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ear, non-linear, circular, uniform linear, non, . : uniform linear, uniform circular,, m-uniform circular, random), , ) Ifa ball is released from a terrace of a building, it comes down in ......... motion, On, the other hand, it reaches the ground in ......... motion, if it is thrown with force away, , | from the terrace in a direction parallel to the terrace., , ' Q) The motion of an aeroplane on the runway before take-off is ......... i, , 1g) The kite looking for its prey flies with ......... motion in the sky. ; 4, , (4) Children sitting in a rotating giant wheel have ......... motion, while those sittingina, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , - (1) Ifa ball is released from a terrace of a building, it comes down in non-uniform linear, , - motion. On the other hand, it reaches the ground in non-linear motion, ifitis thrown ;, = with force away from the terrace in a direction parallel to ae terrace. : a, | The motion of an aeroplane on the runway before eke ol is linear. aa, ) Children sitting in a rotating giant wheel have uniform circuet, , sitting in a merry-go-round have a non-uniform circular motion. y