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SUPER SENSES, INTRODUCTION, We have five senses., We can see, touch, taste, smell and hear., Animals also use their senses to learn about the world., Animal senses do not always work like our senses.
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SIGHT, We use our sense of sight. We see with our eyes., Our eyes help us to know about the things in our surroundings., We use our eyes to see, but a starfish uses its arms! Starfish do not have eyes. But, small spots at the ends of their arms can help them to tell the difference between light and dark.
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TOUCH, When we touch things, we can feel them., All parts of our body can feel things., The skin gives us the sense of touch, Cats use the hair on their face! The long hairs on a cat’s face are called whiskers. , Cats use their whiskers to, let them know if they can fit through small openings.
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TASTE, We taste things with our tongue., Different parts if the tongue are good at picking up different taste., A butterfly tastes with its feet! When butterflies land on flowers, they use taste buds on their feet to know if the flowers are good to eat.
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SMELL, We use our nose to smell and to breathe., Smell comes from many different things around us., Smell is invisible., snakes use their tongues! Snakes don’t have noses, so they use their tongues to bring smells into their mouths., Then, they use special holes in the top of their mouths to tell them what they are smelling.
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HEARING, We hear sounds with our ears., Sounds tell us about the world around us., Crickets use their legs! , Crickets don’t have ears on their heads, like people do. Instead, they have ears near, their knees.
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Super Senses, Some animals have senses that are much, much stronger than our senses., Super Sight, Birds have some of the best eyes of all animals. They look for food in the ground while they are flying high in the sky. An eagle can spot its prey from a distance of eight meters., Super Smell, A bloodhound’s sense of smell is a million times stronger than a person’s sense of smell. That is why bloodhounds are used to track people who are lost. , A bloodhound can use its super nose to track a scent that is nearly four days old.
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Super hearing, Bats can not see in the dark. , They use their ears at night to tell where they are flying., They make a noise and then listen to its echo to know where they are.