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Do you enjoy stories about magi, P, rey this qutz about fantasy ee, lands, fairies and dwarfs, or aliens and spaceships?, 1 iting the correct letters in cen books. Match the clues with the books, pelow. xes. Choose your answers from the help box given :, This book, the second in th, e ., Rowling, describes the eee ee by J, gaan rds second t, ee a Be ey his friends investigate cone cee i, events happening in the school. g = enjoy:, ioe in a =. See written by Rick Riordan, the yk Ee pre ted by Gail, es é 7 4 :, a a demigod (half god and half human), inan = 5 Tne BEM An., attempt to unravel the plot faces several monsters. Biases 7 peo m a i, : 3 oine int-Exupéry :, , Inthis book by CS Lewis, the four Pevensie siblings +. Truckers by Terry, , , , Some other books you may, , , , , , , , , , , es a door to a magical world in the back of a + Pratchett, ardrobe. - B, af: e ‘ » A. Journey to the Centre |, ephenie Meyer follows the adventures ‘of the Earth by Jules : \|, an in the small town of Forks, where she = Verne : |, , amily called the Cullens. B, , ry is about the adventures of Bilbo Baggins, as he, t spiders, unfriendly elves, and wolves, and finds a magical, elps him to escape from a creature named Gollum. 4, , first in the popular series of fantasy novels written by, , and is set on the continent of Westeros. ‘b, , Morgenstern describes a peculiar circus which, unset to sunrise and is used as the stage fora, , v Celia Bowen and Marco Alisdair., , ses the pen name Cassandra Clare, rele this, , stagonist, Clary, discovers her abilities as a sha, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , dowhunter. ©
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The Vatican, _ Museum in the Vatican, ity, Italy, not only has a series, intings of the great Renaissance, it also entire rooms painted, , , , , , , has a section dedicated to, porary art, which consists of, orks by ¢, , , , The Egyptian, Museum located, in Cairo houses the, largest collection of, antiquities from the, period of the Egyptian, pharaohs covering 5,000, years of Egyptian history. The exhibit, includes the treasures from the tornb of, Tutankhamen, jewellery, ornaments,, and contents from various other, tombs.
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ON, , e ° Choose the correct answers to these, 1, Silk was popular amon, , , , in ancient tii, , , , , , , , ’ Rich people wore sik clothe a, A pecenito China? ® While poor people wore hemp or ramie, Who introduced, , State whether the following statements are true or false; if they are. false, correct the, , underlined words by writing your answers in the blanks. @) Romans b) Indians. 6) Mongol, , : i ngols, 1. Alexandria was the capital of the old Egyptian kingdom under the pharaohs. pipe ie cien of Which dynasty was paper money introduced in’ China?, y a, G. A, glo es yun b}fang, ©) Chou, , , , , 2. The people who introduced democracy into ancient Greece were the Athenians,, , , , , 43, Artists in ancient Egypt decorated the walls of tombs by recreating a drawing on a, , , , , se small tablet. By which method would they transfer the drawing onto the wall?, 3. In ancient Egypt, the scribes used to write DF ireexeneerecotcr. ~ a) paint-by-number system _) air brush system, down business documents in hieroglyphi 2 Petes Ue comnmon peerie revo,, , , , , , , , , , a, , . The city of Sparta was called the city of seven, hills. _fals€, , atid system, , 4, A number of important inventions were made in early and medieval China. Which of, the following was not invented in ancient China?, , , , , e, , , , , , , , 5, Tiberius was the first Roman emperor. a) magnetic compass ) gunpowder _¢) spinning wheel, —— 5, The Egyptians had a mother goddess who was also the goddess of nature and magic., 6. Shang Ti was the first Chinese Emperor. ‘Who was she? j, fralyt a) Bastet Sis |, , , , 7, Attila, the famous barbarian invader, was part, of the Hun clan. Lacee, 8. Cleopatra, one of the last active, Egyptian pharaohs, was actually Greek., Stk, , :) Iris, , , , , , , , , ) pachisi ©) monopoly, , , , ere the first people to live in ancient Greece?, , Ins: ¢) Incas., snaeans es )
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Be it biology, cosmology, chemistry, or geology,, physics. Without., , physicists, many of our modern ways of living w, questions to find out whether you have your bas, , , , , , 1. Name the substance that does not allow heal, Tadula los, , 2. Which state of matter has neither a, definite shape nor a definite volume?, Gentoue _____, , 3. Which metal is liquid at room temperature?, Senha, , 4. The speed of sound travels fastest in which, state of matter? 4 olijl, , 5. What is the term for the bending of light, when it passes through different densities?, , ib sachion, , y to pass through., , , , Ifa tres falls ina forest, and there sno one around, to hear i, would you say, “that the crash of the ee,, made any sound?”, , 0, 4,, , 6. Isit true that the mass and weight of, an object remain the same under all, conditions? Thue, , 7. If an object is balanced on a length of wood,, what type of energy does it possess?, , 8. Who discovered gravity and came up with, three laws of motion?, , ees ,, , 9. Wha is the repetitive motion that moves back and forth through one central, position called? -namonic, 10. Which alloy made of aluminium, nickel, and cobalt is used to make permanent, , magnets?_afnico, , 11. What layer of the atmosphere protects us from the direct rays of the sun?, , , , , , , , cUiver, sof the kidney, , ) papilla, , , , a) rhinoceros __}) rhesus monkey, | 6, Which mineral deficiency can, | ~ a) calcium, 7, How many pairs 0, i) 12, The human bra, atari, , , , ies that are not., , 1. Doctors study the brai, (EEG)., , 2. The brain is a part of the central nervous system. ©, , 3. The cerebrum is the ‘thinking’ part of the brain. =, , 4, The thalamus in the cerebrum is also known as the “grey matter’. =, , 53, , , , , , Be you know, ny you dream carta crear?, TS ther 9 dream tha cones, tack to you ga and asin?, , , , , , Here are some facts about the brain. Tick (/) the
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American author, Chloe Anthony Wofford, wrote under the pen name, , Toni Morrison. Her Work, , examined black experiences, particularly black females, living, in the black American community,, She won the Pulitzer Prize for her, , work Beloved, which was baseq, on a true story of a runaway ;, j slave. In 1993, of won the Nobel Prize for au ag, ace: Hugo is considered by, many as one of the most, , important literary figures, , in France. The simplicity of his writing, style was enjoyed by many, as it showed, the joys and sorrows of common people., Though a great poet, he was better, known for his novels such as NotreDame de Paris and Les Misérables.