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Date - 29/01/2022, Subject- Geography, Page no.113, , Exercise-6, , Answer the following questions in brief:, , 1. State the north south and east west, extent of North America., , Ans. North America is bounded by Pacific, ocean in the West, the Atlantic ocean in, the east, Arctic Ocean in the north and the, , Caribbean sea in the south., , 2. How is North America linked to South, America?, , Ans. The continent of North America is, linked with South America by the Isthmus, , of Panama., , 3. Name three gulfs along the coastline of, North America., , Ans. The three gulfs along the coastline, of North America are Gulf of Mexico, Gulf, of California and Gulf of Alaska., , 4. What type of rocks are found in, Canadian Shield?, , Ans. Igneous and high grade, metamorphic rocks are found in Canadian, shield., , 5. Name the famous lakes in Canadian, shield., , Ans. The famous lakes in Canadian Shield, are Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake, , Huron, lake Erie and lake Ontario.