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Formatting in, 7, MS Word 2013, Word provides many features for formatting of text like, different font, types, styles, borders and shading, etc., FORMATTING FONT STYLE, Changing Font and Font Size, To change font and font size, we follow the steps given below., 1 Click on Home, Tab., 16, Theme foet, Mandna), Calbri Light, Calibri, Bos, POLLUI, 9, Rey Ued Funts, FILE, rory 010, 8 AAret, O Wingding, 0 Sol, O Times New Roman, HOME, INSERT, DESIGN, PAGE LAYOUT, REFERENCES, MAILINGS, X Cut, 10, Calibri (Body) 16, A A Aa-, Copy, 11, Paste, Format Painter, BIU-bx x, k, A- *. A, :山, 12, A Fonts, Clipboard, Fon, Paragra, BthCentury, 14, 16, I AAS, & AATeT, 2 Click on the drop-down, arrow of the Font box and, choose a font from the list., 3 Click on the drop-down, arrow of the Font size, box and choose a font, size from the list., 18, AcmeFont, O sdobe Arab1e, 20, O Maiba Cados he, O AL. Cara P h, O Adsbi Derenng ui, O Adobe Fan HetI Std B, O Adobe Fangsong Sid R, O Adobe Gam and Pro, O Adobe Garamond Pro Bold, O Adobe Gothlc Std B, 0 Adobe Hebrew, O Adobe Helti Std R, 0 Adobe Kalti Std R, O Adobe Ming Std L, O Adobe Myungjo Std M, 0 Ata, 22, STOP AIR POLLUTION, 24, 26, EVERYONE NEEDS CLEAN AIR, 28, 36, 48, Font Color, 72, To change the font color, we follow, BIU abc X; x, A, 型,A, the steps given below:, Automatic, Font, 1, Theme Colors, 2 Click on Font Color drop-down, arrow and choose a color from, the drop-down menu., Standard Colors, 1 Select, STOP AIR I, the text., * More Colors., EVERYONE NI, Gradient, 76 Formatting in MS Word 2013, 1
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You can also change the size of the selected text by clicking on grow, font or shrink font buttons from the font group. Each click increases, decreases the font size by the next size on the list., HIGHLIGHTING THE TEXT, Highlighting the text changes the background color of the selected text., Tohighlight thetext, we follow the steps given below:, O A S • O:, POLLUTION - Microsoft Wor, FILE, HOME, Click on Text, highlight color, drop-down, BI arroww from the, Font group., PAGE LAYOUT, REFERENCES, MAILI, Calibri, Aa-, Paste, 点.田,, Clipboard ., Yellow, 1 Select, the text., No Color, 3 Choose, Stop Highlighting, a color., STOP AIR POLLUTION, EVERYONE NEEDS CLEAN AIR, Applying Bold, Italic and Underline, The options Bold, Italic and Underline are used to emphasize a text., Step-1:Select a text., Step-2: Click on the B or I or U in the font group on the home tab., Bold makes the text look darker in shade., Italics typeface makes the text look slanting to its right., Underline typeface places a line under the text and thus underlines it., ALIGNING TEXT, Aligning the text means arrangement of text within the margins. Text, can be aligned in four different ways i.e.left, right, centre or justified., 77, Formatting in MS Word 2013, 2
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Justify, Align Text Left, Align Text Right, Center, * LEFT ALIGNED : Text aligned with the left margin., A * RIGHT ALIGNED : Text aligned with the right margin., * CENTER ALIGNED:Text aligned to the center of the left and right margins., * JUSTIFIED ALIGNED : Text aligned with both left and right margins., To align the text, we follow the steps given below:, Step-1: Select the text to be aligned., Step-2: Choose the alignment of your choice., Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign, substances/energios or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often, classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution., Left-aligned, Pollution is the Introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that, cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or, energy, such as noise, heat or light., Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign, substances/energies or naturally occurring contarninants. Pollution Is often, classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution., Center-aligned, Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that, cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or, energy, such as noise, heat or light., Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign, substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often, classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution., Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that, cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or, Right-aligned, energy, such as noise, heat or light., Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies, or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as point source or, nonpoint source pollution., Justified, Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that, cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or, energy, such as noise, heat or light., 78, Formatting in MS Word 2013, 3
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Step-2: Click on the home tab., You can easily change the case of the existing text without retyping it in a, To change the case, we follow the steps given below:, Step-3: Click on change case, Microsoft Word by making use of the change case option., Step-4: A drop down list opens up, CHANGING THE CASE, Step-1: Select the text., POLLUTION A, FILE, HOME, INSERT, DESIGN, PAGE LAVOUT, REFERENC, =,而,。, Calibri (Body) 14 AA, option in the font group., Paste, BIU.als X, x', Sentence case., 21, Jowercase, Clipboard r., Font, pr, UPPERCASE, Capitalize Each Word, we are united., 1OGGLE CASE, with several options as, shown below., + Sentence case : In this case, only the first letter of a, We are united., sentence is in capital (uppercase) and the rest are in, small (lowercase)., * Lower case : In this case, all the letters are in small, we are united., (lowercase)., Uppercase: In this case, all the letters are in capital, WE ARE UNITED., (Uppercase)., * Capitalize Each word: In this case, the first letter of, We Are United., each word is in capital (uppercase) and the rest, letters are in small (lowercase)., * Toggle Case : In this case, the capital letters, WE ARE UNITED., (uppercase letters) are changed to small letters, (lowercase letters) and vice-versa., 79, Formatting in MS Word 2013, 4
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formatting from one object and apply it to another one., FORMATTING TEXT USING FORMAT PAINTER, multiple, * formatting from one object and apply it to another one., Select the text or graphic that has the, formatting that wewant to copy., 1., File, Home, Inse, X Cut, 2., On the Home tab, click Format Painter., 的 Copy, Paste, Format Painter, The pointer changes to a paintbrush icon., Clipboard, 1., Use the brush to paint over a selecticn of, text or graphics to apply the formatting., This works only once. To change the format of multiple selections, in our document, we must first double-click Format Painter., To stop formatting, press ESC., 2., Inserting Cover Page, Cover pages make great additions to written documents such as work, reports, essays, evaluations or resumes. Including a cover page with your, document can give it a more official and professional appearance,, letting people know before going through the document, what exactly, they will be reading., Toinsert a new cover page we follow the steps given below:, 1., On the Insert tab, in the Pages group, click Cover Page., Cover, Blank, Page Page, Page, Break, Pages, 2., Click a cover page layout from the gallery of options., Formatting in MS Word 2013, 80, 母