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COMPUTER-5, CHAPTER- 8, ALGORITHM AND FLOWCHART., , A. Fill in the blanks:, , =, , . ALGORITHM, , . START/ STOP BOX, PROCESSING, INPUT / OUTPUT, DECISION, CONNECTORS, , an 8 oN, , B. State True or False., FALSE, , TRUE, , TRUE, , FALSE, , TRUE, , QRONS>, , Draw the flowchart boxes for the following:, , » =~, wmputyes [7 AZA+1 Cd, Are © oneal £7, , . Multiple Choice Questions:, . (b) Simple, , . (a) Input /Output, , . (c) Flowlines, , . (b) Flowchart, , 0, , PWN=, , Ans-1. A Flowchart is a Pictorial representation of the steps to solve a problem. It is, helpful in analyzing the logic of a problem., , Ans-2. An Algorithm is a step by step procedure to solve any problem., Ans-3. Input / Output box is used for accepting input or output giving of the program., , Ans-4. Processing box is used for writing the processing instructions and doing, , ~ calculations., Ans-5. Decision box is used for checking or applying any condition in the program., , Ans-6. A Flowchart is a pictorial representation of steps of an algorithm used for, solving a particular problem, whereas, Algorithm is a set of sequential steps to solve, any logical or mathematical problem., , BD O C 2 ial, , Tools Mobile View Share EditonPC School Tools, , = O gq