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Write the names of three seeds that you eat., , Pts ee, & Let's ExXBePimenf | «-.--........cee eee ence eee ae, , Aim : To show the Presence of starch in potato, nines, Things needed : A potato slice, dropper and iodine so A ae, Method : Put a few drops of iodine solution on the potato, Observe the change in colour., e-black., Observation : The colour of iodine changes from brown to blu, , , , tis Mes, 88 a aie ee Sree eeeat Soe. Og SS 8 a eielee cee arelie: Sse NS., , , , , , , , , , , Write T for true and F for false statements,, , 1. Plants can make their own food. (T), 2. All plants depend on animals for food. (F), 3. Stomata are Present on the underside of a leaf. (7), 4. Leaves make food for a plant. (7), 5. Leaves take in oxygen through stomata to make food for the plant. (F), , , , , , Interdependence of Plants and Animals, , Plants and animals depend on each other in many ways., , acer, , Grass, , Deer, , FOOD CHAIN, >
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Let’s Revise, , Green plants make their own food, so they are called producers., The leaf helps a Plant to breathe and make food., , Plants make their Own food through Photosynthesis., , Plants use sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to make their own food., , Extra food is stored in different parts of the plant in the form of starch., Plants and animals are interdependent, ., , To maintain a balance in nature, we need to protect both plants and animals., , f4ddaag, , , , Ge ber'’s Answer ; ., , A. Tick (/) the correct answer., , 1. Which of the following are producers?, , Plants b. Animals c. Men d. Birds, 2. Green coloured substance present in leaves is, , a. stomata b. veins c. lamina aT chlorophyll, 3. The broad flat Part of a leaf is called, , Vm leaf blade b. main vein c. stomata d. starch, 4. Plants give out ., , \a“ oxygen b. carbon dioxide, , c. sunlight . d. chlorophyll, , 5. Food factory of a plant is, a. root b. fruit c. flower Va leaf, , Fill in the blanks with the correct words., , 1. Leaves are (erSn/yellow/red) due to the Presence of chlorophyll., , 2. _ wean & (v8ins/Roots/Flowers) transport food, water and minerals to ande, , from the leaf., >
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ais, 3. Atomoton (Stomata/Veins/Roots) help the plant to breathe, , 4. Extra food is stored In the form of, 5. Roots absorb water and minerals for tie, Cc. Name the following., , (simple sugar/starch/iodine)., , soil (air/so/sun)., , 1. The substance that makes leaves green, , 2. The gas absorbed by plants for Photosynthesis, casib-orv ceccidLe,, , 3. The food factory or kitchen of a plant, Leayes ou, , 4. Any three parts where food Is Stored in plants. tim , 200s ;, , 5. The process by which plants make their own food protosyrthewe, , D. Answer the following questions., 1. What is chlorophyll?, What is photosynthesis?, . Who are producers?, : What are the functions of a leaf?, , 2., , 3, , 4, , 5. Draw a well-labelled diagram of a leaf., , 6. How are plants and animals interdependent., 7, , . What are the raw materials needed to make food? How plants obtain these raw, materials?, , Let’s Do, , , , \. Match the following. One has been done for you., , ‘1. Leaves a. absorb water and minerals, , , , , , , 2. Stomata b. sunlight, water and carbon dioxide, , 3. Roots c. green colour, , 4. Chlorophyll d. food factory of a plant, , 5. Photosynthesis e. tiny holes, , Collect fallen leaves of six to eight plants. Press them between folds of newspaper, for 2-3 days. Stick leaves in your scrapbook and write the name of each plant below, , ea, , each leaf.
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?, imals decreases suddenly?, E supticrent oor , , , , , then Wie ole hgppenu, , sada ors Some anima feed on grass- eating net a, , Pet's Acquire, , e lants so, Sunlight is necessary for plants to make food. Where should we keep p, that they get enough sunlight?, , (a) In the refrigerator QO (b) In the cupboard O, (c) Under the bed (d) Out in the sun 4, , [BB Let’s Enhance Our Life Skills, , Let’s perform an experiment to show that chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesi:, , , , , , , , , , , , , , Things needed : A coleus leaf, paper, water, alcohol, iodine solution, test tube, beaker, test tube holder and Bunsen burner., , Method : Take a coleus leaf and draw its outline on a paper. Also mark the gree, and non-green areas on the leaf outline. Now bleach the leaf by first boiling |, water and then boiling in alcohol. Wash the leaf in cold water and put few dro, of iodine on it. Compare the leaf with the outline on paper and find out whic, portion of the leaf has turned blue-black., , Conclusion : Green portions of the leaf turn blue-black showing the presence |, starch. This shows that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis., , . Write a report on the experiment and discuss with your classmates., , Note : Perform this experiment under the supervision of your teacher., , >