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• Write a program to display the person is eligible for vote or not., 10 CLS, 20 INPUT "ENTER YOUR AGE: ";A, 30 IF A>=18, 40 PRINT "YES. YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE. ", 50 ELSE, 60 PRINT "OOPS, YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE.", 70 END, , •, , Write a program to accept the marks of a student in Math, Science and, Computers, and find the total and average marks. Display the result., 10 INPUT “Enter marks in Math”; M, 20 INPUT “Enter marks in Science”; S, 30 INPUT “Enter marks in Computers”; C, 40 T = M + S + C, 50 AVG = T / 3, 60 PRINT “Total marks: “; T, 70 PRINT “Average marks: “; AVG, 80 END, , • Write a program to accept the length and breadth of a rectangular field, and calculate and display its area and perimeter., 10 INPUT “Enter the length”; L, 20 INPUT “Enter the breadth”; B, 30 Area= L * B, 40 Perimeter = 2*(L + B), 50 PRINT “Area is “; Area, 60 PRINT “Perimeter is”; Perimeter, 70 END