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ftom rea gH |, , > ise <, , [ ‘Visio uses eonannpon, , BLOOD, RELATION, , , , TYPE-I, PUZZLE FORM, Directions (1-5) : A, B, C, D, E and F are 6 member of a family. There are two copule in the family., , D is A's grandmother and is B's mother. C is wife, of B and mother of F. F is granddaughter of E., , fda (1-5): A,B,C,D,E 7 F Um oan F 6 weeI EI, faa <i faced arm 21D, A #t at @ wa BT AIC,, Ba el wi Fata @, F, Eat tht 2, 1. How is C related to A?, CmrAG eH day 2?, (a) Grandfather /ismrRe, (b) Daughter-in-law /Stet-g4-it, (c) Mother /*1ta, (d) Father/fra (e) Son/wA, 2, How many male members in the family?, afar 4 aa feat yeu wee 2?, (a) 3 (b) 5 (2, (ec) Data inedquate/aiaé strait, 3. Who is married couple?, faced am aa 2?, (a) AC, AE, (c) BE, BC, (e) AB, DE, 4. Who is /are young generation?, ait & ated gar diet Hz?, Q CE DAE (AE, 5. How is D related to F?, Dw Fa a aie 2?, (a) sister/Ae7, (b) Sister-in-law/faet-s4-at, (c) Uncle/aa, (d) aunt/ sé, (e) Grand Mother/@Rt, , (d) 4, , (b) CD, EF, (d) DE, BC, , (d)D,F (e) B,E, , Directions (6-10) : A, B, C, D, E and F are 6 member of a family. There are one couple, his parents, and his children in the family. A is C's son and Fis, A's daughter. D is F's daughter who is E's mother., Fréet (6-10): A,B,C,D,E aa F Um URag H Bee ZI, aha 4 um frafed ga, ae Afra a Sam Fea ZI A,, CHPtIL AM PUD Fare dE Ae, , Who is parent of couple?, , facnfea aH & Aran faa ae 2?, , (a)DE (b)CB .(jAC (d)BD (¢) BE, 7. Howis A related to F?, , Aw® FS wT May 2?, , (a) Husband /4i (b) Wife Wet, , (c) Mother/=t, (d) Brother-in-law /#t-3-at, (e) Sister/ae7, , Who is grand father or maternal grandfather, in the family?, , aitar 4 aaa safer aera ara &?, , (a) C, , (b) Data inadequate/ai%e strat, , (c) E (d) A (e)D, 9. Howis E related to F?, , E,F @ fea war daft 2?, , (a) Grandmother/aet, (c) Daughter/¥it, (e) Mother/#t, , 10. How is D related to A?, DawAa am day 2?, (a) Sister/ae7, (b) Grand daughter/tat, (c) Mother/#t, (d) Sister-in-law /faret-sa-at, (e) Daughter/¥at, , (b) Grandson/tat, (a) Son/w, , , , Reasoning by Aman Sir
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(a) mother/7it (b) Grandmother/=ét, (c) Father/faa (d) Uncle/art, (e) Aunt/arit, 21. How many male members in family?, akan tae feat yeu weed 2?, (a) 2 (b) 6 (<)3 (a5 (e) 4, 22. who is couple in the family?, afar 4 facfea ga alt 2?, (a) AD, DG (b) FE, EC, (c) AB, EG (d) AC, BD, (ce) AD, DB, 23. Who is last generation?, aifers diet att 2?, (a) A,B (b) G,C, (c) C,E (d) D,c, (e) A,F, , Directions (24-28): A,B,C,D,E are 5 members of, a family. There are two father, two son, two wife,, three male and two female in the family. Teacher, is wife of lawyer. This lawyer is son of a doctor. E is, female but she is not wife of any professionals. C is, youngest in the family and unmarried person in the, family but D is oldest in the family. B is not a female,, , fader ( 24-28 ):A,B,C,D,E Gh Ran & Wis wae & hae, 44 faa, a ua, a oer, da ges a ct aiecnt é) cet, , 26. How is C related to doctor?, , Cam Steet a an War 8?, , (a) Father/faa (b) Grand father /@r, (c) Grand mother/@Mt (d) Grand son/‘at, (ce) Grand daughter/tit, , Who is from first generation?., , afar at yas tid F ara 2?, , (a) D,E (b)GE (JG Was, What is lawyer's relation'to B?, sala ES en wat 27, (a) Cousin/#o, , (c) Daughter/¥at, , (e) Son/A, , Directions (29-30) : P,Q,R,S,T,U are 6 member of, a family, in-;which,two are married couple. T is a, teacher who is married to ‘doctor’ who is mother of, Rand U. Qis alawyer' who is married to P. P has, one son and one grandson. In a married couple,, , one is housewife. There is one student in family, and oné‘is’Engineer. Engineer is not a female., , Ftdat_( 29-30): P, Q, R, S, T, Uw ther & 6 wee, fare a faafea grr el T wm ‘sean’ toot ‘sia’ a, faced ot RA UA A a Q UH ‘aaa’ 3 ai PA faanfed, a Pw a ww ta @ fated Ga A UH afoot 21, Ghar a up oa @ cen ww Sita sie Aleem vet 31, 29. How is engineer related to lawyer?, , 27., , (e) B,C, 28., , (b) Sister/ae7, (a) Brother / =, , , , aorta at ut 21 ae aaa UH Siaet HI YA 21 Eten t, Wa ae feet aah at uot et 21 ohan AC mae A Sa, al? ak ofan a afearted wafer 31 4g oa FD wat, afer sa a 21 B afeen ae 21, , 24. Whois teacher and how is teacher related to Doctor?, ae BS aT eI sl Sat A aM Way 7, (a) A, daughter-in-law/ A aay, , (b) C, uncle/C,art, , (c) B, father/B,fa, , (d) E,Aunt/E, art, , (e) E, Mother/B,41, , Find the Females in the family?, , ofan A Afeene era 2?, , (a)_D,A (b) E,A, , () A,B (d) DE, , (e) C.D, , 25., , SiR FI call A eT Hay 2?, , (a) Uncle /art (b) Grand son/tiat, (c) Nephew/as1 (a) Grand daughter/"rt, (e) (b) or/aI (a), , 30. Who is house wife and how is house wife related to U?, , Tet ar a afect at U a en dae 2?, (a) S, Uncle/S,=rat, , (b) P,Grandmother/P,aRt, , (c) Q,Father/Q,fra, , (@) U, Aunt/U,aRt, , (e) R, Grand mother/R,=4t, , Directions (31-35) : These questions are based on, the information given below., , frdet (31-35): a wer Ae a ae oer we arene ZI, , A Family of eight persons has three married, couples, Amelie is the maternal grandmother of, , , , Reasoning by Aman Sir
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Charles and is the mother-in-law of Floyd. Helen is, the daughter of Bob, who is the brother of George., Diana is the only child of George and is the mother, of Charles. Emma is the wife of Bob., , ais waft S we uftan a dis faatea <ofe fi wre,, aed ai art 2 ik veins at ore 21 den, aia at te,, St sist ar ng 21 Ste, sisf et wares dam @ ait aed st, ai 21 wan, ata at oett 21, 31. How is George related to Helen?, Sis, tem O fra yar wafers 37, (a) uncle/arq (b) Father /fat, (c) Brother / #1 (d) Cousin/#o1, (e) Grand father/@sI, How is Helen related to Diana?, 2eH, Set @ fea var Tafa 2?, (a) Sister/ae7 (b) Daughter /Tat, (c) Aunt/arit (d) Mother/at, (e) Cousin/#s4, , 32., , 33. Diana's mother is, sre st Fi-—--- 2?, (a) Emma/t (b) Amelie /tfteit, (co) Helen/24 (a) Floyd/IES, , (e) Charles /ared, , Who is the father of Floyd?, yeas cr frat Hr 2?, (a) George /aisf, , (c) Charles /ared, (d) Data insufficient/at%2, aya, (ce) None of these/S4 F FE Ft, , How is Charle's father related to George's, daughter?, , aed & fan sisi yeh @ fra wear daftrr 8?, (a) Uncle /==t (b) Husband/sfa, (c) Father-intaw/#e (d) Father/fa, (e) Brother /a, Directions (36-38) : Read the following information to answer these questions., Frade (36-38): Fat Gat ar sea HT Wet wT Tea S?, (There is a family of six persons A,B,C,D,E, and F. Their professions are lawyer, doctor,, Teacher, Salesman, Engineer and Accountant., , 34., , (b) Bob /ata, , 35., , we akan 4 o: ARR A,B,C,D,E am Fl sh, aan ase 2], (ii) There are two married couples in the family., uftar 4 ct facies ie 21, D, the salesman, is married to’the Lady, Teacher., , D, WH Seate @, fraet Bet aise sears S, Bt, , The Doctor is married to the Lawyer., six at ort aalet Fes 21, , {v) F, the Accountant, is the son of B and, brother of E., , F, a geRes 2B a Ea ag @1, C, the lawyer, is the daughter-in-law of A., Cal aac 2, A at Gray 21, {vii) E is the unmarried engineer., Beataated sitet 21, (viii) A is the grandmother of F., AF at ad 21, How is E related to F?, EF 4 fea var daft 2?, {a) Brother/1é (b) Sister/ae4, ({c) Cousin/#s4 (d) Uncle/ara, {e) Cannot be determined /fritta vet fea oT aera, Which of the following is one of the couples?, , fr a a area we fared sitet 2?, , (iii), , (iv), , (vi), , 365, , 37., , (a) FD (b) DB (QEA, (d) None of these/g74 & #Ig wet, (e) AD, 38. How is D related to F?, Darra em aay 2?, (a) Grandfather/@aI_ —(b) Father/fta, , {c) uncle /arat (d) Brother / =, ({e) Maternal uncle /AM, , Directions (39-41) : Six directors of a private limited company named A, B, C, D, E and F are playing golf. A and E are brothers. F is the sister of E. C, is the only son of A's uncle. B and D are the daughters of the brother of C's father., , fréet (39-41): we wede fa. Har How: SRT, AB,C,D,E va F tice Ga @ 21 AWM E as @ FE aT, wer 21 CAS SRT HI Sacha A 21 Baa DCs fas, , aR et yr 21, , , , Reasoning by Aman Sir
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39. How is C related to F?, , CP a fra van wafers 2?, , (a) Cousin/#st (b) Brother /*1, , (c) Son/w (d) Uncle /arat, , (e) Daughter/Tit, , How many male executives are there in the group?, , aye 4 fat yeu ater 8?, , 40., , (a) Two/@ (b) Three /att, (c) Four/ak (d) One/t#, (ce) Five/Wa, 41. How many of these executives are real, brothers?, wt arhaital & fa at oa 2?, (a) Two/@t (b) Three /att, , (c) Cannot be said/#el wel SI Bea, , (d) None of these/si @ @ig wet, , (e) Four/ar, Directions (42-44) : Read the following information to answer these questions., Frist (42-44): Frei gan ar carga area oe Weal Sar, oR, , In a family, there are 10 members, Gand N, are a married couple while K is the husbandvof X., In this family there are four housewives and four, working husbands while other members*are nonworking. The husband in the last generation is a, doctor and the husband of S is a teacher. Lis a, married woman but her husband is not P. Q and K, are associated with the profession of engineer and, accountant but K is not anvaccountant. P is the, brother of T and both have a sister O. N is the, daughter of L and X is the mother of P., , wh Ua 4, 10 WAI GAN w& faaied viet &, wate K,X ar Ufa 31 3a GRa 4, ae etre den aR HPL, ufe 31 sate or Hee Sores S safer thet ar ofa Slat, daa Sa via seam 21 L wm feoniea sizer 2 fg, seal ft Pag 8LQ 4 K site aan aad foam &, dafia % fax K Gesee adi 2) PT ar oe @ ai ot oe, Tet OSD, Lat Pt? a0 XP a aT 21, 42. The family consists of how many generations?, , una a fret vifeat attri €?, , (a) 6 (b) 1 (c)4, , (a) 2 (e) 3, , 43. Who is the husband of S?, Sa ofa sr 2?, (a)T —(b) K (JL (a) B (ce) N, . Which of the following statement ismot true?, fr A a att wer ae wet 2?, (a) Husband of X is an engineer./X#1 Ufa UH, witrr 21, (b) Second generation members are S,P,T and, O./at Hat F UD S,P,T A OF, (c) The number of female members in the family, is 5/3RaR 4 afect Geet Ht Gem 5, (d) The accountant and his wife belong to the, 4th generation. /smizée am saat yet sett, tet Az, (e) S is the wife of the P/S,P #1 Yi #1, , TYPE-II, CODED RELATIONSHIP, , , , , , Directions (1-3) : Read the following information, carefully to answer the question given below it:, , Frade (1-3): Fa done Siren ar earrgcien sere az Sa, He orenha Are feu me we a Sa a:, , ‘PxQ' means 'P is son of Q', , ‘P+Q' means 'P is daughter of Q', , ‘P=Q' means 'P is wife of Q', , 'P-Q' means 'P is father of Q', , 'PxQ! a ae 'P,Q HT Ta zl’, , 'P+Q' a a4 'P,Q wt at 1’, , 'P=Q' a set 'P,Q wt ae 21’, , 'P-Q' I af 'P,Q aT frat 1’, , 1. In the expression 'K+H-P? Q', what will come, in place of (?) if Q is mother of K?, , aie Q,K #t ora @, afteraa 'K+H-P? Q 4 yeraraee, fae (2) $ BIR ST a aiew?, , (a) Only + (b) Only —, , (c) Only + (d) Onlyx, , (e) Both + and x, , 2. Which of the following relation is true with regard to expression 'B+PxZ-K+O'?, , efter 'B+PxZ-K+0! afteafet a dat A fret a, OS ait Wat er 2?, , (a) Pis brother of O/P,O # 3 a, , (b) B is daughter-in-law of K/B,K #1 €et-st-afi ¢, , , , Math by Vinay Sir