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— —, , , , A. FILL IN THE BLANKS:, 1. LOGO is a Computer language., , 2. The Turtle is a small triangular object, that obeys Logo commands., , 3. LT-90 command will turn the turtle, towards left by 90 degrees., , 4. Always specify the number of Steps, next to Forward or Back command., , 5. A set of primitives written one after, another is called Program., , , , , , , , 1. What is the full form of LOGO?, , The full form of LOGO is Logic, Oriented Graphic Oriented., 2. What is the shape of Turtle?
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The shape of the Turtle is triangle, , A., 3. List the parts of Turtle., The parts of the Turtle are head, and tail., , 4. Which is the home of the Turtle?, The home of the Turtle is center, of the screen., , 5. What does Format commando do?, Forward command moves Turtle, forward by the given number of steps., , 6. What should be given between the, primitives and the number of steps?, The blank space should be given, between the primitives and the number, of steps.
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C. Multiple Choice Questions:1. Logo was developed by, , a.Seymour Papert., , 2. The white space where you type, commands is known as, , a.Input box, , 3. are used to perform different, tasks., , a. Control Buttons, , D.ANSWER THE FOLLOWING:1. What do you understand by the term, , Turtle?, , Scanned with CamScanner
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Turtle is a small triangular object, that obeys only LOGO commands. It, has two parts head and tail., , 2. Define the term primitive., The LOGO commands are known as, , Primitives. They instruct the Logo, turtle what to draw on the screen., , 3. What is the function of the Enter key?, , The Turtle obeys the primitives, when we press the Enter key., , 4. What do you mean by a program?, The set of primitives is known as, , Program.