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Class -VI political science, , Rural Livelihoods, , Answer1:, , (i) Making pots, , Making basket, , (iii) Making bricks, , (iv) Making utensils, , (v) Making bullock-carts., , Answer2: Barber, blacksmith, weavers, washermen, labourers, shopkeepers and traders are, some of the families who live in Kalpattu village. Traders, shopkeepers, weavers and, labourers are some of the people amongst them who depends on farming, Ordinary labour, is the poorest among them because their earning depands on the availability of labour in, farming or any other work which they can do., , Answer3: If | were a member of fishing family, | would say we must take loan from the bank to, improve the condition of our occupation because:, , (i) The best quality net for fishing cost very high., , (ii) Catamaran engine are very useful for fishing because with the help of this we can go for, a way to catch fishes., , (iii) A poor fisherman cannot purchase these items because they are very costly. So we, must take loan from the bank to improve our social, status so increased income., , Answer4: Yes, in India it is a major problem, Here also the main difference between them is, that the living standard. Also, some people leads happy and joyful life while the other have, to work hard for their daily bread., , Answer5: Their debt must be pardoned. Rate of interest might be decreased. Government can, also gave them sufficient time to return the debt. In case of natural hazard the loss should, immediately calculated and also some relaxation on debt be given,, , , , , , , , , , , , Answer6:, , SEKAR RAMALINGAM, , Land cultivated 2 acres 20 acres, , Labour Required _ | Labour not required. Labour required in large, Help of few small farmers are numbers for land work., required only during, harvesting,, , Loans Required | For meeting his own personal _| For setting up the rice, expenses mill., , , , Selling of Harvest | Sells most of the harvest to the | Sells his produce to the, lender and to the trader to | traders or in the market., repay the loan., , Rest of the harvest is kept aside, for personal use,, , Any harvest left is used for, , , , auction., Other work done | Works in Ramalingam’s rice Owns a rice mill and a, by them mill. shop selling seeds and, , , , , , , , , , Sells milk to earn extra income. _| pesticides.