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MODEL yf ger mre fereageit /ret wie we THT ase, , | ae - 1:30 078 a} aa LU, , | samt - sat ara syauirat wm. : 1 TR TT: 150, —: GAT :, 4) serafetia ern raed 1 3 25 3e Gs oft faerT wea 26 3 75 wea Gia aTaCHS oTTeM., , 2) sarafika serena sare ae wate waif aa saree / Paar Crea STATA ATK FATA., 3) Sarat aaah aes AACA aI ae) ore a, Teac we aA a UTeTetS FE Aa., , 4) wartar afte tafpach ade ore are SoM Ae., , e sia st aiehon aia - HF. OOOO «rua © ® © ®@, , 1, , , , 1. Which is the fastest vehicle of transport 7, , 4) train 2) aeroplane 3) car 4) ship, 2. See the picture and find its name from following ?, 1) queen 2) keeng, 3) king 4) quing, 3. Which is not forming the small meaningful word from the word ‘relate’ ?, 1) rat 2) late 3) eat 4) ealt, 4. Which punctuation mark will be use for following sentence ?, Are you sure, 1) | 2? 3). 4);, 5. Which is the correct spelling of the day ?, 1) Saturday 2) Saterday 3) Sateerday 4) Saturdoy, 6. | can not live without water. | have fins. Water is my home. Who am | ?, 1) frog 2) snake 3) sea-plant 4) fish, 7... When you say ‘Good morning’ to your friend ?, 1) When you meeta friend at lunch 2) When you get up from the bed at morning., , 3) when you go to bed. 4) When you meet a friend into night., , 8. Which of the following is permission ?, , 1) Don't close the door. 2) What's the matter ?, 3) Will you take your book, please? 4) Can | come with you ?, , 9. Use the correct adjective from the following sentence. Rohan is a ...... .. boy., 1) bitter 2) clever 3) like 4) on, , 10. Which direction shows the following arrow ?, 3) left 4) up, , , , , , , , , , , , 11. Which letter hidden in the given figure 2. 4\Z22ZZ|, 100 2)T TT, 3)Z 4) All are corect = LIE, 12. Find the incorrect rhyming word pair from following alternatives., 1) bed - red 2) bite - write 3) break - take 4) blow - slow, , 13. See the following pictures and find the correct picture which describe the word ‘hot' ?, , 1) o aR 3) Es 4) Wu, , like potato wadas., , , , , , , 14. Choose the proper contracted form to fill in the blanks.
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15., 16., , 17., , 18., , 19., , 21., , 22., , Que, , 23., 24., , 3) dont’ 4) don't, , 1) dont 2) do'not, , How many capital letters will the sentence contain ? they had come to new york, 1)3 2)4 3) 5 4)1, Which is the cardinal number for ‘thirty sixth’ 7, , 1) 63 2) 36 3) 26 4) 31, , Read the following advertise and find the answer of given question., , V.T.SHINDE'S ACADEMY, , S.K. COMMERCE CLASSES, , enced Teachers, 11" Commerce B.K & Accountancy. | * Experience ice, 42" Commerce B.K. & Accountancy. | * Personal Atteny io, F.Y.B.Com, T.Y.B.Com x Carrier Guideline, % Costing %* Math x Test Series, , Venue Indiranagar Lane, ¢ Sangamner. Contact : 9922500309, , , , , , , , , , Que : Which Standard's classes are not taken ?, , , , 1) 11" Commerce 2) F.Y.B.Com. 3) 12" Science 4) T.Y.B.Com, Kx See the picture and find the most suitable describing words., 1) a flock of geese 2) a flock of sheep, 3) a flight of birds 4) a swarm of bees, Choose the incorrect sentence from the given sentences., 1) Rohan comes yesterday. 2) Rohan came yesterday., 3) Rohan will come tomorrow. 4) Rohan is comming today in the morning., , , , , , , , Look at the picture and choose the correct sentence., et5 1) driving a motorcycle 2) driving a car, 3) driving an aeroplane 4) driving a train, , Find the correct punctuation mark will be used in the following sentence., We should cut our nails regularly, 1) Full Stop 2) Question mark 3) Exclamatory mark 4) Apostrophe, , [el, [tJolalt, 2, , i[gle, , , , Complete the grid of ‘animals’ by, , , , , , choosing proper set of alphabates., , , , , , , , , , 1)nitba 2) 9, tb, r, , , , 3)b,rnd,c 4)9,p,),r, , elalr], , , , , , , , SeccoE, , , , [4a], 23 to 25 : Read the following prose and find the answer of the following questions., Animal babi i, i ies also have milk teeth that fall off. Then they get a new set of teeth. Some animals are, , lucky. They get several sets of new teeth one aft, er the other. But remember that ie, nent tooth, we won't get another one. So, it's best to take good care of ore we lose ae, , Find the opposite word of ‘old’ i, in, 1) several 2) new ee, , Which is the best thought for our, teet!, 1) Never brush our teeth. _, , 3) Take good care of our teeth., Above passage is related with ------ body organ., 1) hands 2) hairs 3) stomach, , , , 3) permanent 4) good, , 2) Fit artificial teeth in our mouth., 4) Our teeth is lucky, so we can't wash it, , 4) teeth