Chapter 10 Notes
Notes 1.Why were the European traders in India fighting amongst themselves? Who emerged as the winner? Ans- The European traders in India competed amongst themselves to gain control over the thriving trade with India. The british emerged as the winner. 2.What led to the rising anger and unhappiness amongst Indian rulers and nobles against the british? Ans- Many Indian rulers and nobles lost their titles and territories, this led to the rising unhappiness and anger against the british. 3. What did the English East India Company buy from India? Ans- The English East India company mainly bought spices, cotton, Indigo and silk from India. 4.What was the immediate cause of the revolt? Ans- A rumour spread among the Indian soldiers in the English East India Company's army that the cartridges provided to them were greased with pig and cow fats. Using these cartridges went against their religious beliefs and their opposition to the rumour became the immediate cause of the revolt.