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yeeywre > x, F\y)0)yile)y|:\e, QUESTIONS - ANSWERS , |; el Wks. |, , gaUNCHGSTeMUNTeNCortcot™alterMativeE roms » 3.Seema was _ selected for the .., FT $ team. |, GigundeMIeNeminuthe le) provided against $A Dhe: ......snveverses script is read by running, , , , one’s fingers on raised dots., , 1.What does Seema’s father read aloud _ 5. Now-a-days, Braille can even be writte, |, , for her nani? {c| ; with the help Of ......:ceseeeees . |, A.A story B.A poem $ Ans. 1.six dots 2.the Braille Script |, C.The newspaper D.Some articles ° 8. football 4. Braille 5. computers |, 2. What does Ravi bhaiya use while ‘ |, , , , walking ? B, A.A hockey stick B.A white stick, C.A bamboo stick D.A crooked stick, 3. Which script is used for the people, who cannot see? D, A. Brahmi script B. Hindi script, C,Common script D. Braille script, , , , , , 1. Seema's nani cannot hear well. So, the newspaper has to be read aloud., , 2. Ravi bhaiya teaches children in a, school. [x], , 3.A blind person can recognise a, , , , , , , , , , 4.On how many dots is the Braille, , script based ? [a] person as soon as he/she sees |, A. Six B. Four the person. [x] |, C. Five D. Three, , 4. Fingers are used to read the, , 5. Who was the creator of the Braille Braille script., , script ? [p|, , A. James Hot B. Darwin, C. Bracken Brace D. Louis Braille, , 5. We can recognise all the things, only by touching (or feeling) them. [x], , i, 3, ;, $, 3, :, ;, :, , 6. There are special schools for blind, children., , , , 7.For old people, the stick is as, useful as their leg,, , 1. The Braille script is based on ......... ‘ ;, e Br pi ;, 2.Louis Braille invented ...........00 ‘ $, , a, , ‘Scanned with CamScanner
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columpis, , , , Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’, , (1) The Braille (A) Teaches in a college, , script (B) Plays football, (2) Tape (C)The script that the, recorder blind read, , (3) Ravi bhaiya | (D) Nani listens to the news, , (4) Seema (E) Ravi bhatya listens and, learns, Ans., (1)The Braille script-The script that the, blind read, (2) Tape recorder - Ravi bhaiya listens and, learns, , (3)Ravi bhaiya-Teaches in a college, (4)Seema- Plays football, , Q.5. Answer the following questions in, one or two sentences:, , ) What troy, we? O- 5 CH, Ans. Seema’s nani temai==Sitr suffers from, backache.. She cannot’ see or hear properly,, due to her old age., , (2) What does nani say about children, of today ?, , Ans. Nani says that ‘these days children, do not know how to cut vegetables’., , (3) What work does Ravi bhaiya do?, , Ans. Ravi bhaiya teaches students in a, college., , (4) What is Ravi bhaiya fond of?, , Ans. Ravi bhatya loves to listen to music., He also takes part in plays. He enjoys chatting, with his friends and going out with them., , (5) When does Ravi bhaiya get angry?, , Ans. Ravi bhatya likes to do all his work, himself, If someone tries to help him against, his wishes, he gets angry., , ) What is the special, , books? why? Q: 6(&, Ans. Ravi bhalya eannot=see=Fe; he is, blind. Raviebhetyas. story and study books, , 4/Navneet vodlhsg Around 3 [E2532], , le does Seema’s nani, , of Ravi bhaiya's, , , , =, , 97, , OUR FEELINGS, , are of thick paper with lines of raised dots, on them. He reads by running his fingers, on these raised dots., , (7) Why was Seema very happy ?, , Ans. Since Seema‘ had been selected for, the football team, she was very happy., 6 )What is the Braille script?Q:5, , Ans.A special script made for the people, who cannot see is known as the Braille script., , CH ) What is the special characteristic of, Braille. script ? (Mexg ee Pg 46- ab), , Ans: Br ill ah cript, wrjtten, with lines, of raised/ dots of let yh vf age, read Byaillf by/ running’ th¢ir ffngofs én“the, , raised ‘dots., , 0) How do, blind people recognise, others? Q-5S 5, , Ans. Blind people recognise others by their, voices or by feeling (touching) them., , ] Who invented the Braille script 2Q:, , ‘Ans. Louis Braille of France invented the, Braille script., Q.6. Answer the following questions :, , (1) How was Braille script invented?, , Ans. Louis Braille belonged to France. One, day, when he was three years old, he was, playing with his father’s tools, Suddenly, a, pointed tool hurt his eyes. He lost his eyesight., He had keen interest in studies, so he did, not give up. He kept on thinking of different, ways to read and write. Finally he found a, way - reading by touching/and feelings This, way of reading later came to be known as, the Braille script,, , era blind person has three legs. How ?()> 6, ‘An:, , , , , hile walking, the blind keep a white, stick with them.) They keep this stick ahead, , of them \and_ with its help can get an idea, , whether_the road ahead is good. or_not} If, , there is a ditch or any other hurdle they, know about it with the help of their stick,, and become alert.[In_this way, the —stick, , serves them as a third leg, , , , , , , ‘Scanned with CamScanner, , sD, , ca)