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Production function :- Input - autput Relation ship), Productionfuncion is the, cal Velation Ship, physical, between -the firm's in puts and outputs., Pro duction -function Shows the maximum Yates, of, out put that, can be ob tained from different, Com binations of Inputs in, given, time., →, The production function, can be mathematically Expressed, the form Of an Equation., ə = f(L,42, C, 0,T), where,, & = The quantity of production, し」こ, Land, Lz :, Labour, capital, C., organitation, Technology., Definitiony:, The production function ere the technical Yelation Ship,, iwhich reveals the maximum amount, Of output (olp) capable, Of being produced by Each and Every set of Inpot ép ", Samuel Son
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» The law of production deal s witt the relation ship, between additional inputs and additional autput., The law of Yeturns, States that when atteast, one factor of production is Vanied and all other-facto, are fixed, the to tal autput in the initial stages will, lincreases at an increasing rate, and after Yeaching, certain level, decling, If vasiable factor inputs are added fur thur to #e, Yate., fixed -factor input, the total output may decline., This law is univer sal nature andie proved to be, true in agriculture and Endustry aldo., The Caw States -the relation ship between Vaiiable, Jactors and output. How does output Changes in hat, there are 3 Stag es., folloing, "This can be Explain with the help of the, table., units oflabouYTe), Total product Marginal product Average product, TAP), Stoges, 5, 1, 2, 5., 5, 12, I stag, 18, 6, 20, T Stag, 20, 4, 6, 18, -2-, I Sta, 14, 2