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Pages: 2), , C 3630, , Name.., Reg. No.., , FOURTH SEMESTER, , (CBCSS-UG), , APRIL 2021, DEGREE EXAMINATION,, , History, STUDIES, HIS 4B 20-GENDER, , Maximum 8 0 Marks, Time, , :, , Two Hours and, , a, , Half, , Section A (Short Answer Type), Answer at least ten questions., marks., Each question carries 3, can be attended., , All questions, Overall Ceiling 30., , 1., , Feminism., , 2., , Gender discrimination., , 3., , Matriarchy., , 4., , Gerda Lerner., , 5., , Indus Seals., , 6., , Women in, , 7, , Women in Buddhism., , S., , Brahminical Patriarchy., , 9, , Cuncubinage., , agriculture during proto-historic period., , 10., , Colonialism., , 11., , GayatriChakravorthySpivak., , 12. Dowry Prohibition Act 1961., , 13. Heterosexuality., 14., , Third Gender., , 15., , SGMFK., (10 x 3, , 30 marks), , Section B (Paragraph Type), Answer at least five questions., Each question carries 6 marks., All questions can be attended., Overall Ceiling 30., , 16., , Define gender and sex., , 17., , Write an essay on black feminism., , Turn over
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C4300, I8, , Explain the (iender P'erformativity Theory, , 19, , Trace the origin of division of labour in the proto hintorie period, , 20, , Describe the rights of marringe and inheritance of the women in medieval perioed, , 21, , Critically evaluate the British Rule of Law nd women, , 22., , Write, , 23, , What is gender identity ? Discuss., , an, , essay, , on women, , literacy, , in, , India, ( 6 0 marka), , Section C (E*sny T'ype), Answer any two questions., , Each question carries 10 marks., 24, , Write an essay on Indian society through gender perspective., , 25, , Assess the role of Uma Chakravarthy as a gender historian., , 26., , Critically examine the role of women in Indian politics., , 27. Examine the silent features of Protection of Women from Domestie Violence Act 20o05, (2x, , 10= 20 marks)
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Amed, 3630, , Answer, 1, , is, , Femnism, , a, , Key, , range, , 1HIS4 B20 GENDER, , Set, , of social movements, political, , the, ideologies that aim to define and establish, 2, , STUDIES, movements, and, , political, cconomic,, , personal, and social equality of the sexes, as the economic, Gender diserimination in the patriarchal Indian society,, dependence on the male counterpart is itself a cause of gender disparity., A total of, , 30% of people live below the poverty line, and, , out, , of this 70%, , are women, 3, , the prinary power, social system in which women hold, social priVilege, positions in roles of political leadership, moral authority,, and conurol of property., , atriarchy is, , a, , Gerda Lerner was an Austrian-born American historian and woman s, , of American, history author-She served as president of the Organization, Historians from 1980 to 1981., 5. Thousands of seals have been discovered in excavations of Indus cities, Seals from the Gulf region have similarly been found in Indus cities., , 6, , The Neolithic Revolution agricultural Revolution, was the wide-scale, transition of many human eutturcs during the Neolithic period, , 7., , Buddhists played important duties as nuns and motherly figures, Buddhist, , teachings have undermined women's access to religious spaces and roles., Female nuns are subjected to stricter spiritual guidelines, which pose, , challenges in their monastic life, 8. Brahminical Patriarchy is an ideology by which upper castes have, , ritually, socially and economically marginalised the women and lower, castes. Smashing Brahminical Patriarchy means smashing the inequalities, in, , gender, religion, , and social, , fabric and is definitely, , not a, , hate-speech, , against Brahmins, 9, , Concubinage is an interpersonal and sexual relationship between a man, and, , a, , woman in which the, , fullmarriage., 10., , Colonialism, other people, , is a, or, , couple, , does not want, , Lwing tagetht, practice, , to or cannot enter into a, , policy of control by one people or power over, areas, often by establishing colonies and, generally with, or, , the aim of economic dominance., 11., , GayatriChakravortySpivak is, , Indian scholar, literary theorist, and, feminist critic. She is a University Professor at Columbia University and, a, founding member of the establishment's Institute for Comparative, Literature and Society., an
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12, , The, , Dowry, , 1961, , Prohibition Act, , was, , passed by, , was to, , stop, , Indian parlianent, , ill-tradition, , on, , of dowry in the, , of parlianent, is a serious, or giving dowry, taking, law, inieifective, jurisdiction of India. By this, 1961. The intention, , However, criminal offence., , this law in later years proved, , stop this system, , attractjon or, , seKua, , sexual, is romantic attraction,, Heterosexuality, 13., sex or geride, behavior between persons of the opposite, are, in which indivials, 14. Third gender, or third sex, is a concept, mars f o r, as ricither, themselves or by socicty,, either, by, categorized,, societies thaf recogni, social category present in, a, Woman. It is also, three or more genders., 15, , Transgenders in Kerala, , appeal, , to government, , atrocities., characteristics, 16 Gender is the range of, between, femininity and masculinity., , for action azairnst poiICe, , pertaining to, and differentiating, these, Depending on the conitext,, or, , biological sex, sex-based social structures,, there is, as female or male but, gender identity-Sex is usually categorized, attributes that comprise sex and how those, variation in the biological, characteristics may include, , attributes are expressed. Gender reters to the socially Constructed roles,, , behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men., and gender diverse people, , philosophy that centers on the idea that Black women, that liberation is a necessity, are inherently valuable,, is a stylized repetítion of acts, an imitation or, 18. Performativity of gender, conventions of gender. Butier argues that the act, miming of the dominant, in a sense, an 2ct that's been, that one does, the act that one performs is,, , 17., , Black feminism is, , a, , the scene, , going on before one arrived on, and history during which, 19. Protohistory is a period between prehistory, culture, , or, , civilization has, , a, , not yet developed writing, but other cultures, , havealready noted the existence ofthose pre-literate groups in their own, writings- The division of labour is the separation of tasks in any, , 20., , economic system or organisation so that participants may specialize., In Medieval period, women were viewed as second class citizens, and, their needs always, , were an, , afterthought. They were either held to be, in, , completely deceitful, sexual, innocent, or incompetent-Women, roles. Women, the middle Ages occupied a number ofdifferent social, nun, the positions of wite, mother peasant, artisan, and, , held
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21, , British rule in India was a major watershed in Indian society- The legacy, endures long after a peace agreement is signed. Resaitshimg the rule otlaw is foundational to protect women's rights, of contlict, , 22 India's country-wide female literacy rate is 70.3%, while the, , male fiteracy rate is estimated at 84.7%o. India's average literacy rate, stands at 77.790, according to the NSO- Literacy rate works out to be 64.8, , e, tihe male literacy rate is 75.3% and that for females is 53.7%, showing, 3gapot21.6 percentage pointsbetwcen the sexes at the national level, , The gap is more in the rural areas., 23 iender identity is the personal sense of one's own gender. Gender, dentity can correlate with a person's assigned sex at birth or can difter, , from it. Gender expression typically reflects a person's gender identity,, , but this is not always the case., 24 The constitution of India grants men and women equal rights, gender, , disparities remain. Gender discrimination mostly in favor of men in many, realms including the workplace. Discrimination affects many aspects in, , the lives ofwomen from career development and progress to mental, health disorders. With the preyalence of gender discrimination,, and socil norins and practices, girls become exposed to the possibility of, , child marriage, teenage pregnancy, child domestic work, poor education, , and health, sexual abuse, exploitation and violence., 25 Uma Chakravarti is an Indian historian and filmmaker. Beginning in the, 1980s, Chakravarti wrote extensively on Indian history highlighting, issues relating to gender, caste, and class, publishing seven books over, the course of her career- A leading scholar, of women's and feminist history writing in subcontinent, she has been, , called the founding mother of the women's movement in India., 26 Women in India participate in voting, run for public offices and political, parties at lower levels more than men. Political activism and voting are, , the strongest areas of women's polinical participation-Women have held, , the posts of president and prime minister in India, as well as chief, ministers of various states.