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Lesson -5 (Elements of Life), , Written, 1. (1), (4), 2. (1), 3. 4., (i), (ii), (ii), 2., (i), (ii), (iii), 3., 4., 5., 4. 1., , t, Asia (2) Mariana Trench(3) Africa, , suezcanal - (5) Indian (6) Pacific, , Australia (2) Atmosphere (3) 7 - 7 here (5) 5, , Lithosphere lospher, , The oma of earth consisting (i) The narrow zone of contact between, , solid crust or rocks is called air, water and landis called biosphere, , lithosphere ;, , It comprises of earth crust. (ii) Itcomprises of several species of, ‘organisms., , Itis made up of three rocks (iii) The living things are divided into, , i.e. sedimentary. igneous, metamorphic. plant kingdom and animal kingdom, , Hydrosphere Atmosphere, , The domain of earth which contains (i) The domain of air that surrounds., , wateris called hydrosphere earth is called atmosphere, It maintains water cycle. t (ii) It maintains optimum temperature., , Itis important because without (iii) Itis important because it contains, water life is not possible. oxygen and protect us from ultra-violet rays., , (i) _ Its soilis useful for cultivation sebope., (ii) Rocks like granite, marble and lime stone are good building materials., (iii) Wecan develop industries, roads, railways on the lithosphere., (iv) Wecan get minerals deposits such as copper, gold, silver., The part of the earth in which life exists is called the biosphere. Itis a narrow zone where the, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere es come into contact with one another. All living, things are found in this zone., (i) _ Itmaintains the water cycle. (ii) Rain water cools the temperature of earth., (iii) We also get food in the form of fish and salt., (iv) Water ways are a cheap means of transport and trade., , Africa Continent, (i) Africais also called the Dark continent. (ii) The equator passes through the middle of Africa., , (iii) _|tis separated fromAsia by the suez canal. (iv) Itis second largest continent.
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(v), (i), , (ii), (ii), (iv), , Itis the home of Nile, the longost river of tho world., , The atmosphere protects us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun,, Itcontains oxygen essential for respiration., , The carbon-di-oxide presentin the airis used by green plants to make food., Itmaintains optimum temperature on tho earth., , Layers of atmosphere, , (i), (ii), (ii), , (iv), , Troposphere- 8 to 18 km. ‘All weather changes takes place In this layor., , Stratosphere - Extends upto 50 km. above the surfaco of earth., , Nocloudsare there. Jet planes fly In thls zone. Ozono layor|s present., , Thermosphere- Extends upto 450-500 km. above the earth surface, , Itis good for long distance communication. Radio waves aro roflocted to the earth by, ionosphere., , Exosphere- 500 to 1000 km above the earth., , Artificial satellites are in this layer. Beyond exosphere there is space., , The pacific ocean - It is the largest and deepest ocean of the world. The explorer, Magellan named the ocean "Pacific" means calm., , The Atlantic ocean - It is the second largest ocean. It is the 's' shaped wator body. Tho, world's best Tea parts like London, NewYork, Montreal are along the Atlantic coast., Indian Ocean - The Indian ocean Is only ocean named after a country. The India and, Sri Lanka are connected by the Palk-stralt (Ram-setu) in the Indian Ocean., , Arctic Ocean- It is the smallest ocean. It lies within the arctic circle. Most of the Arctic, Ocean remain frozen withthick ice.