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HEMCHAND YADAV VISHWAVIDYALAYA, DURG (C.G.), , Unit-I, , Unit-I, , Unit-II, , Unit-IV, , Dylan Thomas, , Omar Khayyam :, , SYLLABUS, , M.A. ENGLISH II SEMESTER - SESSION 2021-2022, , PAPER-V, Modernist Poetry, , Pied Beauty, Felix Randel, The Wind Hover, -ND, God’s Grandeur, , The Second Coming, Sailing to Byzantium, — -D, Easter 1916, ‘The Waste Land D, , The Shield of Achilles, September 1, 1937, Spain -D, Fernhill, Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night,, , Death Shall Have No Domain -ND, Rubaiyat (No. 7, 49, 51, 67, 69, 70, 73) -ND, (Translated by Edward Fitzgerald), , The Prophet D, , DIRECTIVES FOR STUDENTS, FACULTY AND EXAMINERS, ‘The Paper is divided into four units and each unit is compulsory., , Question I will consist of 8 passages for explanation with reference to the context, from the texts prescribed for detailed study, out of which 4 are to be attempted. Each, annotation will carry 4 marks. (4x4 = 16), , Candidates will answer four other questions from Unit-I to Unit-IV, carrying 16, , 1., x, , marks each., , From each Unit questions shall be asked in either of the following pattern:, , a), , b), , From each Unit two descriptive questions; one from each author shall be, , Instead of one descriptive question two short answer type questions from an, author (carrying 8 marks each) may also be asked,, , The candidate shall be required to attempt either one essay type question or, two short notes., , Essay type questions should not exceed 400 words and will carry 16 marks and short, , notes, , should be within the limit of 200 words and will carry 8 marks., , Alll questions carry equal marks. (5x16 = 80)