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ciiestousey, , nswet and fill i, , , , A. Tick (VY) the correct a, i storage device, 1. The main secondary 0 pense O —_ :, a Hard disk, bits makes a byte., O Os aw, Z, and 2, -_, 3. Computer stores data in the form of = =, 1,2 WY, 0,1 ,, : bytes,, , , , i ination of, 4, One kilobyte 15 4 combination ©, : 1024 (_} 1012, , OC) 1000, , B. Fillin the blanks usin, , , , , , , 1. __ Row is a primary memory where start-up instructions are stored., , 2. 1megabyte is equal to 1024 KB ., , 3. econ dary memory is also known as external memory., 4-—Prnd-nine—diskis-the storage-device-used-in earlier-times. af, , 5. Wecanusea_Pondnine to transfer data from one computer to anothe., 6. _RAM isa temporary primary memory., , C. Encircle the odd one out. Give reason for your answer., , , , , , Scanned with CamScanner
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arrange #, hi ng oO. der of the, orag) P, , , , , , D., 4. Pen drive, CD 2. DVD, 3. a ., 5, Memory card : ard disk b, . BluE answer these questions. uray, 1, Name the two types of computer memory., _ Pag RW =, 2, What is the use of secondary memory? Give any two examples., 2 a, co, 3. Write any one difference between RAM and ROM., , RAM ROM, ee, a are, , 4. re pen drives more popular than CDs/ DVDs?, , pe, . What is a byte?, , is its maximum storage capacity?, , . What is a hard disk? What, , SD?, , ao, , n, , , , MN, , What is the use of S, , Scanned with CamScanner
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cS ee Qvlary digit). A bit represents a state of ON and OFF fo-.. [fret, machine. The binary digit 1 represents ONstate and thebinary digit0 eee ly, OFF state. A bit is the smallest unit of computer memory.{A combination of, 8 bits makes one byte. One byte is used to represent one character of data) The, CPU converts the data we enter into binary digits before storing it. 6 og, , , , Scanned with CamScanner
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a, , ygnont /STORAGE DEVICES, , Computer stores data in devices called memory devices or storage devices., here are two types of memory devices—Primary memory devices and, , Secondary memory devices -) (, , ‘Computer Memory, , |, . v, , Scanned with CamScanner
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CO mpurer- a ST eee eee tee GLI WLILE LO TOUS memory. Yrrimary, , memory is of two types - RAM and ROM., , RAM (Random Access Memory), , (noes data and instructions temporarily) Tk means that, e data is stored in it as long as the computer is not shut, down. When we start the computer, the operating system, isloaded into RAM. Any program that we open is also loaded in RAM. When, we type some text on the computer, it is saved in the RAM. But when we shut, down our computer, RAM gets cleared and everything in it gets cmoert 5a,, RAM is a temporary memory or volatile memory. ) e 7, , ROM (Read Only Memory) e, , It stores the start-up instructions for the computer( It holds, these instructions even after the power supply is switched, OFF. Hence, it is a permanent memory) These instructions, cannot be overwritten, but can only be read:, , ere a, , , , , , }, My, K, Ory, Ty, , , , Scanned with CamScanner