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525(S), , December 2016, BUILDING SERVICES, , & ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT, , Full Marks : 70, , Tim e Allowed: J /fo urs, , Answer le• Question No . t Is compulsory nnd lo he answered nrst., This answ<'r is tn hC' mndc In srpnrntc loose script(s) provided for the purpose., Maximum timr nllowC'd is 45 minutes, nftC'r which the loose answer scripts will be collected and, frC'sh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the question will he provided., On early submission of answer scripts of Question No. I,, a student will get thr remaining script curlier., Answer any five questions from the rest., I., , A., , Answer any fi ve questions :, i), ii), iii), iv), v), vi), vii), , B., , Define entrepreneurship., State four advantages of small business., What is joint-sector?, Define break-even analysis., What is copyright?, Who is a global entrepreneur?, What is total headroom?, , Answer any ten questions:, i), , ii), iii), iv), v), , vi), vii), viii), ix), x), , xi), , Sx2, , lOxl, , The full form of PVC is, The __ exit is a special exit in case of fire. 1 ) , r ,c-., The illumination level for warehouses is ! · lux., The __ in pipes allows smooth movement of fluids through it without obstacle ., The process of making a new product to sell in a new target market is called __ ., A __ report serves as a business plan indicating the goals of enterprise. ·, r,, .,. ( t l , '}, is essential for customer satisfaction., A __ is responsible for layout of water supply, waste and venting system. 1;1, The term __ refers to planned integration of economies around the world., The __ investor is a rich person lending money., A __ is a sh011 stub of pipe which connects two other fittings ., , 2., , What is a cooperative society? State four advantages and four limitations of the same., , 2+8, , 3., , Describe the importance and benefits of project planning., , 5+5, , 4., , What is creativity? Discuss the role of innovation in entrepreneurship., , 5+5, , 5., , What is venture capital? Describe the methods of equity financing., , 5+5, , 6., , Define the following terms : call indicator, roof exit, pressure release valve, cash flow statement ,, 2x5, liberalization., , 7., , What is E-commerce? Explain the different stages of PLC ., , 8., , Define the following tenns : lift contract speed, lift handling capacity, FAR, working capital, key, 2x5, components of marketing., , 9., , What is a business incubator? Explain its utilities and importance., , l + (), , 5+5
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', , I, , 526(5), December 20 I 6, CONTRACT, , 0 WN" C_ollf (TlQ{, , & ACCOUNTS, Full Marks: 35, , Time Allowed: 2 Hours, Answer to Question No. I is compulsory and to be answered first., This answer is to be made in separate loose script(s) provided for the purpose., nd, Maximum time allowed is 30 minutes, after which the loose answer scr~pts ~ill be coll~~te; a, fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining ~art of the q~estaon will be prov, e ·, On early submission of answer scripts of Questa~n No.1,, a student will get the remaining script earher., Answer any five questions from the rest., , A., , I., , lx5, , Fill in the blanks (any five):, '\, , f /-\ '-' ')·I ( l \ \ I ) r , I ·1 C r . ', h, d, . . ., ., The smallest umt of PWD orgamsatton 1s un er c arge o, The roll which is commonly used to make payment to the labour engaged on daily wages, is known as t \• • , ~;. I 0_<-\\., The guarantee in the shape of money gives by the contractor along with tender to confirm, their willingness to work for the department is known as Fo.:, ""\{ '?- 1· • ,, · ·,, ' , · ~•• ., ThefullformofNITis 'C·', \c( i ,. , ,. , :, ' of the estimated value. ~ ' ', · __, The amount of earnest money is about_, The fund is built up for the sole purpose of replacement or reconstruction of a property at, the end of its useful life is known as _ __, J, , [, , B., , • •, , -, , Define the followings (any five):, , ..,, , •, , l x5, , Technical sanction, Administrative approval, Annuity, Salvage value, Security deposit, Muster roll, , Draw the flow chart of organization of P.W .D . Briefly discuss about duties and responsibilities of a Sub2+ 3, assistant engineer., Define the term ' Contractor'. What are the essential qualifications of a contractor? Write advantages and, 1+2+2, disadvantages ofltem rate contract., /, , / 4-, , Define the term ' Tender' . What are different documents required to prepare a tender document? Why it is, 1+2+ 2, necessary to include the 'Tender Notice ' in the tender document?, , 5., , Differentiate between security deposit and retention money. What do you mean by unbalanced, 3+2, tender?, , 6., ~, , Why specifications of different works are import part of a tender document? Write detailed specification of, 2+ 3, reinforced cement concrete work in connection with construction of building structure., What are the purposes of valuation? Briefly explain the term (i) value (ii) cost (iii) price ., , / ~-, , 2+3, , Define the term 'capitalised value '. Distinguish clearly between (i) sinking fund and depreciation, 1+2+2, (ii) salvage value and scrap value.
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9., , 2, , Work out the valuation of a building which is located in a good city. Plinth area of building is 250 m •, Plinth area rate inclusive of all services such as water supply, sanitary and electrical installation may be, assumed Rs. 1500/- per sqft. The building is 20 years old and life of the building may be assumed as 100, ~~, , JO., , 5, , What do you mean by (i) First and final payment (ii) Running payment (iii) Final payment (iv) Secured, I x5, advance (v) Advance payment.
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I, , , . , . -., , 529(S), , Decem ber 2016, GEOTE CHNIC AL ENGIN EERIN G - II, , Time Allowe d: 2 Hours, , Full Ma rks: 35, , s., , 5, , Answe r to Qucstlo N l Is compulsory nnd to be nnswered first., n °·, This answer is to be, in sepnrat e loose script(s) provided for the purpos e., marlc, ., d, allo, time, um, Mnxim, scripts will be collected nnd, s, after which the loose answer, minute, we ts 30, ,,, frnsh 011, · d, ·, ·, ·, ·, ·, •, f, scripts, swcr, ', or answering the remnlning part of the question will be provide ·, On early submission of nnswer scripts of Question No.I,, a studen t will get the remaining script earlier., , 5, ts, , Answe r any five questions from the rest., I., , .cl, , 5, , lxlO, , Multiple choice questions (answer any ten):, i), , depth of foundation, c), Terzag hi's bearing c~pacity factors are function of - ;i,) only (/J, b) (/J and, and depth of foundation and width of footing, d) none of the above., , ii), , the width of plate, b) 4 times, For p~ate load test, the width of the test pit shall be at least- a) 2 times, of plate., the width ofplate , ,c) 5 times the width of plate, d) 10 times the width, r, , (/J, , ., , iii), , capacity of cohesive soil-., With the increase of width of strip footing, the ultimate bearing, ly., invariab, changes, i ) increases, b) decreases, c) remains constant, d), , iv), , to 65mm,. b) 65 to 100mm,, Maxim um settlement for raft foundation on clay is limited to- a) 40, c) 40 to 120mm, d) 65 to 165mm., , v), , y of the pile- a) increases,, Due to negative skin friction on a pile, the load carrying capacit, b) decreases, c) remains unaffected, d) none of the above, , vi), , working design load should, The number of piles for routine test to check their ability to take the, none of the above, d), piles, of, to 2% of piles, b) 2 to 10% of piles, c) 10 to 15%, be- a), , vii), , can be determined by usingThe ultimate load carrying capacity of a pile through the sandy soils, above, the, of, none, d), ,, (b), a) dynamic fonnulas, b) static formulas, c) both (a) &, , viii), , tion, b) proper grading and, Mechanical stabilization of weaker soils may be obtained by- a) compac, above, the, of, none, d)), mixing with suitable outside soils, c) both (a) & (b),, , ix), , least- a) tlu-icc the width of, The minimu m depth of soil exploration below a footing shall be at, , d) equal to the width of, footing, of, footing, ,b) twice the width of footing, c) four times the width, , ~, , n, , footing, x), , xi), , rs, b) thick walled sample rs,, Undist urbed soil samples are best collected by- a) thin walled sample, c) direct excavation, d) augers, when~ ratio is greater than_, A rectang ular footing L x B in size, can be treated as a strip footing,, a), , xii ), , 2, b) 4, c) 8, d) 16, , e for cohesion less soils is given by- a), · f ti·ve e'irth pressur, ., ., •, Coeffic ient o ac, 1 +tan 0 d) ~, 1-cos0, c) ~ •, , , b) ·~, ~, 1+sin, t-sln0, , 0
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I, , 527(S), Decem ber 2016, TRAN SPOR TATIO N ENOIN EERIN O-11, , Time Allowed: 3 Hours, , Full Marks : 70, , Answe r to Questi on No. I is compu lsory and to be answer ed first., This answer is to be made in separa te loose script( s) provid ed for, the purpos e., Maxim um time allowed is 45 minute s, after which the loose answer, scripts will be collect ed ao d, fresh answer scripts for answering the remain ing part of the questio, n will be provid ed., On early submission of answer scripts of Questi on No. l,, a student will get the remain ing script earlier., Answe r any five questions from the rest., I., , Choose the correct alternatives (any twenty) :, , }x20, , i), , The shape of camber best suited for cement concrete pavement is, - a) Parabolic b) Elliptical, c) Straight line d) Combination of straight and parabolic., , ii), , The maximum design gradient for vertical profile of a road is- a), Ruling gradient, b) Limitin g, gradient c) Exceptional gradient d) Minimum gradient., , iii), , The maximum width of a vehicle as recommended by IRC is- a), 1.44m b) 2.44m c) 3.44m, d) 4.44m., , iv), , Los Angeles testing machine is used to conduct- a) Impact test b), Abrasi on test c) Attritio n test, Crushing strength test., , J), , v), , A road sign indicating ' No Parking ' is a type of- a) Warnin, g sign b) Regula tory sign, c) Informatory sign d) Mandatory sign., , vi), , The maximum limit of water absorption for aggregate suitable for, road constru ction is- a) 0.4%, b) 0.5% c) 0.6% d) 0.7% ., , vii), , Cambe r depends on- a) Amount of rainfall and type of pavement surface, b) Thickn ess of pavem ent, c) Rainfall intensity d) Traffic load., , viii), , The background colour of the informatory sign board is- a) Red b) Yellow, c) Green d) White., , ix), , As per IRC, the minimum carriageway width for village road should, be- a) 2.75m b) 3.75m, c) 4.75m d) 5.75m., , x), , The ruling design speed on a national highway in plain terrain as, per IRC recomm endatio n is _, a) 100 kmph b) 120 kmph c) 60 kmph d) 80 kmph., , xi), , The portion of/ oadway used by vehicular traffic is called- a) Format, ion width b) Right of way, c) Should ers;ij Carriageway., /, , xii), , Penetration t: st on bitumen is used for determining its- a) Grade, b) Viscosity ~, d) Moisture., , xiii), , The method of design for flexible pavem ent as recomm ended by, IRC is- a) Group index method, b) CBR method c) Needle beam method d) Rankin 's method ., , xiv), , Tie bars provid ed in cemen t concrete pavem ent are at- a) Expans, ion joint b) Longitudinal joint, c) Transverse joint d) Contra ctionjo int., , Ductili ty
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7., , Write short notes on the following (any five) - (a) Hairpin bend (b) Retaining walls (c) Breast wall, 2, Sx, (d) Catch water drain (e) Slab culvert (0 Borrow pits (g) Prime coat (h) Taxiway (i) Emulsion., , 8., , a), b), c), , Explain the dowel bar and tic bar., Mention the various soil stabilization methods., Calculate the extra widening for a 2 lane pavement of 7 m on a horizontal curve of radius 2SO ":1•, 18, if the longest wheel base of vehicle expected on the road is 7m and design speed, 4+2+4, 70 kmph., , 9., , a), b), c), , State the various traffic studies which are generally carried out., State the different causes of road accidents., Draw any four traffic signs., , 3+3+ 4, , a), b), , Explain the various maintenance operation of roads., State the various airport runway patterns with sketch., Define stopping sight distance., , 4+ 4+2, , 10., , c), , 3
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■IEri!&IB--lbict!:::i:ii:tf:!lPiiw:~ii-¥kiliDII B&:~~~, , m llil:llatW -Ual- - ~ - -- -- - - - - -- -, , 528(S), , December 2016, DESIG N OF, , RCC, , STRUC TURE, , Full Marks : 70, , Time Allowed~ 3 Hours, Answer to Question No.1 is compulsory and to be answered first., the purpose., This answer is to be made in separate loose script(s) provided for, scripts will be coll~cted and, Maximum time allowed is 45 minutes, after which the loose answer, n will be provided., fresh answer scripts for answering the remaining part of the questio, On early submission of answer scripts of Question No.1,, a student will get the remaining script earlier., Answer any five questions from the rest., 1S456-2000 is allowed after first 45 minutes of the examination, (Use only Limit State Method), , 1., , 20xl, , Choose the correct answer (any twenty):, , a) wood b) alumin um~st eel, The co-efficient of thermal expansion of concrete is nearly equal to d) copper., 2, , 2, 2, l mm d) 200N/m m, For Fe-415 steel, permissible stress is - a) 250N/mrn b) l 50N/mm 91230N, , 2, •, , develop full stress is called as, The minimum length of bar which must be embedded in concrete to, length., - a) anchorage length b) flexural length _0"deve lopment length d) bond, ssion b) diagonal bendin g, Shear reinforcement is provided to resist - a) diagonal compre, c) diagonal tension ,af none of the above., ed bar ~ proper curing, Bond can be increased by - a) using rich mix of concrete b) using deform, d) all the above., ultimate stress ,M"none of the, Characteristic strength of steel is - a) failure stress b) yieldstress c), above., imposed load - ,a-YI .5 b) 1.2, The val ue qf partial safety factor for combination of dead load and, c) 1.15 d) 1.25., fibre is - a) 0.002 b) 0.03, In limit state of flexure maximum strain in concrete at the outer most, c) 0.0035 d) 0.0025 ., b) Under reinforced section, Limiting depth of neutral ax is corresponds to - a) balance section, above., the, of, c) over reinforced section d) none, lfy b) 0.85f/ bd c) 0.80bd lfy, Minimum amount of tension reinforcement in a bean1 is - a) 0.85bd, b) 0.80f/ bd., , xi), , 25 b) 24 c) 22 d) 7., Basic value of span to effective depth ratio of a cantilever beam - a), , xii), , g b) length of overhan g plus, Effective span of a cantilever beam is taken as - a) length of overhan, ., above, the, of, none, effective depth c) length of overhan g plus bearing d), , ~, , fuJ, , The anchorage value for a U bend is - a) 8<1> b) 16<1> c) 12<1> d) 10<1>., reinforced beam is - a) 0.05bD, The maxim um amount of compre ssion reinforcement in a doubly, b) 0.06bD c) 0.03bD d) 0.04bD .
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xv), , xvi), , ., . ned as - a) singly reinforced b) doubly reinforced, When the loads are reversing, the beam ts destg, c) over-reinforced d) cantilever beam., ., I, ., to hr e - a) tensile steel b) compressi on stee, The moment of resistance of a T beam ~s large due, ' g, ., c) compressive area of flange d) none of the above., , ., ., . II, The centre to centre distance of mam bars m a slab sha no t exceed - a) 200mm b) 500 mm c) 300, mmd)400 mm., ., b b) 5 · t t slab c) continuous slab, Torsion reinforcement are not provided in - a) restramed, sla, re ,s an, d) unrestrained slab., , 4, , The minimum diameter of a longitudinal bar in a column is - a) I 0mm b) 8mm c) 16mm d) 12 mm., , fl, , Spacing of longitudinal bars measured along periphery shall not exceed - a) 400mm b) 2 00mm, c) 100mm d) 300mm., , xxi), , As per IS 456-2000 minimum thickness at the edge of isolated footing should be - a) l 0cm, b) 15cm c) 20cm d) 5cm., , xxii), , Area of tensile reinforcement in isolated footing is calculated in similar way as in - a) Short, column b) long column c) stirrups d) slabs., , ~ Dog-legged stair are designed similar to the above., , 2., , a) one way slab b) two way slab c) T- beams d) none of, , xxiv), , Minimum grade of concrete for post- tensioned works is- a) M40 b) M30 c) M40 d) M50., , a), , Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of R.C.C over other constructio n materials., Discuss the suitability of steel as reinforcement., List the different types of loads with relevant IS codes., , J,y, c), , 5+2+3, , 3., , a), b), , Why factor of safety of is consider less in steel as compared to concrete., Determine the moment of resistance of a beam of dimension, width 250mmand overall dimension, 300mm. The area of steel consists of 3 bars of 12mm diameter placed at a distance 40 mm fonn, the bottom of beam. Use M20 and Fe415 steel., 3+7, , 4., , a), b), , What is the principal of prestressed concrete? Explain with the help of a sketch., Differentiate between pre tensioning and post tensioning., , 5+5, , Design a simply supported rectangula r RC beam, having span of 5.5m, subjected to uniformly distributed, load of 35KN/m. Compute the required reinforcement assuming the breadth of beam as 230mm, and, _effective cover for compression and tension reinforcement as 50mm.Ass ume that the beam, is, simply supported by load bearing masonry wall of thickness 230mm.Us e M20 concrete and Fe415, grade, steel., , Io, , 6., , A T-~eam floo~ system has 125 mm thick slab supported on beams. The width of beam is 300mm, and, effective depth ts 550mm.The ?earn is reinforce~ with 8 bars of 20 mm diameter. The beams are spaced, at, 3m centre to centre. The effective span of beam ts 3.6m. Fine the moment of resistance of the section., Use, M20 concrete and Fe- 415 steel., I0, Ad_ rectanguDlar bea~ of size 230mm width and 450mm effective depth is reinforced with four bars of, 20mm, tameter. etermme the verti ·al h, .nfi, ., (ii) 250KN., c s ear re, orcement to resist, the factored shear force (i) 70KN, 5+5, Design a rectangular slab panel of size, .. ., ., ., 39 b 5, simply supported on oth t, d, . m y .2m, which ts contmuous over two adJacent edges and, floor finish of IKN/m2·c: ~s~o eM~eOs. Assume that the slab supports an imposed load of 3KN/m2, and a, 1, er, concrete and Fe- 415 grade steel., to, 2