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English Syllabus for I Term Examination 2021, Class: III, Prose, Ch- 1 The Messenger of Peace, Ch- 2 In the Lap of Nature, Ch- 3 The Baby Deer, Ch- 4 A Fun-filled Vacation, Poem:, 1. I am Happy, 2. The Dino World, Grammar Part:, 1.Simple present and simple past- pg no. 15, 16 (Exe. A, C), 2. Contractions and Degrees of comparison- pg no. 26, 27, 28, (Exe.A,B, C), 3. Use of feel/look with Adjectives & Pronouns- pg no. 37, 38, (Exe. A, B, C), 4. Adverbs & Articles- pg no. 51 (Exe. A, B), Write better, 1. Sentence making, Write a paragraph on:, ● Bees, ● Butterflies, Letter writing, 1. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about stray dogs
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in your colony., 2. Imagine you are on a vacation to a new place. Write a, postcard to your friend. Tell him/her how you like the place,, what places you have seen and what is still to be seen., , Paper Pattern for 1 Term Examination, 2021, Subject: English, Class: III, Section: (A) Reading - 5 marks, Seen passage, Section: (B) Writing - 7 marks, 1. Paragraph writing or, Sentence making, 2. Letter writing, Section : (C) Grammar) – 8 marks, Section : (D) Literature- 13 marks, 1. Objective type Questions – 1x5=5, 2. Short questions and answers- 6, 3. True/False-2 marks, Section : (E) Vocabulary - 7 marks, 1. Fill in the blanks - 5 m, 2. Word meanings- 2 m, , Total Marks: 40