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:234 5., In connection with this, one thing in very important. It is called civic sense. Every citizen is, expected to have civic sense. It consists of concern or thought for the common good., Taking care of public property, keeping public places clean, protecting monuments, etc.,, all come under civic sense., B. Write, 1. Ev, It is a common experience that public urinals are seldom clean. People spit all over., Some people carve out their names in public places like parks, bus depots, railway, stations, etc. Others throw all garbage all over the place. No one else can use that place, again. There are hundreds and thousands of occassions where people show little civic, sense. This creates problems for others. It shows bad breeding., 2. R, 3. E, 4. S, 5. A, As we are social beings, it is necessary to develop qualities we need to live together. We, should avoid anything that creates inconvenience or problems to others. In other words,, we must learn to carry out our duties. The first thing to do is to develop a good civic sense., 6.F, 8. F, 10., EXERCISES, Chapte 13:Rights and Duties., C. List, A. Answer these questions., 1. :, 2.:, 1. Why do we have rights and duties?, We Rave sighits and duties to leod a, rights and dibes help us to enjoy and atiain ther objectives., happy life These, 2. What are rights ạnd why do we need them?, the privileges 9, individ aals. We need them, tou lead a, E. Cu, 3. Why do we have duties?, A Camefortab le and Peaceful life is possible tuly if, we Carry out our duties., 52