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VISION CLASSES GORAKHPUR, , UR al Wee BT Gos |, , KE S\, ©, , "V/s CLASSES GORAKHPUR, , TYPE-I, PUZZLE FORM, Directions (1-5) : A, B, C, D, E and F are 6 mem:, ber of a family. There are two copule in the family., , D is A's grandmother and is B's mother. C is wife, of B and mother of F. F is granddaughter of E., , fade (1-5): A,B,C,D,E Wa F th ota F 6 wae, fara ct fated ara 21D, Aa at é Bat AZ C,, Ba el wi Fata é@, F, Eat tht 2, 1. How is C related to A?, Car Ad wT day 2?, (a) Grandfather ism, (b) Daughter-in-law /Stet-g4-cit, (c) Mother /*1at, (d) Father/fTa (e) Son/w, 2. How many male members in the family?, afar a aa feat yeu wae 2?, (a) 3 (b) 5 (2, (ec) Data inedquate/aiae arraia, 3. Who is married couple?, facta am aa 2?, (a) AC, AE, (c) BE, BC, (e) AB, DE, 4. Who is /are young generation?, ain & cated gar et ad?, (a) CE (b) AE (6)A,F, 5. How is D related to F?, Dw Fa a aay 2?, (a) sister/ae4, (b) Sister-in-law/farer-s4-ait, (c) Uncle/sina, (d) aunt/stét, (e) Grand Mother/a@Rt, , (a) 4, , (b) CD, EF, (d) DE, BC, , (d) DF, , BLOOD, RELATION, , Directions (6-10) : A, B, C, D, E and F are 6 member of a family. There are one couple, his parents., and his children in the family. Ais C's son and E is, A's daughter. D is F's daughter who is‘E's mother., Fréet (6-10): A,B,C,D,E aa F wm Rag gees ZI, afar 4 um foener am, sab wra-frea asad Ted ZI A,, CHIE AM Gta D, Pathe wt Ea ae, , Who is parent of couple?, , facnfea aH & ure faa ait 2?, , (a) DE (b)CB (AC (d)BD_ (e) BE, 7. HowisA related to F?, , Aw FS aM Way 2?, , (a) Husband/afa (b) Wife /aeit, , (c) Mother/#t, (d) Brother-in-law/at-s-at, (e) Sister /ae7, , Who is grand father or maternal grandfather, in the family?, , afar 4 aaa cafes ser a ara 8?, (a) C, (b) Data inadequate/ai%e strat, (c) E (d)A (e) D, 9. How is E related to F?, E,F a fea war daft 2?, (a) Grandmother/aet, (c) Daughter/¥at, (e) Mother/#t, 10. How is D related to A?, DawlAa wn day 2?, (a) Sister/ae7, (b) Grand daughter/ta, (c) Mother/#T, (d) Sister-in-law /faret-s-at, (e) Daughter/¥t, , (b) Grandson/ta, (a) Son/w, , , , Reasoning by Aman Sir ©
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(a) mother/7it (b) Grandmother/=ét, (c) Father/faa (d) Uncle/art, (e) Aunt/arit, 21. How many male members in family?, uhan t aa feat yeu weed 2?, (a) 2 (b) 6 (c)3 (d) 5 (e) 4, 22. who is couple in the family?, afar 4 faarfed ga ala 8?, (a) AD, DG (b) FE, EC, (c) AB, EG (d) AC, BD, (ce) AD, DB, 23. Who is last generation?, aifers diet att 2?, (a) A,B (b) GC, (c) C,E (d) D,C, (e) A,F, , Directions (24-28): A,B,C,D,E are 5 members of, a family. There are two father, two son, two wife,, three male and two female in the family. Teacher, is wife of lawyer. This lawyer is son of a doctor. E is, female but she is not wife of any professionals. C is, youngest in the family and unmarried person in the, family but D is oldest in the family. B is not a female., , fade (24-28 ):A,B,C,D,E Gh than & Ws weet @ ga, 44 faa, a oa, a afer, da ges a ct aiecnd Bi Semriteet, , 26. How is C related to doctor?, , Cm Siar Owe Wet 2?, , (a) Father/fia (b) Grand father /<Ta, (c) Grand mother/@t (d) Grand son/‘rm, (e) Grand daughter/‘ict, , Who is from first generation?, , after at ya td 4 aad?, , (a) DE CE @C WMAB, What is lawyer's relation to E?, sala HES en wait 2?, (a) Cousin/#o7, , (c) Daughter/Tt, , (e) Son/¥, , Directions (29-30) : P,Q,R,S,T,U are 6 member of, a family, in which two are married couple. T is a, teacher who is married to ‘doctor’ who is mother of, Rand U.Q is @‘lawyer' who is married to P. P has, one son and‘one grandson. In a married couple,, , one is housewife. There is one student in family, and one is Engineer. Engineer is not a female., , Frdet (29-30): P, Q, R, S, T, Uw tar & 6 wee, fara al feonfea arr el Town ‘seamen’ toot ‘sia’ a, faced $ ot RA Ua A a Q UH ‘aaa’ 3 a PA faanfed, 21 Pw UW Wo ww ta @ fated Ga A um gest 21, Ghar a up om @ cen ww Sita sie Aleem et 31, , 29. How is engineer related to lawyer?, , 27., , (e) B,C, 28., , (b) Sister/ae7, (a) Brother / =, , , , aoe at ut 21 ae aaa Ua Siaet HT YA VE Ufeen t, Wg ae feat aah at uot et 21 ohan FOmag Ha a, an @ ai cen a afseniza cafe 214g oRaR a D wad, afve sa a 21 B fee aa 21, , 24, Whois teacher and how is teacher related to Doctor?, wear i 3 den sea Bl Saat Fae Tale 8?, (a) A, daughter-in-law/ A J7a4y, , (b) C, uncle/C,arat, , (c) B, father/B,fra, , (d) E,Aunt/E,art, , (e) E, Mother/E, "I, , Find the Females in the family?, , afar Aafeent e-ar 2?, , (a) DA (b) E,A, , (c) AB (d) D,E, , (e) C.D, , 25., , SR HI ala A eT ay 2?, , (a) Uncle /arat (b) Grand son/tat, (c) Nephew/as1 (@) Grand daughter/"rt, (e) (b) or/7I (d), , . Who is house wife and how is house wife related to U?, , afoot aie ta afeot ar U a en Maer 2?, , (a) S, Uncle/S,arat, , (b) P,Grandmother/P, zt, , (c) Q,Father/Q,fra, , (d) U, Aunt/U,art, , (e) R, Grand mother/R,=t, Directions (31-35) : These questions are based on, the information given below., frée (31-35): 4 wer Ae Ae ert we areata 21, , A Family of eight persons has three married, couples, Amelie is the maternal grandmother of, , , , Reasoning by Aman Sir ©
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Charles and is the mother-in-law of Floyd. Helen is, the daughter of Bob, who is the brother of George., Diana is the only child of George and is the mother, of Charles. Emma is the wife of Bob., , ais wafers S we afta a dis faanrtea cafe fi wire,, aed ai art 2 ik vcius at ore 21 den, af at pte,, Si sist er me 21 Ste, waist et waa War @ eik aed aT, ai 2) wan, ata at oett 21, 31. How is George related to Helen?, Sis, tea G firs yar wafers 27, (a) uncle /arq (b) Father /fa, (c) Brother / #1 (d) Cousin/#or71, (e) Grand father/@sI, How is Helen related to Diana?, 8eH, SrqT @ fea veR dala 2?, (a) Sister/ae4 (b) Daughter /wt, (c) Aunt/arit (d) Mother/at, (e) Cousin/#3, , 32., , 33. Diana's mother is, sre st Fi-—--- 2?, (a) Emma/t1 (b) Amelie /tfteit, (c) Helen/#4 (d) Floyd/weres, , (ec) Charles /aee, , Who is the father of Floyd?, yeies or frat aera &?, (a) George /aitsf, , (c) Charles /ared, (d) Data insufficient/at%e aah, (ec) None of these/e7t 4 He Ft, , How is Charle's father related to George's, daughter?, , aed & fan visi et wha fim wer daft 2?, (a) Uncle /arat (b) Husband/afa, (c) Father-in-law/#a (d) Father/fa, (e) Brother /*, Directions (36-38)); Read the following information to answer these questions., frdst ( 36-38): ft Gat wr seat He eat BI Su 8?, (i) ‘There is a family of six persons A,B,C,D,E, and F. Their professions are lawyer, doctor,, Teacher, Salesman, Engineer and Accountant., , 34., , (b) Bob /ai@, , 35., , we ufhan 4 o: RR A,B,C,D,E am Fl sh, aan sae 2], (ii) There are two married couples in the family., after 4 a faenfed sie 21, D, the salesman, is married tothe Lady, Teacher., , D, WH Saat @, frat Met aise seats So, , et, , The Doctor is married to the Lawyer., , sit at uel sate PSS SI, , (v) F, the Accountant, is the son of B and, brother of E., , F, a seeds 2, Baa Ea ag 1, C, the lawyer, is the daughter-in-law of A., Cu asia ea at gray 21, (vii) E is the unmarried engineer., E afaanfed ssitrer 21, (viii) A is the grandmother of F., AF at ad 21, How is E related to F?, E,P@ fea var daft 2?, {a) Brother/*1é (b) Sister/4e7, (c) Cousin/#s4 (d) Uncle /ara, {e) Cannot be determined /fritta wet fra oT wart, Which of the following is one of the couples?, , fr a a area we farted sitet 3?, , (iii), , (iv), , (vi), , 36., , 37., , (a) FD (b) DB (J EA, {d) None of these/34 3 aE at, (e) AD, 38. How is D related to F?, Darra =m day 2?, (a) Grandfather/@aI_ —_(b) Father/fta, , {c) uncle /arat (d) Brother / "1, (e) Maternal uncle /AMi, , Directions (39-41) : Six directors of a private limited company named A, B, C, D, E and F are playing golf. A and E are brothers. F is the sister of E. C, is the only son of A's uncle. B and D are the daughters of the brother of C's father., , fréet (39-41): we wede fa. Har Bow: Sat, AB,C,D,E va F tice Ga @ 21 AWM E as @ FE a, ae 21 CAS UT HI saci YA 21 Ba DC a fas, , a et Yfrai z1, , , , Reasoning by Aman Sir
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39. How is C related to F?, CF a fra ver wafer 2?, (a) Cousin/#s7 (b) Brother/ #1, (c) Son/w (d) Uncle /arat, , (ec) Daughter/Tit, How many male executives are there in the group?, , aye 4 fat yeu aeerdt 8?, , 40., , (a) Two/@t (b) Three/att, (c) Four/ar (d) One/t#, (e) Five/Wa, 41. How many of these executives are real, brothers?, wi arhaital F fa at ag 2?, (a) Two/at (b) Three /att, , (c) Cannot be said/#el Wet SI Fea, , (da) None of these/#4 4 aig 7et, , (e) Four/ar, Directions (42-44) : Read the following information to answer these questions., Frist (42-44): Fret geen ar carry area oe weal aT, oR, , In a family, there are 10 members, Gand N, are a married couple while K is the husband. of X., In this family there are four housewives»and four, working husbands while other members. aré nonworking. The husband in the last generation is a, doctor and the husband of S is a teacher. Lis a, married woman but her husband is not P. Q and K, are associated with the profession of engineer and, accountant but K is not anvaccountant. P is the, brother of T and both have a sister O. N is the, daughter of L and X is the mother of P., , we Ua 4, 10 eA GFN wh fronted siete, wah K,X a Ufa 31 aka wy, ae aetrrat en aR PPR, Ufa 21 wate or geen aka & sites viet ar ofa ciaex, 2am Sar fe serce 21 L ee faaiea alee 2 fg, seal Ut Pas Qe K Siee aan aasee foam a, dafia & fr K tenses ai 21 PT ar oe @ ai at oe, Tet O28) NL Ft Pht 2 vem XP at aT 21, 42. The family consists of how many generations?, , ukag ¥ fret vifeat after €?, , (a) 6 (b) 1 (c)4, , (d) 2 (e) 3, , 43. Who is the husband of S?, Sa ofa Hr 2?, (a) T (b) K (QL (d) P (e) N, . Which of the following statement is not true?, fr Fa at wer wer wet 2?, (a) Husband of X is an engineer. /X#1 fa tH, wifrr @1, (b) Second generation members are S,P,T and, O./at tt F RD S,P,T A OF, (c) The number of female members in the family, is 5/SRaR A aie aaett st dem 5, (d) The accountant,and his wife belong to the, 4th generation. /smmizée am saat uett sett, Het Be, (ec) S isthe wife of the P/S,P #t Ue #1, , TYPE-II, CODED RELATIONSHIP, , , , , , Directions (1-3) : Read the following information, carefully to answer the question given below it:, , Frat (1-3): A Sng sre ar earrgcen creer ae Sa, TE sree Art fer me we a Sa a:, , ‘PxQ' means 'P is son of Q', , ‘P+Q' means 'P is daughter of Q', , ‘P=Q' means 'P is wife of Q', , 'P-Q' means 'P is father of Q', , 'PxQ! a ae 'P,Q HI Ta zr’, , 'P+Q' a a4'P,Q wt at I’, , 'P=Q' a ae 'P,Q at vet 21, , 'P-Q' aI af 'P,Q wT fat 1’, , 1. In the expression 'K+H-P? Q', what will come, in place of (?) if Q is mother of K?, , aie Q,K #t ora @, afteraa 'K+H-P? Q 4 yeraraer, fare (2?) & ta RST si afer?, , (a) Only + (b) Only , (c) Only + (d) Onlyx, , (e) Both + and x, , 2. Which of the following relation is true with regard to expression 'B+PxZ-K+O'?, , after 'B+PxZ-K+0! afteatet & dat A fret a, Oo ait Wat aor 2?, , (a) Pis brother of O/P,O # 3 a, , (b) B is daughter-in-law of K/B,K #1 €et-st-aif ¢, , , , Reasoning hy Aman Sir @