions., , 1. How did living in caves help early human, beings?, , Ans: Living in caves protected early humans, from cold, heat and rain. It also provided, security from wild animals., , 2. Early humans used stones for various, purposes. List a few use of stones., , Ans: Early humans began shaping stones into, various tools and weapons not only for digging, but also for hunting animals for food.
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3. Why were the early humans nomads?, , Ans: Early humans did not have a fixed home., They stayed in a particular place till they could, find food there and then moved on to another, place in search of food. Hence they were, called nomads., , 4. Name the places where the Stone Age sites, have been found in India., , Ans: In India, the Stone Age sites have been, discovered at many places in Rajasthan,, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha. Some other, places where the Stone Age men lived are the, river valleys of Beas, Krishna and Narmada.