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The Lovedale Senior Secondary School, Class 3" Subject- Social Studies, Chapter 9 Our Occupations, Very short answer type question., Q-1 what is an occupation?, ANS- The work done to earn money is called occupation., Q -2 What do you mean by the cattle rearing?, , ANS- cattle rearing means keeping cattles like cows, buffaloes, Bulls, sheep, goat for milk ploughing fields, drawing carts etc., , Q-3 which faci, , , , ‘ies are required for better crop production?, , ANS- Tools , irrigation , fertilizer, tractor and machines are required, for better crops., , Q -4 what is lumbering?, , ANS - the job of cutting the wood in the forests, is called, lumbering., , Q-5 which occupation is common among the people of the coastal, areas?, , ANS - fishing is the common occupation among the people of, coastal areas., , Q-6 name different types of occupations., , ANS - farming ,cattle rearing, fishing ,mining, Forestry are the, different types of occupations., , Short answer type questions., Q-1 why do we need an occupation?, , ANS.- we need occupation to fulfill our day-to-day needs.