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a ......a.a.a.aaarrrrYr—Ut—~t, part of his dhan, , 5. Answer the following questions in one oT two trees, constru, sentences. hospitals for ani, (a) The main sources of information about the also prevented, Mauryan rule are Kautilya’s Arthashastra, slaughtered, an, Megasthenes’s Indika, Vishakhadatta s _ other animals, Mudrarakshasa, pillar and rock edicts of (d) The Mauryan ad, Ashoka, and punch-marked coins as well as wherein the ki, art and architecture of the period. i of ministers, ca, (b) Chandragupta’s intelligence, determination advised the ki, and exceptional military qualities helped him The governmer, become the king. departments, v, (c) Kalinga was an independent kingdom that Ee officials, had flourishing trade. Ashoka wanted to into provinces, conquer it because it would help in the royal princes], unification of his empire. Also, it would have collected taxes,, given him access to the coast and facilitated records. An esp, trade with south-east Asian countries. informed abou, (d) Edicts are royal orders or proclamations. Eaipire., Ashoka issued many edicts on administration, (e)\ The lion capital, religion and his dhamma during his rule. ee sated, (e) The Ashokan edicts are written in the Brahmi, the Wheel of Di, Kharoshti, Greek and Aramaic scripts. Chakra 7 a, 6. Answer the following questions in four or five are four on th, ee i a lion capital has |, a) Though Ashoka won the Kalinga War, he paid emblem of Indi:, a very heavy price for it. There was a lot of found on the In, , death and destruction. Ashoka was deeply, , affected by this. After the war, he renounced =, violence altogether and became a Buddhist. © KeVTo supsec, (b))Ashoka was deeply influenced by Buddhism., dy His dhamma wasa code of conduct inspired A. Map work, , by the teachings of Buddha, ang his edicts Refer to the map on, , mention his efforts to spread students to analyse, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , i ae eel vikenes fox telation to the exten, , was held at Pa : Council them to see how fa, , scholars to far-off wee © One another and the, B. Picture study, , (i) Ashoka probat, , symbolized ro:, , a lion is the king, (ii) This shows us