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D. Answer the following question:, , 1. Water is scarce on the earth because most of it is in the form of snow, on the mountains or as salty water in seas and oceans., , 2. We need to save water wisely because it is scarce. We can save, water as:, , (@ We should not use running water for brushing, shaving and, washing clothes etc., , () We should use a bucket for bath instead of a shower., , (0) All leaking pipes and taps should be repaired., , (@) We should turn off taps after use., , (e) We should plant more trees to conserve water., , 3. Circulation of water on earth in a cyclical manner is called the water, cycle., , 4, Water can be stored in tanks. People have underground and overhead, tanks. These tanks are filled up using pipelines attached to a motor, that draws water from taps and fills up the tanks., , 5. Rainwater harvesting is the means of collecting rainwater from the, roofs of buildings and other areas where it falls. Water is stored in, underground tanks and used later on.